Ethics Lawyers File Lawsuit Re: Some Of Trump's Unconstitutional Acts

You almost gotta laugh when Bill Clinton's VP, Al Gore, was caught illegally soliciting donations to the DNC from a phone bank in the freaking White House democrats dismissed it. Keep dreaming of an ethics suit lefties even though republicans have the majority in both houses of congress. It might keep your focus away from anarchy for a while.
OP must have missed that part where The President signed over control of his businesses to his sons.

Donald Trump to turn over business empire to his children

NPR? Isn't the President looking to cut their funding?
And you must have missed the part that Trump Sr. will STILL retain ownership of illiquid assets such as his resorts and hotels! Can we say emoluments clause? Turning over management responsibilities to family members or even non-family members is not is not total divestment of interests, fool! You'd lose at any shell game, ya rube!

"As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." — H. L. Mencken, 1920 — We have finally arrived almost a 100 years later!

I've written about Trumps potential to violate Article 1, § 9, Cls 8 before his elevation to the presidency. I wrote that he appeared to be in violation of the emoluments' clause, and today, a group of ethics lawyers files suit against the shiny new POTUS for that very reason.

The claim asserts, "These violations of the Foreign Emoluments Clause pose a grave threat to the United States and its citizens. As the Framers were aware, private financial interests can subtly sway even the most virtuous leaders, and entanglements between American officials and foreign powers could pose a creeping, insidious threat to the Republic."

Read it here;
Ethics Experts File Lawsuit Saying Trump's Overseas Interests Violate Constitution

Obama sold his autobiography overseas. I wonder how many Jihadists have autographed copies?
Another know nothing partisan with his only point being the one atop his head!
I've written about Trumps potential to violate Article 1, § 9, Cls 8 before his elevation to the presidency. I wrote that he appeared to be in violation of the emoluments' clause, and today, a group of ethics lawyers files suit against the shiny new POTUS for that very reason.

The claim asserts, "These violations of the Foreign Emoluments Clause pose a grave threat to the United States and its citizens. As the Framers were aware, private financial interests can subtly sway even the most virtuous leaders, and entanglements between American officials and foreign powers could pose a creeping, insidious threat to the Republic."

Read it here;
Ethics Experts File Lawsuit Saying Trump's Overseas Interests Violate Constitution

"Ethics Experts?"


If NPR had a hint of integrity. it would have read "Group of Soros paid hacks file frivolous lawsuit intended to slander the President."

After all, this type of nuisance lawsuit will never see the inside of a court room.
Give it up, no one is taking this nonsense seriously. Everyone who voted for Trump understood he had wide ranging investments and they decided he was so rich he couldn't be bought. It's sad that the same people who had no problem with Clinton selling influence at the State Department are now pretending to be worried about Trump's hotel.

No one is intended to take it seriously. The suit is a farce. The Soros hacks who filed it know it will be tossed out. They filed it ONLY to create the headlines that the Soros Drone OP put up.
No one cares that it has no legal basis, this is simply more demagoguery by the vicious, hate filled left.
Ah I see! This is the latest Lib talking point.

Unfortunately for you, the Emoluments clause concerns "gifts" from foreign leaders, not personal owned business.
I've written about Trumps potential to violate Article 1, § 9, Cls 8 before his elevation to the presidency. I wrote that he appeared to be in violation of the emoluments' clause, and today, a group of ethics lawyers files suit against the shiny new POTUS for that very reason.

The claim asserts, "These violations of the Foreign Emoluments Clause pose a grave threat to the United States and its citizens. As the Framers were aware, private financial interests can subtly sway even the most virtuous leaders, and entanglements between American officials and foreign powers could pose a creeping, insidious threat to the Republic."

Read it here;
Ethics Experts File Lawsuit Saying Trump's Overseas Interests Violate Constitution

Obama sold his autobiography overseas. I wonder how many Jihadists have autographed copies?
Another know nothing partisan with his only point being the one atop his head!
Obama got more per book than Trump makes per hotel room rental

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