Ethnic cleansing

I never falsely accused the Jordanian King of addressing his Pal'istanian terrorist problem with determination and resolve, that's a matter of historical record. It would have been more dangerous for the Jordanians to allow an insidious element to create further bloodshed.

So what do you propose the Israelis should do with the Palestinians it has under its control?

Give them the only ultimatum they can and see what happens. They either agree to live in peace and to negotiate mutual borders or Isreal will take their case to the ICC/ICJ and ask them to make a ruling based on the international laws of 1923 and 1949

It would appear that Israel has had quite a few years to take their case to the ICC/ICJ....

Why have they not done that before?
You ducked the question.

I did not. Never duck ANY question. Now YOU -- are gonna continue deny that the "ethnic cleansing" done by the King of Jordan never happened. And your never gonna realize that had the Palis dealt with Hussein of Jordan -- They could be proud owners today of the ENTIRE West Bank...

Interesting how the Palestinians & their supporters bitch about every Israeli retaliation & yet never a single complaint on Jordan's Black September massacre aoround 20,000 to establish peace from Palestinians. Golly gee, why is that?

Why would the genocidal actions of King Hussein be complained about in the I/P section. Wouldn't it be considered spamming?

The thread is about alledged ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Considering that a large number were living in the West Bank under Jordanian citizenship when the PLO agitated against that kingdom -- the resultant PURGE of Palis from Jordan is fair discussion -- is it not?

Afterall -- we're largely talking about THE SAME West Bank residents now under Israeli occupation..
Of course the question remains: What were Palestinians doing in Jordan?

RIGHT ON! And why won't Jordan allow the Palestinians a right of return? Is it actually possible Jordan is happy now that Israel has them to deal with?
So what do you propose the Israelis should do with the Palestinians it has under its control?

Give them the only ultimatum they can and see what happens. They either agree to live in peace and to negotiate mutual borders or Isreal will take their case to the ICC/ICJ and ask them to make a ruling based on the international laws of 1923 and 1949

It would appear that Israel has had quite a few years to take their case to the ICC/ICJ....

Why have they not done that before?
I did not. Never duck ANY question. Now YOU -- are gonna continue deny that the "ethnic cleansing" done by the King of Jordan never happened. And your never gonna realize that had the Palis dealt with Hussein of Jordan -- They could be proud owners today of the ENTIRE West Bank...

Interesting how the Palestinians & their supporters bitch about every Israeli retaliation & yet never a single complaint on Jordan's Black September massacre aoround 20,000 to establish peace from Palestinians. Golly gee, why is that?

Why would the genocidal actions of King Hussein be complained about in the I/P section. Wouldn't it be considered spamming?

The thread is about alledged ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Considering that a large number were living in the West Bank under Jordanian citizenship when the PLO agitated against that kingdom -- the resultant PURGE of Palis from Jordan is fair discussion -- is it not?

Afterall -- we're largely talking about THE SAME West Bank residents now under Israeli occupation..
Of course the question remains: What were Palestinians doing in Jordan?

RIGHT ON! And why won't Jordan allow the Palestinians a right of return? Is it actually possible Jordan is happy now that Israel has them to deal with?

Because they wouldn't be returning.
Indeependent, et al,

Well ... There is more than one perspective to these issues; and like any complex equation with multiple variables, there is more that a single solution for the quest. Not all solutions are compatible with other potential solutions. Clearly, most International Humanitarian Law (IHL) it directly at odds with the best military solutions.

It would appear that Israel has had quite a few years to take their case to the ICC/ICJ....Why have they not done that before?
Because the Letter of the Law is cruel and Jews are not nearly as cruel as you paint them out to be.

First, --- perspectives, policies, procedures, frameworks and organizations, --- mutate and evolve over time. Some go entirely away and others come into existence. Some are modified and altered; while others are reinforced or enhanced.

Second, the Rome Statutes (ICC) represents 21st Century Law. It only came into force in 2002. But under the UN Principles, adjudication/settlement of international disputes can be made through mutually agreed upon negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means of their choice. These means are the basis for the dispute resolution process in the Oslo Accord, expansions of diplomacy and interim agreements.

