Europe wary as Italy moves toward populist government

Migrants Are Stranded on a U.S. Warship With Nowhere to Go

ROME—There is a perfect Italian word for the situation the American warship USNS Trenton finds itself in right now. Intrappolata. It means trapped, entangled and ensnared in a situation that is is going to prove very tricky to get out of.

On Tuesday, the Trenton, a Spearhead-class high-speed transport that is part of ongoing 6th Fleet military operations off the coast of Libya, came upon a migrant boat in distress and disintegrating. People were in the water. Several corpses were floating nearby. The Trenton called for help and, along with the German non-governmental organization Sea Watch whose ship was patrolling nearby, the American crew carried out the rescue of 40 African migrants and observed what appeared to be 12 people in the water who had died. The living are all on the American ship. The anonymous dead were left to the mercy of the elements.

“On June 12, 2018 USNS Trenton, in accordance with its obligations under international law, rendered assistance to mariners in distress that it encountered while conducting routine operations in the Mediterranean Sea,” the Sixth Fleet said in an earlier statement. “Forty people have been recovered and are being provided food, water, and medical care on board Trenton. U.S. authorities are coordinating with our international partners to determine their ultimate disposition.”

On Thursday, the Trenton got tired of waiting for the Italian Coast Guard central command to tell it what to do with the survivors and it left the area. The fate of the 40 survivors on board remains undetermined.
As ex Navy who has been involved with at Sea Rescue in the South China Sea..........the laws of the Sea Outweigh the laws of politics...........At Sea we have an obligation to save those in this case 12 had already died...........40 were saved.................the United States Navy is not about Politics.........It is about Sea Power and protect the lines of transportation around the globe...............

As not being political.........the obligation to save the lives at sea are ALWAYS A PRIORITY.........and that will never change...........In regards to Italy not wanting the flood of refugees to continue.............I am in agreement and always have been............but the members of the USS Trenton were Honor bound by the code of the Sea to rescue people drowning..............And have nothing to apologize about it.
Migrants Are Stranded on a U.S. Warship With Nowhere to Go

ROME—There is a perfect Italian word for the situation the American warship USNS Trenton finds itself in right now. Intrappolata. It means trapped, entangled and ensnared in a situation that is is going to prove very tricky to get out of.

On Tuesday, the Trenton, a Spearhead-class high-speed transport that is part of ongoing 6th Fleet military operations off the coast of Libya, came upon a migrant boat in distress and disintegrating. People were in the water. Several corpses were floating nearby. The Trenton called for help and, along with the German non-governmental organization Sea Watch whose ship was patrolling nearby, the American crew carried out the rescue of 40 African migrants and observed what appeared to be 12 people in the water who had died. The living are all on the American ship. The anonymous dead were left to the mercy of the elements.

“On June 12, 2018 USNS Trenton, in accordance with its obligations under international law, rendered assistance to mariners in distress that it encountered while conducting routine operations in the Mediterranean Sea,” the Sixth Fleet said in an earlier statement. “Forty people have been recovered and are being provided food, water, and medical care on board Trenton. U.S. authorities are coordinating with our international partners to determine their ultimate disposition.”

On Thursday, the Trenton got tired of waiting for the Italian Coast Guard central command to tell it what to do with the survivors and it left the area. The fate of the 40 survivors on board remains undetermined.

^^^^ Look at the date of that article that was two days ago:


They are not stranded anymore, they have been transfer to a Turkish vessel which means that they will NOT be allowed to be taken to Italy as Matteo Salvini has told them to GTFO that Italian Ports are closed to them, see below:


^^^^ The above in my post # 196 link below to:

Europe wary as Italy moves toward populist government
As ex Navy who has been involved with at Sea Rescue in the South China Sea..........the laws of the Sea Outweigh the laws of politics...........At Sea we have an obligation to save those in this case 12 had already died...........40 were saved.................the United States Navy is not about Politics.........It is about Sea Power and protect the lines of transportation around the globe...............

