EU: Israel settlement approval illegal

Since when does the EU have any authority over the rest of the world? The title refers to the EU.......
" The European Union has warned that the Israeli regime’s decision to approve the construction of some 1,200 settlement units in the occupied Palestinian territories was “illegal.” The warning was made on Monday by Michael Mann, the spokesman for EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton.*"Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal under international law and threaten to make a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict impossible," Mann said." PressTV - EU: Israel settlement approval illegal Illegal settlements continue, that threaten to derail peace talks and continue to constitute gross violations of international law. They violate provisions of The Fourth Geneva Convention and The Hague Convention and its provisions regarding Occupations and the powers granted to Occupiers. I will address those provisions in more detail in a subsequent post. Sherri

Don't bother. Israel's presence there is absolutely and totally legal.

INTERNATIONAL legal authorities have a higher credibility then a Zionist poster on a discussion board who cannot even provide any legal support whatsoever for her positions.

Or that of an anti-Zionist poster who cannot even remember the rules of basic English grammar and cites endless opinions and 'feeeeeeeewings' as "facts".
Don't bother. Israel's presence there is absolutely and totally legal.

INTERNATIONAL legal authorities have a higher credibility then a Zionist poster on a discussion board who cannot even provide any legal support whatsoever for her positions.

Or that of an anti-Zionist poster who cannot even remember the rules of basic English grammar and cites endless opinions and 'feeeeeeeewings' as "facts".

I am not an Anti Zionist and I have the law 100% on my side. The authority is the law and not me and decisions of intl legal authorities and courts establish the law. The law is perfectly clear on these issues we address here. The Court Opinion addresses multiple UN Resolutions consistent with its findings. The function of a Court is to tell us what the law is and this they have done.
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I dont expect anything from the talks. Palestinians should give up none of the lands they have a right to so clearly under intl law. Why make concessions to land thieves? LET us force the intl community to force intl law to be complied with in Palestine. I support no land concessions.
Since when does the EU have any authority over the rest of the world? The title refers to the EU.......

NOONE made such a claim, the thread title is the title of the article discussed that addresses statements of EU Officials. ISRAEL does not have to heed the EU, but it looks like they are going to miss out on millions of dollars of grants by their refusal to abide by intl law.
Most countries consider Israel's settlements on occupied land illegal
Kerry, Abbas meet again, Israel approves settlement homes

I think it's a nice israeli gesture to build homes that at some point in the future will be handed over to Palestinians

Yes it is - too bad HAMAS or Fatah will probably commandeer them to wreck them, though. That's what HAMAS did with the state-of-the-art greenhouses in Gaza after the Israelis left. They also *tore down* the synagogue - doing that was against Islamic law, by the way......
In fact---the original PALESTINE MANDATE---included transjordan----
as to "INDIGENOUS PEOPLE" since when? by what criterion?
The population of the land that has been called "palestine" by some
people for the past 2000 years ------has been in constant flux. In fact---
etymologists and anthropologists have determined that the bedouins
of the negev are fairly recent arrivals from -----the deserts of arabia.

the term "the sovereign rights of the indigenous" ----is thrown
around lots by meccaists ----who, themselves---killed or expelled
most of the indigenous of arabia -------well------at least they were a lot
more INDIGENOUS to arabia than are the bedouins of the negev
now When did this "INDIGENOUS" myth develope? I spent
my childhood in a small town in northeast USA-------as far as I could
tell ---NO ONE was "indigenous" there were some caucasians
there since the revolutionary war-------but they all seemed to stem from
British or german --or Dutch---backgrounds

arabic is not indigenous to palestine ------what is wrong with those
"indigenous" people in palestine? they forgot their language?
I dont expect anything from the talks. Palestinians should give up none of the lands they have a right to so clearly under intl law. Why make concessions to land thieves? LET us force the intl community to force intl law to be complied with in Palestine. I support no land concessions.

The Mandate was divided under international law and Israel was established then. Palestine *could* have been established - but instead the Arab League conspired to invade Israel with he intent of destroying her. While the Palestinians had no real means to resist the invading Arab nations, they still could have declared the State of Palestine but chose not to.

During all the years since, the Palestinian "leadership" has repeatedly chosen to lay claim to every square inch of Israel instead of declaring a state of their own. They are the 'land thieves'.

Sherri - if you have oh-so-much respect for international law, why don't you want to force the AL nations to make amends for their own land thefts since 1948? Where is your call for compensation for the many acres stolen from AL citizens who were wrongfully and illegally raped of their citizenship in those nations?