No matter how we each parse it out, no matter who agrees that the Arab Palestinians were treated unfairly in the post WWI to pre-WWII era, --- the facts of the matter are, that the political conditions will not permit the rollback of the clock. At some point in time, the Arab Palestinians and the Israelis will have to sit down and work-out their difference. But given the potential for the radicalization of Arab Palestinians, a general population dedicated to spreading Anti-Israel sentiments through various events and campaigns, inciting radicalized Islamic sympathizers to take take the protest to the next level and committed an overt act in furtherance of the terrorist conspiracy; general in terms of (1) its violent resistance to what it deems Israeli occupation of historic Palestine (constituting present-day Israel, West Bank, and Gaza Strip), and (2) its rejection of the off-and-on peace process involving Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) since the early 1990s.

Most Respectfully,
Your false accusations seem bizarre to me and dangerous.
I never falsely accused the Jordanian King of addressing his Pal'istanian terrorist problem with determination and resolve, that's a matter of historical record. It would have been more dangerous for the Jordanians to allow an insidious element to create further bloodshed.

So what do you propose the Israelis should do with the Palestinians it has under its control?

Give them the only ultimatum they can and see what happens. They either agree to live in peace and to negotiate mutual borders or Isreal will take their case to the ICC/ICJ and ask them to make a ruling based on the international laws of 1923 and 1949

It would appear that Israel has had quite a few years to take their case to the ICC/ICJ....

Why have they not done that before?

Because they dropped out of that club when the muslims started to tell their LIES. But there is nothing to stop them from getting the US to do it for them.

So, my question still stands...

Why have they not done that before? Especially if the US can do it for them...
Your false accusations seem bizarre to me and dangerous.
I never falsely accused the Jordanian King of addressing his Pal'istanian terrorist problem with determination and resolve, that's a matter of historical record. It would have been more dangerous for the Jordanians to allow an insidious element to create further bloodshed.

So what do you propose the Israelis should do with the Palestinians it has under its control?

Give them the only ultimatum they can and see what happens. They either agree to live in peace and to negotiate mutual borders or Isreal will take their case to the ICC/ICJ and ask them to make a ruling based on the international laws of 1923 and 1949

It would appear that Israel has had quite a few years to take their case to the ICC/ICJ....

Why have they not done that before?
Because the Letter of the Law is cruel and Jews are not nearly as cruel as you paint them out to be.

You miss the point.... But that isn't a surprise!

A pro Israeli states "negotiate mutual borders or Isreal will take their case to the ICC/ICJ"....

They have had, apparently, 92 years to do this, yet they haven't....

Indeependent, et al,

Well ... There is more than one perspective to these issues; and like any complex equation with multiple variables, there is more that a single solution for the quest. Not all solutions are compatible with other potential solutions. Clearly, most International Humanitarian Law (IHL) it directly at odds with the best military solutions.

It would appear that Israel has had quite a few years to take their case to the ICC/ICJ....Why have they not done that before?
Because the Letter of the Law is cruel and Jews are not nearly as cruel as you paint them out to be.

First, --- perspectives, policies, procedures, frameworks and organizations, --- mutate and evolve over time. Some go entirely away and others come into existence. Some are modified and altered; while others are reinforced or enhanced.

Second, the Rome Statutes (ICC) represents 21st Century Law. It only came into force in 2002. But under the UN Principles, adjudication/settlement of international disputes can be made through mutually agreed upon negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means of their choice. These means are the basis for the dispute resolution process in the Oslo Accord, expansions of diplomacy and interim agreements.

No matter how we each parse it out, no matter who agrees that the Arab Palestinians were treated unfairly in the post WWI to pre-WWII era, --- the facts of the matter are, that the political conditions will not permit the rollback of the clock. At some point in time, the Arab Palestinians and the Israelis will have to sit down and work-out their difference. But given the potential for the radicalization of Arab Palestinians, a general population dedicated to spreading Anti-Israel sentiments through various events and campaigns, inciting radicalized Islamic sympathizers to take take the protest to the next level and committed an overt act in furtherance of the terrorist conspiracy; general in terms of (1) its violent resistance to what it deems Israeli occupation of historic Palestine (constituting present-day Israel, West Bank, and Gaza Strip), and (2) its rejection of the off-and-on peace process involving Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) since the early 1990s.

Most Respectfully,

Why negotiate?

