Euro crashes with Angela Merkel's fourth term as Chancellor in doubt


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The European currency plunged to a two-month low against the yen on news that in Germany the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) have pulled out of four-week negotiations with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative bloc and the ecologist Greens.
Euro Crashes With Angela Merkel’s Fourth Term as Chancellor In Doubt

And their sheep will blame BREXIT and when you are one stupid fk idiot like we have here it has nothing to do with BREXIT just like the US ECONOMY has been on it's way down and we have been in deeper trouble than ever before since Obama first took office, Bush also helped tank our economy a bit and it's all been engineered that way.

We've all heard how we are going to see an economic collapse, fools don't believe it morons deny it having no idea how it will come out of nowhere and when it does it's going to hit us like a ton of bricks.

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