As not being political.........the obligation to save the lives at sea are ALWAYS A PRIORITY.........and that will never change...........In regards to Italy not wanting the flood of refugees to continue.............I am in agreement and always have been............but the members of the USS Trenton were Honor bound by the code of the Sea to rescue people drowning..............And have nothing to apologize about it.

America had better make this the last such mission, our Governments are STOPPING these NGO Peoples Traffickers from transporting the Economic Migrants, we will NOT accept America interfering and HELPING the NGO Peoples Traffickers to transport the Economic Migrants, those American ships should stay away from the SAR positions (Search and Rescue positions) the SAR positions are where the NGO Peoples Traffickers wait to collect the savages from the smaller boats. If this continues then I can fully see OUR European naval ships doing a Naval Blockade of ALL the SAR positions off Libya AND Tunisia.
As ex Navy who has been involved with at Sea Rescue in the South China Sea..........the laws of the Sea Outweigh the laws of politics...........At Sea we have an obligation to save those in this case 12 had already died...........40 were saved.................the United States Navy is not about Politics.........It is about Sea Power and protect the lines of transportation around the globe...............

As not being political.........the obligation to save the lives at sea are ALWAYS A PRIORITY.........and that will never change...........In regards to Italy not wanting the flood of refugees to continue.............I am in agreement and always have been............but the members of the USS Trenton were Honor bound by the code of the Sea to rescue people drowning..............And have nothing to apologize about it.

America had better make this the last such mission, our Governments are STOPPING these NGO Peoples Traffickers from transporting the Economic Migrants, we will NOT accept America interfering and HELPING the NGO Peoples Traffickers to transport the Economic Migrants, those American ships should stay away from the SAR positions (Search and Rescue positions) the SAR positions are where the NGO Peoples Traffickers wait to collect the savages from the smaller boats. If this continues then I can fully see OUR European naval ships doing a Naval Blockade of ALL the SAR positions off Libya AND Tunisia.
As I said.......the Laws of the Sea outweigh any politics when people are in danger on the sea..........It is the LAW OF THE SEA........

Off Vietnam we picked up refugees and delivered them to Thailand...........they were in danger of drowning.....and we rendered aid.........

Sorry your mad at me...............but I did 10 years and have seen a lot of water in my time......The United States Navy are not politicians and our obligations to rescue people drowning are without question gonna happen. Who knows where they will go..........back to Africa would be the correct answer...........but we are not going to sit by and let 40 people drown.
As ex Navy who has been involved with at Sea Rescue in the South China Sea..........the laws of the Sea Outweigh the laws of politics...........At Sea we have an obligation to save those in this case 12 had already died...........40 were saved.................the United States Navy is not about Politics.........It is about Sea Power and protect the lines of transportation around the globe...............

As not being political.........the obligation to save the lives at sea are ALWAYS A PRIORITY.........and that will never change...........In regards to Italy not wanting the flood of refugees to continue.............I am in agreement and always have been............but the members of the USS Trenton were Honor bound by the code of the Sea to rescue people drowning..............And have nothing to apologize about it.

If The Donald said that ALL American ports were closed to NGO Peoples Trafficking boats and then European Navy ships begin collecting invaders from the NGO Peoples Trafficking boats that contain invaders who want to get into America what would you think? Would you think that European Navy ships were then now assisting the NGO Peoples Traffickers in helping invaders attempt to get into America AGAINST the orders of The Donald? Yes you would and you would be correct.
As ex Navy who has been involved with at Sea Rescue in the South China Sea..........the laws of the Sea Outweigh the laws of politics...........At Sea we have an obligation to save those in this case 12 had already died...........40 were saved.................the United States Navy is not about Politics.........It is about Sea Power and protect the lines of transportation around the globe...............

As not being political.........the obligation to save the lives at sea are ALWAYS A PRIORITY.........and that will never change...........In regards to Italy not wanting the flood of refugees to continue.............I am in agreement and always have been............but the members of the USS Trenton were Honor bound by the code of the Sea to rescue people drowning..............And have nothing to apologize about it.