"Netanyahu Says No to Statehood for Palestinians"
I never falsely accused the Jordanian King of addressing his Pal'istanian terrorist problem with determination and resolve, that's a matter of historical record. It would have been more dangerous for the Jordanians to allow an insidious element to create further bloodshed.

So what do you propose the Israelis should do with the Palestinians it has under its control?

Give them the only ultimatum they can and see what happens. They either agree to live in peace and to negotiate mutual borders or Isreal will take their case to the ICC/ICJ and ask them to make a ruling based on the international laws of 1923 and 1949

It would appear that Israel has had quite a few years to take their case to the ICC/ICJ....

Why have they not done that before?
You ducked the question.

I did not. Never duck ANY question. Now YOU -- are gonna continue deny that the "ethnic cleansing" done by the King of Jordan never happened. And your never gonna realize that had the Palis dealt with Hussein of Jordan -- They could be proud owners today of the ENTIRE West Bank...

Interesting how the Palestinians & their supporters bitch about every Israeli retaliation & yet never a single complaint on Jordan's Black September massacre aoround 20,000 to establish peace from Palestinians. Golly gee, why is that?

Why would the genocidal actions of King Hussein be complained about in the I/P section. Wouldn't it be considered spamming?

The thread is about alledged ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Considering that a large number were living in the West Bank under Jordanian citizenship when the PLO agitated against that kingdom -- the resultant PURGE of Palis from Jordan is fair discussion -- is it not?

Afterall -- we're largely talking about THE SAME West Bank residents now under Israeli occupation..
Of course the question remains: What were Palestinians doing in Jordan?

That's their Homeland silly. It's the same West Bank they live in now. Along with some immigrants that might have lived in Israel proper 100 years ago. It's the TransJordan parcel that was set aside for a Palestinian Homeland. Getting smaller now every decade --- because the Palis never got their act together to form a real nation..
Indeependent, et al,

Well ... There is more than one perspective to these issues; and like any complex equation with multiple variables, there is more that a single solution for the quest. Not all solutions are compatible with other potential solutions. Clearly, most International Humanitarian Law (IHL) it directly at odds with the best military solutions.

It would appear that Israel has had quite a few years to take their case to the ICC/ICJ....Why have they not done that before?
Because the Letter of the Law is cruel and Jews are not nearly as cruel as you paint them out to be.

First, --- perspectives, policies, procedures, frameworks and organizations, --- mutate and evolve over time. Some go entirely away and others come into existence. Some are modified and altered; while others are reinforced or enhanced.

Second, the Rome Statutes (ICC) represents 21st Century Law. It only came into force in 2002. But under the UN Principles, adjudication/settlement of international disputes can be made through mutually agreed upon negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means of their choice. These means are the basis for the dispute resolution process in the Oslo Accord, expansions of diplomacy and interim agreements.

No matter how we each parse it out, no matter who agrees that the Arab Palestinians were treated unfairly in the post WWI to pre-WWII era, --- the facts of the matter are, that the political conditions will not permit the rollback of the clock. At some point in time, the Arab Palestinians and the Israelis will have to sit down and work-out their difference. But given the potential for the radicalization of Arab Palestinians, a general population dedicated to spreading Anti-Israel sentiments through various events and campaigns, inciting radicalized Islamic sympathizers to take take the protest to the next level and committed an overt act in furtherance of the terrorist conspiracy; general in terms of (1) its violent resistance to what it deems Israeli occupation of historic Palestine (constituting present-day Israel, West Bank, and Gaza Strip), and (2) its rejection of the off-and-on peace process involving Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) since the early 1990s.

Most Respectfully,

Why negotiate?

"Netanyahu Says No to Statehood for Palestinians"

Under the CURRENT circumstances, with no intent to unify a government or form a leadership. I kinda agree -- that's where where we're at. It's their move.. Not yours. Not mine. Not Israel's...
So what do you propose the Israelis should do with the Palestinians it has under its control?

Give them the only ultimatum they can and see what happens. They either agree to live in peace and to negotiate mutual borders or Isreal will take their case to the ICC/ICJ and ask them to make a ruling based on the international laws of 1923 and 1949

It would appear that Israel has had quite a few years to take their case to the ICC/ICJ....