If you're on the side of the dispossessed, then stand up for ALL the people who've been robbed in the ME, and not just the Palestinians.
The issue in the thread is illegal Israeli settlements in Occupied Palestine, not how tha Arab League operates.
[ame=]Israel Palestinian Conflict: The Truth About the West Bank - YouTube[/ame]
" The European Union has warned that the Israeli regime’s decision to approve the construction of some 1,200 settlement units in the occupied Palestinian territories was “illegal.” The warning was made on Monday by Michael Mann, the spokesman for EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton.*"Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal under international law and threaten to make a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict impossible," Mann said." PressTV - EU: Israel settlement approval illegal Illegal settlements continue, that threaten to derail peace talks and continue to constitute gross violations of international law. They violate provisions of The Fourth Geneva Convention and The Hague Convention and its provisions regarding Occupations and the powers granted to Occupiers. I will address those provisions in more detail in a subsequent post. Sherri

Get yourself a good Jewish lawyer and sue the bastards.

I am not a party with standing to sue illegal settlers.

Well you sure as hell have made yourself judge, jury and executioner.
" The European Union has warned that the Israeli regime’s decision to approve the construction of some 1,200 settlement units in the occupied Palestinian territories was “illegal.” The warning was made on Monday by Michael Mann, the spokesman for EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton.*"Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal under international law and threaten to make a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict impossible," Mann said." PressTV - EU: Israel settlement approval illegal Illegal settlements continue, that threaten to derail peace talks and continue to constitute gross violations of international law. They violate provisions of The Fourth Geneva Convention and The Hague Convention and its provisions regarding Occupations and the powers granted to Occupiers. I will address those provisions in more detail in a subsequent post. Sherri

Don't bother. Israel's presence there is absolutely and totally legal.

INTERNATIONAL legal authorities have a higher credibility then a Zionist poster on a discussion board who cannot even provide any legal support whatsoever for her positions.

who are "international legal authorities"??? in fact the "authorities" you cite---
have no authority at all -------There are volumes of legal support for the continued
presence of Israel and its projects in the west bank The land which the baby-
killing isa-respecters claim as their own remains DISPUTED ----that is ---both the baby
killing isa-respecters and the israeli jews claim it Historically----the west bank is
mostly JUDEA-----King David was born in Bethlehem----he was of the house of
JUDAH----that makes him a jew ----thus is was a judean ----jew. even before the whole
area (ie including the more western kingdom of Israel----came to be called JUDEA.

Try not to let the lexicon confuse you. ----today the combined group all comes
to be JEWS ----even if not of the house of JUDAH

Hebron is ALSO in Judea-----Hebron ws the first capital of the ---the land----which
was called ----the LAND OF ISRAEL ---based on the fact that the founding
father of the whole group was JACOB (the guy with the 12 sons)-----Jacob
was renamed ISRAEL----after a mystical experience that left him with a slight limp
when he walked I am not precisely sure what "ISRA" means---but I believe that
it means something like CONTENDS WITH or ENCOUNTERS

getting back to "the west bank"-----it is west of the jordan river-----thus part the part
of the PALESTINE MANDATE ------which also included lands east of the JORDAN---
that Britain designated as jewish land when Britian controlled the place----the
land east of the Jordan was given to arabs-----in fact-------to a BEDOUIN KIND---
bedouins originate from arabia which is why their language is arabic-----arabic is
an innovation in Jordan------probably---long ago ---the people spoke aramaic or
something like it-------just as they did in BABYLON ----which was also invaded with
arabic speaking people.

The New Testament describes a time in Israel/Judea---when the language of the
street was also aramaic-----

there were greeks and romans around too-------but no arabs

the west bank has seen all sorts of pseudo "owners"--------in perspective---
arabs seem the least likely to have a claim
Time for debating the issues of Israel occupying the OPT has passed. THE HIGHEST court has spoken, Israel is the Occupier of East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

THE HIGHEST COURT? according to whom? has the SANHEDRIN
re-convened? I am not sure----but I think that many people consider
the Pope---plus whoever he wishes to have empaneled from the COLLEGE OF
CARDINALS----to the the 'highest court" -------Does the court you cite trump
THAT COURT------how about the Koran----does it trump the koran?

Classic hindus of southern India -----I believe----consider LORD SHIVA to
be THE AUTHORITY-------of course his wife --?? KALI ?? disagrees

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