If The Donald said that ALL American ports were closed to NGO Peoples Trafficking boats and then European Navy ships begin collecting invaders from the NGO Peoples Trafficking boats that contain invaders who want to get into America what would you think? Would you think that European Navy ships were then now assisting the NGO Peoples Traffickers in helping invaders attempt to get into America AGAINST the orders of The Donald? Yes you would and you would be correct.
We would not deliver them to America...........but we would not let them's that simple............

There are rules for those on the sea..............always has been............we are not going to let them drown.......They could be deported or whatever...........but no way we stand by and let that happen................and it NEVER WILL..............
As ex Navy who has been involved with at Sea Rescue in the South China Sea..........the laws of the Sea Outweigh the laws of politics...........At Sea we have an obligation to save those in this case 12 had already died...........40 were saved.................the United States Navy is not about Politics.........It is about Sea Power and protect the lines of transportation around the globe...............

As not being political.........the obligation to save the lives at sea are ALWAYS A PRIORITY.........and that will never change...........In regards to Italy not wanting the flood of refugees to continue.............I am in agreement and always have been............but the members of the USS Trenton were Honor bound by the code of the Sea to rescue people drowning..............And have nothing to apologize about it.

America had better make this the last such mission, our Governments are STOPPING these NGO Peoples Traffickers from transporting the Economic Migrants, we will NOT accept America interfering and HELPING the NGO Peoples Traffickers to transport the Economic Migrants, those American ships should stay away from the SAR positions (Search and Rescue positions) the SAR positions are where the NGO Peoples Traffickers wait to collect the savages from the smaller boats. If this continues then I can fully see OUR European naval ships doing a Naval Blockade of ALL the SAR positions off Libya AND Tunisia.
As I said.......the Laws of the Sea outweigh any politics when people are in danger on the sea..........It is the LAW OF THE SEA........

Off Vietnam we picked up refugees and delivered them to Thailand...........they were in danger of drowning.....and we rendered aid.........

Sorry your mad at me...............but I did 10 years and have seen a lot of water in my time......The United States Navy are not politicians and our obligations to rescue people drowning are without question gonna happen. Who knows where they will go..........back to Africa would be the correct answer...........but we are not going to sit by and let 40 people drown.

No I am not mad at you, I am mad that American Naval ships are now being used and abused by the NGO Peoples Traffickers who know for reasons you state those American Naval ships have to collect the savages, you can be sure that the NGO Peoples Traffickers now will utilise this abuse to the top effect, but they should be aware also that this situation is NOT going to be tolerated, the invaders are NOT getting IN, even IF OUR OWN vessels deliberately decide to collect the invaders from ANY American Naval ships then OUR OWN vessels with the human cargo on will take them BACK to Libya and give them to the Libyan Armed Forces to incarcerate as they are already incarcerating huge amounts of them.

Re. Vietnam yes you take them to Thailand you did NOT take them to America OR hand them to another party to take them to America or attempt to.
Blog: UNCLOS and the Duty to Render Assistance

“Article 98 (1) of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS) requires masters of vessels sailing under the flag of signatory States to render assistance to those in distress at sea. It is primarily a State duty fulfilled by the master of the vessel. The master is freed from this requirement only in circumstances where the assisting vessel, the crew or the passengers on board would be seriously endangered as a result of rendering assistance to those in distress.

“Other international conventions iterate this requirement and the attendant limitation. Regulation V/33 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 (SOLAS) imposes an obligation on masters of vessels who are in a position to provide assistance to do so. Further, Chapter 2.1.10 of the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue 1979 (SAR) obliges States Party to the Convention to ensure that assistance is provided to any person in distress at sea, “regardless of the nationality or status of such a person or the circumstances in which that person is found”.

“Finally, the position at treaty law with respect to the duty to render assistance is a general reflection of customary international maritime law. This means that masters of vessels flying the flag of non-signatory States are also required to render assistance where safe and able to do so.

“The law is therefore clear. States, both signatories and non-signatories to the above conventions, are duty bound to ensure those in distress at sea are rendered assistance on a non-discriminatory basis. Whether vessels sailing under their flag operate in either a private or public capacity, the requirements incumbent upon the masters of the vessels are the same.