Why have they not done that before?
I did not. Never duck ANY question. Now YOU -- are gonna continue deny that the "ethnic cleansing" done by the King of Jordan never happened. And your never gonna realize that had the Palis dealt with Hussein of Jordan -- They could be proud owners today of the ENTIRE West Bank...

Interesting how the Palestinians & their supporters bitch about every Israeli retaliation & yet never a single complaint on Jordan's Black September massacre aoround 20,000 to establish peace from Palestinians. Golly gee, why is that?

Why would the genocidal actions of King Hussein be complained about in the I/P section. Wouldn't it be considered spamming?

The thread is about alledged ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Considering that a large number were living in the West Bank under Jordanian citizenship when the PLO agitated against that kingdom -- the resultant PURGE of Palis from Jordan is fair discussion -- is it not?

Afterall -- we're largely talking about THE SAME West Bank residents now under Israeli occupation..
Of course the question remains: What were Palestinians doing in Jordan?

That's their Homeland silly. It's the same West Bank they live in now. Along with some immigrants that might have lived in Israel proper 100 years ago. It's the TransJordan parcel that was set aside for a Palestinian Homeland. Getting smaller now every decade --- because the Palis never got their act together to form a real nation..

The only immigrants to Palestine were the European Jews. Trans-Jordan was promised to the Hashemite tribe, bedouins that once ruled Arabia before it became Saud's. Palestinians, being Levantines, have nothing in common with Arabian Bedouins ethnically. The Palestinian (Christian and Muslim) homeland was all of Palestine, including the portion colonized by the Europeans. You have really bought the bullshit propaganda haven't you. What you are claiming has no basis in fact.
Give them the only ultimatum they can and see what happens. They either agree to live in peace and to negotiate mutual borders or Isreal will take their case to the ICC/ICJ and ask them to make a ruling based on the international laws of 1923 and 1949

It would appear that Israel has had quite a few years to take their case to the ICC/ICJ....

Why have they not done that before?
Interesting how the Palestinians & their supporters bitch about every Israeli retaliation & yet never a single complaint on Jordan's Black September massacre aoround 20,000 to establish peace from Palestinians. Golly gee, why is that?

Why would the genocidal actions of King Hussein be complained about in the I/P section. Wouldn't it be considered spamming?

The thread is about alledged ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Considering that a large number were living in the West Bank under Jordanian citizenship when the PLO agitated against that kingdom -- the resultant PURGE of Palis from Jordan is fair discussion -- is it not?

Afterall -- we're largely talking about THE SAME West Bank residents now under Israeli occupation..
Of course the question remains: What were Palestinians doing in Jordan?

That's their Homeland silly. It's the same West Bank they live in now. Along with some immigrants that might have lived in Israel proper 100 years ago. It's the TransJordan parcel that was set aside for a Palestinian Homeland. Getting smaller now every decade --- because the Palis never got their act together to form a real nation..

The only immigrants to Palestine were the European Jews. Trans-Jordan was promised to the Hashemite tribe, bedouins that once ruled Arabia before it became Saud's. Palestinians, being Levantines, have nothing in common with Arabian Bedouins ethnically. The Palestinian (Christian and Muslim) homeland was all of Palestine, including the portion colonized by the Europeans. You have really bought the bullshit propaganda haven't you. What you are claiming has no basis in fact.

News to me.. That's the way it is in every Encyclopedia and rational history source available.

The Palis BLEW IT ...... One chance right after the next...... I AM to a point --- portraying an "alternate story" of WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN... But it's based on solid historical fact and the opportunities that might have been available. If Jordan didn't want the West Bank back, would have been easy to sit down with Israel and form a Pali nation under joint adminisration for eventual independenpence.
It would appear that Israel has had quite a few years to take their case to the ICC/ICJ....

Why have they not done that before?
Why would the genocidal actions of King Hussein be complained about in the I/P section. Wouldn't it be considered spamming?

The thread is about alledged ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Considering that a large number were living in the West Bank under Jordanian citizenship when the PLO agitated against that kingdom -- the resultant PURGE of Palis from Jordan is fair discussion -- is it not?

Afterall -- we're largely talking about THE SAME West Bank residents now under Israeli occupation..
Of course the question remains: What were Palestinians doing in Jordan?

