Europe Now Hates Joe Biden Months After Calling Him “A Return To Adulthood” For America

wow shameful...well not really...Xiden and his Dembot cult have no shame.
Self evident.
A series of disagreements, most notably over Afghanistan, have some European leaders revising their expectations about President Joe Biden, and thinking more about a future untethered to the US.

From a white-knuckle grip with Donald Trump to an arm on the shoulder with President Biden, Emmanuel Macron’s greetings tell the story of how EU leaders saw the change of US administrations.

At a Nato summit in May 2017, the French president dug his fingertips into President Trump’s hand, staring him in the face. “It wasn’t innocent”, Mr Macron later said. “In my bilateral dialogues, I won’t let anything pass.”

Roll forward four years to the recent G7 summit in Cornwall, Joe Biden’s first as US president, and again Mr Macron grasped the moment. As the cameras snapped, he walked across the beach with his arm around Mr Biden. The body language shift was clear: the two sides arm-in-arm once again.
Europe is a train wreck.

Any surprise they got this shit wrong?
Macron loved the free money that America sent them for the Paris Accord. A horrible, obviously failed Accord that sent money to Russia and China while not lowering temperature AND having no enforceable mechanism to China to lower their numbers by 2030.

By the way I HIGHLY doubt China will lower temperature as they built dozens of new coal plants. There is a reason China pushes for "climate agreement", as they always benefit while not changing a damned thing.

Good for them. They love the global socialists supporting their causes. It's becoming more and more their world and they are doing what is best for their plight. Macron is not an ally of America, nor most of the global socialist figureheads in Europe, regardless of their opinion of Biden or others. They turned their backs to some degree some time ago, but too few were willing to be honest about it. Now some of them just have a convenient excuse.
France is our oldest and best ally and you are a brainwashed functional moron who approves Trump screwing up NATO. And Korea and Hong Kong and the Kurds etc etc. France was right and gave us our independence. Talk about gratitude lol
Macron loved the free money that America sent them for the Paris Accord. A horrible, obviously failed Accord that sent money to Russia and China while not lowering temperature AND having no enforceable mechanism to China to lower their numbers by 2030.

By the way I HIGHLY doubt China will lower temperature as they built dozens of new coal plants. There is a reason China pushes for "climate agreement", as they always benefit while not changing a damned thing.

Good for them. They love the global socialists supporting their causes. It's becoming more and more their world and they are doing what is best for their plight. Macron is not an ally of America, nor most of the global socialist figureheads in Europe, regardless of their opinion of Biden or others. They turned their backs to some degree some time ago, but too few were willing to be honest about it. Now some of them just have a convenient excuse.
You must be very proud to be brainwashed by the big oil party. Idiot. Where is this money going to France and China lol? You believe a pile of malarkey.
Biden is way more popular than Trump ever was in Europe and every poll shows that...

Trump was a butt of jokes in Europe... European leaders just didn't want to be near him, there was no admiration for the guy... He was considered grossly misinformed... They laughed at him in the UN... Leaders made jokes about him... They even stopped inviting him to meetings...
Trump oversaw the greatest decline in US soft power in history. Bush's stupid war in Iraq wasn't as bad a Trump ad that was awful... Trump just represented what was worst about America.

Biden is different... They were expecting more of an Obama and what they are getting is someone who won't leave troops in place indefinitely. Biden could have reduced troops in Afghanistan and continued on like previous presidents.. Biden has been saying since they got Bin Laden to get out... Britain pulled nearly all there troops in 2014 after OBL was killed..

Biden left Afghanistan 3 months after he set a deadline... He had few options or he had to escalate the war... The Afghan Army were decimated in the annual spring offensive... Biden had shit choices and was probably best to leave... Could he have done it better? Yes but that is small potatoes and considering the mess trump left him he did alright...

I have said time and time again... What were Biden's choices? We have none that didn't involve even more dead Americans.
France is our oldest and best ally and you are a brainwashed functional moron who approves Trump screwing up NATO. And Korea and Hong Kong and the Kurds etc etc. France was right and gave us our independence. Talk about gratitude lol

Sure, France was in your corner 250 years ago and I agree that under normal circumstances they are the closest to the U.S in terms of liberty and defiance of anything that suppresses that.. Macron hasnt helped their reputation. Maybe you've read about the months of 10's of thousands of French citizens protesting over their Covid Passport every week. Their own citizens disagree with you.

We are going through the weakest global leadership in history. Trump called them out for their exploitation and China First approach and he was right to do so. The E.U lead by Merkel and Macron has been a disaster for the Free World.
Oh the Euro-Peons will calm down as soon as Biden waives all of their international membership fees and gives them tons of money.
You don't have a clue what is happening in Afghanistan.
Actually ... you are the Dumb Fuck who has no clue what is going on in Afghanistan ....

Or Maybe you do and you are just spreading the Marxist Propaganda !!!!

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