Europe leads the way in trying to ban religious freedom


Yes it's forbidden to leave Islam for strict fundamentalist. Most Muslims are not fundamentalist Muslims.

I and most Muslims don't follow such harsh interpretations of the Quran. But for people like you , you will believe what you want about Muslims. A Muslim could save your life and you'd still accuse that Muslim of plotting on.

Should I be comforted that only 1 or 2% of Muslims will act out on the horrific commands of the Warlord Muhammad? :eek: 2% of 2 billion equates to 4 million vicious terrorists seeking to murder in the name of Muhammad and his little djin Allah.

Well since you conservatives eat,drink and breathe fear you'll never be comforted by anything.

Most terrorist are too busy killing their fellow Muslims in the Middle East so the chances of you getting attacked by a Muslim is less than getting struck by lightening.

Show me where in the Quran that says hijab is worn to undermine freedom.

I'm actually Muslim so I may know a little something about Islam. I don't wear hijab regularly but I occasionally wear it when I go to Friday prayers. I wear it to show respect for going to a place of worship and for God. I don't wear it to undermine freedom.

But maybe you know better than me, Shaikh Brynmr ( since you're knowledgeable about Islam )

Individual liberty and Islam are not compatible. Islam will ALWAYS seek to dominate any society which it infects. The Warlord Muhammad (may he rot in hell) mandated that Muslims subdue others under Jizya.

Well technically no religion is compatible with individual liberties and freedoms. Religion gives people a set of guidelines and tells them what they can and cannot do. Religion tends to look down on things like formication and homosexuality and worshipping their deities. That is an infringement of other's freedom of lifestyles.

But the thing is most people don't infringe their religion onto others. Most Muslims have migrated to Europe and America for the freedoms. Most Muslims like myself mind our own business and don't have a need to convert others. I may not eat pork but I don't care to stop others from eating it and I don't make a habit to care what other people are doing because it's not my business.
Part of jihad is lying to, or presenting untruths to the kuffar. Nia88 excels in this.

You entertain me. Whenever you right wingers come across a Muslim that doesn't fit the fundie stereotype in your head, you accuse them of lying.

Why would I need to lie to you or anyone else on this forum ? You're nobody important and neither am I.
Well technically no religion is compatible with individual liberties and freedoms.

Quite the opposite.

Individualism springs from Christianity, which offers a new paradigm that man is responsible directly to god. Under this view, the individual is supreme. The Catholics created the feudal monarchies in an attempt to contain the individual liberty inherent in the Christian world view. This worked to a certain extent up to the reformation, then completely fell apart.

This is why the American left hates Christians but embraces Islam. Islam is authoritarian and fits with the goals of the left for an authoritarian society.

Religion gives people a set of guidelines and tells them what they can and cannot do. Religion tends to look down on things like formication and homosexuality and worshipping their deities. That is an infringement of other's freedom of lifestyles.

Islam is Theocratic. Sharia is civil as well as ecumenical law. Christian liberty has no equivalent in Islam, which is by design totalitarian, the religion created by a Warlord to further his lust for power and wealth.

But the thing is most people don't infringe their religion onto others. Most Muslims have migrated to Europe and America for the freedoms. Most Muslims like myself mind our own business and don't have a need to convert others. I may not eat pork but I don't care to stop others from eating it and I don't make a habit to care what other people are doing because it's not my business.

Islam does though. Islam ALWAYS infringes, once sufficient power is obtained. Even in countries free of the cancer of Sharia, Islam oppresses or outright murders non-Muslims, as the Indonesians did the the Christians in East Timor, as the Muslims did to the once beautiful Paris of the East, Lebanon.
Well since you conservatives eat,drink and breathe fear you'll never be comforted by anything.

Most terrorist are too busy killing their fellow Muslims in the Middle East so the chances of you getting attacked by a Muslim is less than getting struck by lightening.

Certainly the victims of Muslims are generally other Muslims. Islam is a brutal, theocratic religion that oppresses any who fall under it. The natural state of man is freedom. There will be conflict even with those subjugated from birth under Islam.

The issue is that Islam is expansionist. Muhammad was a brutal Warlord. While he has nothing at all in common with the Christian's Jesus, he is extremely similar to Genghis Khan or Attila the Hun. He built a war machine with a thin veneer of religion over the top. Even now, Islam is a war machine designed to conquer and enslave. France, Spain, et al are in the midst of a military invasion by Islam, even if the war is usually cold in nature.

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