That's their Homeland silly. It's the same West Bank they live in now. Along with some immigrants that might have lived in Israel proper 100 years ago. It's the TransJordan parcel that was set aside for a Palestinian Homeland. Getting smaller now every decade --- because the Palis never got their act together to form a real nation..

The only immigrants to Palestine were the European Jews. Trans-Jordan was promised to the Hashemite tribe, bedouins that once ruled Arabia before it became Saud's. Palestinians, being Levantines, have nothing in common with Arabian Bedouins ethnically. The Palestinian (Christian and Muslim) homeland was all of Palestine, including the portion colonized by the Europeans. You have really bought the bullshit propaganda haven't you. What you are claiming has no basis in fact.

News to me.. That's the way it is in every Encyclopedia and rational history source available.

The Palis BLEW IT ...... One chance right after the next...... I AM to a point --- portraying an "alternate story" of WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN... But it's based on solid historical fact and the opportunities that might have been available. If Jordan didn't want the West Bank back, would have been easy to sit down with Israel and form a Pali nation under joint adminisration for eventual independenpence.

Israel was never prepared to negotiate. Judea and Samaria have always been considered Jewish land by the Zionists. This is the first article of the Zionist (Likud) Charter:

"a. The right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is eternal and indisputable and is linked with the right to security and peace; therefore, Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty."

Original Party Platform of the Likud Party | Jewish Virtual Library

The Israeli Jews have been stringing the Palestinians along for more than half a century. The Palestinians are right to give up on a Palestinian state. There will never be one. All the Palestinians can do is bide their time until the demographics are so obscene that even the U.S. cannot defend Israel's version of apartheid.
The thread is about alledged ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Considering that a large number were living in the West Bank under Jordanian citizenship when the PLO agitated against that kingdom -- the resultant PURGE of Palis from Jordan is fair discussion -- is it not?

Afterall -- we're largely talking about THE SAME West Bank residents now under Israeli occupation..
Of course the question remains: What were Palestinians doing in Jordan?

That's their Homeland silly. It's the same West Bank they live in now. Along with some immigrants that might have lived in Israel proper 100 years ago. It's the TransJordan parcel that was set aside for a Palestinian Homeland. Getting smaller now every decade --- because the Palis never got their act together to form a real nation..

The only immigrants to Palestine were the European Jews. Trans-Jordan was promised to the Hashemite tribe, bedouins that once ruled Arabia before it became Saud's. Palestinians, being Levantines, have nothing in common with Arabian Bedouins ethnically. The Palestinian (Christian and Muslim) homeland was all of Palestine, including the portion colonized by the Europeans. You have really bought the bullshit propaganda haven't you. What you are claiming has no basis in fact.

News to me.. That's the way it is in every Encyclopedia and rational history source available.

The Palis BLEW IT ...... One chance right after the next...... I AM to a point --- portraying an "alternate story" of WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN... But it's based on solid historical fact and the opportunities that might have been available. If Jordan didn't want the West Bank back, would have been easy to sit down with Israel and form a Pali nation under joint adminisration for eventual independenpence.

Israel was never prepared to negotiate. Judea and Samaria have always been considered Jewish land by the Zionists. This is the first article of the Zionist (Likud) Charter:

"a. The right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is eternal and indisputable and is linked with the right to security and peace; therefore, Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty."

Original Party Platform of the Likud Party | Jewish Virtual Library

The Israeli Jews have been stringing the Palestinians along for more than half a century. The Palestinians are right to give up on a Palestinian state. There will never be one. All the Palestinians can do is bide their time until the demographics are so obscene that even the U.S. cannot defend Israel's version of apartheid.

You are dealing in 100 year old concepts. Causes you to miss all the RECENT opportunities for the Palis to grow the heck up and act like Zionists. With a focused purpose on building a nation (or a colony if you prefer)..

NO diplomat has ever uttered the phrases "Judea and Samaria" for over 60 years..

Couldn't possibly be "stringing them along" for 60 years. Because the Palis have only had an ORGANIZED RESPONSIBLE leadership for about 6 or 10 of those years. You don't negotiate with mobs or demonstrators...
I never falsely accused the Jordanian King of addressing his Pal'istanian terrorist problem with determination and resolve, that's a matter of historical record. It would have been more dangerous for the Jordanians to allow an insidious element to create further bloodshed.

So what do you propose the Israelis should do with the Palestinians it has under its control?

Give them the only ultimatum they can and see what happens. They either agree to live in peace and to negotiate mutual borders or Isreal will take their case to the ICC/ICJ and ask them to make a ruling based on the international laws of 1923 and 1949

It would appear that Israel has had quite a few years to take their case to the ICC/ICJ....

Why have they not done that before?
Because the Letter of the Law is cruel and Jews are not nearly as cruel as you paint them out to be.

You miss the point.... But that isn't a surprise!

A pro Israeli states "negotiate mutual borders or Isreal will take their case to the ICC/ICJ"....

They have had, apparently, 92 years to do this, yet they haven't....


Discussions with a people that can't behave for one week.
You miss the point.... But that isn't a surprise!
Of course the question remains: What were Palestinians doing in Jordan?

That's their Homeland silly. It's the same West Bank they live in now. Along with some immigrants that might have lived in Israel proper 100 years ago. It's the TransJordan parcel that was set aside for a Palestinian Homeland. Getting smaller now every decade --- because the Palis never got their act together to form a real nation..

The only immigrants to Palestine were the European Jews. Trans-Jordan was promised to the Hashemite tribe, bedouins that once ruled Arabia before it became Saud's. Palestinians, being Levantines, have nothing in common with Arabian Bedouins ethnically. The Palestinian (Christian and Muslim) homeland was all of Palestine, including the portion colonized by the Europeans. You have really bought the bullshit propaganda haven't you. What you are claiming has no basis in fact.

News to me.. That's the way it is in every Encyclopedia and rational history source available.

The Palis BLEW IT ...... One chance right after the next...... I AM to a point --- portraying an "alternate story" of WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN... But it's based on solid historical fact and the opportunities that might have been available. If Jordan didn't want the West Bank back, would have been easy to sit down with Israel and form a Pali nation under joint adminisration for eventual independenpence.

Israel was never prepared to negotiate. Judea and Samaria have always been considered Jewish land by the Zionists. This is the first article of the Zionist (Likud) Charter:

"a. The right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is eternal and indisputable and is linked with the right to security and peace; therefore, Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty."

Original Party Platform of the Likud Party | Jewish Virtual Library

The Israeli Jews have been stringing the Palestinians along for more than half a century. The Palestinians are right to give up on a Palestinian state. There will never be one. All the Palestinians can do is bide their time until the demographics are so obscene that even the U.S. cannot defend Israel's version of apartheid.

You are dealing in 100 year old concepts. Causes you to miss all the RECENT opportunities for the Palis to grow the heck up and act like Zionists. With a focused purpose on building a nation (or a colony if you prefer)..

NO diplomat has ever uttered the phrases "Judea and Samaria" for over 60 years..

Couldn't possibly be "stringing them along" for 60 years. Because the Palis have only had an ORGANIZED RESPONSIBLE leadership for about 6 or 10 of those years. You don't negotiate with mobs or demonstrators...

NO diplomat has ever uttered the phrases "Judea and Samaria" for over 60 years..

This is from a few hours ago. From the Israeli Foreign Ministry, diplomats. You should do some research before posting nonsense.

"Israel has "valid property claims to Judea and Samaria", due to the fact that the area "does not belong to any lawful sovereignty" and the fact that the area was never under the legitimate sovereignty of any state and was conquered as part of a “defensive war.” The document also claims that the allegations of colonialism are invalid due to "the Jewish connection of thousands of years to the area."

New Foreign Ministry document: 'Settlements' are legal
The Foreign Ministry plans to distribute an official document which, for the first time, will present a legally-backed statement that Israeli communities beyond the Green Line are perfectly legal, and are not contradictory to international law, Arutz Sheva learned on Thursday.

Guess there's a "first time" for everything... The clock is ticking. Your cause needs to get it's act in gear...
The Foreign Ministry plans to distribute an official document which, for the first time, will present a legally-backed statement that Israeli communities beyond the Green Line are perfectly legal, and are not contradictory to international law, Arutz Sheva learned on Thursday.

Guess there's a "first time" for everything... The clock is ticking. Your cause needs to get it's act in gear...

Well how about the current acting Foreign Minister's statement? You really should do some research before posting nonsense. Keep digging.

"Hotovely has kindly provided us with the inside information we need.

“[Handovers of] Judea and Samaria aren’t even on the list of options we’re offering the Palestinians,” she announced. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “never said that the evacuation of Judea and Samaria is an option.

A Top Israeli Diplomat Publicly Admits What Netanyahu Won’t
The Foreign Ministry plans to distribute an official document which, for the first time, will present a legally-backed statement that Israeli communities beyond the Green Line are perfectly legal, and are not contradictory to international law, Arutz Sheva learned on Thursday.

Guess there's a "first time" for everything... The clock is ticking. Your cause needs to get it's act in gear...

Well how about the current acting Foreign Minister's statement? You really should do some research before posting nonsense. Keep digging.

"Hotovely has kindly provided us with the inside information we need.

“[Handovers of] Judea and Samaria aren’t even on the list of options we’re offering the Palestinians,” she announced. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “never said that the evacuation of Judea and Samaria is an option.

A Top Israeli Diplomat Publicly Admits What Netanyahu Won’t

"inside information" or publicly published honesty?
I never falsely accused the Jordanian King of addressing his Pal'istanian terrorist problem with determination and resolve, that's a matter of historical record. It would have been more dangerous for the Jordanians to allow an insidious element to create further bloodshed.

So what do you propose the Israelis should do with the Palestinians it has under its control?

Give them the only ultimatum they can and see what happens. They either agree to live in peace and to negotiate mutual borders or Isreal will take their case to the ICC/ICJ and ask them to make a ruling based on the international laws of 1923 and 1949

It would appear that Israel has had quite a few years to take their case to the ICC/ICJ....

Why have they not done that before?
You ducked the question.

I did not. Never duck ANY question. Now YOU -- are gonna continue deny that the "ethnic cleansing" done by the King of Jordan never happened. And your never gonna realize that had the Palis dealt with Hussein of Jordan -- They could be proud owners today of the ENTIRE West Bank...

Interesting how the Palestinians & their supporters bitch about every Israeli retaliation & yet never a single complaint on Jordan's Black September massacre aoround 20,000 to establish peace from Palestinians. Golly gee, why is that?

Why would the genocidal actions of King Hussein be complained about in the I/P section. Wouldn't it be considered spamming?

The thread is about alledged ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Considering that a large number were living in the West Bank under Jordanian citizenship when the PLO agitated against that kingdom -- the resultant PURGE of Palis from Jordan is fair discussion -- is it not?

Afterall -- we're largely talking about THE SAME West Bank residents now under Israeli occupation..
Of course the question remains: What were Palestinians doing in Jordan?

They were always there as Jordan was part of the Mandate for Palestine until the British gave 78% to a Saudi prince as his cut for helping beat the Ottomans. Or will you now dispute this once again and ignore the official reports and documents. In 1948 Jordan invaded and stole the west bank then made the inhabitants Jordanian citizens.
Give them the only ultimatum they can and see what happens. They either agree to live in peace and to negotiate mutual borders or Isreal will take their case to the ICC/ICJ and ask them to make a ruling based on the international laws of 1923 and 1949

It would appear that Israel has had quite a few years to take their case to the ICC/ICJ....

Why have they not done that before?
Interesting how the Palestinians & their supporters bitch about every Israeli retaliation & yet never a single complaint on Jordan's Black September massacre aoround 20,000 to establish peace from Palestinians. Golly gee, why is that?

Why would the genocidal actions of King Hussein be complained about in the I/P section. Wouldn't it be considered spamming?

The thread is about alledged ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Considering that a large number were living in the West Bank under Jordanian citizenship when the PLO agitated against that kingdom -- the resultant PURGE of Palis from Jordan is fair discussion -- is it not?

Afterall -- we're largely talking about THE SAME West Bank residents now under Israeli occupation..
Of course the question remains: What were Palestinians doing in Jordan?

RIGHT ON! And why won't Jordan allow the Palestinians a right of return? Is it actually possible Jordan is happy now that Israel has them to deal with?

Because they wouldn't be returning.

Yes they would as Jordan was once Palestine and only became Jordan when given to the Saudi prince by the British

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