“As a vessel flying the flag of Germany, a State party to all the above conventions, the Sea Watch will ensure that it fulfils all duties incumbent upon it under international law.”
Blog: UNCLOS and the Duty to Render Assistance

“Article 98 (1) of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS) requires masters of vessels sailing under the flag of signatory States to render assistance to those in distress at sea. It is primarily a State duty fulfilled by the master of the vessel. The master is freed from this requirement only in circumstances where the assisting vessel, the crew or the passengers on board would be seriously endangered as a result of rendering assistance to those in distress.

“Other international conventions iterate this requirement and the attendant limitation. Regulation V/33 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 (SOLAS) imposes an obligation on masters of vessels who are in a position to provide assistance to do so. Further, Chapter 2.1.10 of the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue 1979 (SAR) obliges States Party to the Convention to ensure that assistance is provided to any person in distress at sea, “regardless of the nationality or status of such a person or the circumstances in which that person is found”.

“Finally, the position at treaty law with respect to the duty to render assistance is a general reflection of customary international maritime law. This means that masters of vessels flying the flag of non-signatory States are also required to render assistance where safe and able to do so.

“The law is therefore clear. States, both signatories and non-signatories to the above conventions, are duty bound to ensure those in distress at sea are rendered assistance on a non-discriminatory basis. Whether vessels sailing under their flag operate in either a private or public capacity, the requirements incumbent upon the masters of the vessels are the same.

“As a vessel flying the flag of Germany, a State party to all the above conventions, the Sea Watch will ensure that it fulfils all duties incumbent upon it under international law.”

Yes I know about this and also I know that the NGO Peoples Trafficking boats are going to fully abuse it.
As ex Navy who has been involved with at Sea Rescue in the South China Sea..........the laws of the Sea Outweigh the laws of politics...........At Sea we have an obligation to save those in this case 12 had already died...........40 were saved.................the United States Navy is not about Politics.........It is about Sea Power and protect the lines of transportation around the globe...............

As not being political.........the obligation to save the lives at sea are ALWAYS A PRIORITY.........and that will never change...........In regards to Italy not wanting the flood of refugees to continue.............I am in agreement and always have been............but the members of the USS Trenton were Honor bound by the code of the Sea to rescue people drowning..............And have nothing to apologize about it.

America had better make this the last such mission, our Governments are STOPPING these NGO Peoples Traffickers from transporting the Economic Migrants, we will NOT accept America interfering and HELPING the NGO Peoples Traffickers to transport the Economic Migrants, those American ships should stay away from the SAR positions (Search and Rescue positions) the SAR positions are where the NGO Peoples Traffickers wait to collect the savages from the smaller boats. If this continues then I can fully see OUR European naval ships doing a Naval Blockade of ALL the SAR positions off Libya AND Tunisia.
As I said.......the Laws of the Sea outweigh any politics when people are in danger on the sea..........It is the LAW OF THE SEA........

Off Vietnam we picked up refugees and delivered them to Thailand...........they were in danger of drowning.....and we rendered aid.........

Sorry your mad at me...............but I did 10 years and have seen a lot of water in my time......The United States Navy are not politicians and our obligations to rescue people drowning are without question gonna happen. Who knows where they will go..........back to Africa would be the correct answer...........but we are not going to sit by and let 40 people drown.

No I am not mad at you, I am mad that American Naval ships are now being used and abused by the NGO Peoples Traffickers who know for reasons you state those American Naval ships have to collect the savages, you can be sure that the NGO Peoples Traffickers now will utilise this abuse to the top effect, but they should be aware also that this situation is NOT going to be tolerated, the invaders are NOT getting IN, even IF OUR OWN vessels deliberately decide to collect the invaders from ANY American Naval ships then OUR OWN vessels with the human cargo on will take them BACK to Libya and give them to the Libyan Armed Forces to incarcerate as they are already incarcerating huge amounts of them.

Re. Vietnam yes you take them to Thailand you did NOT take them to America OR hand them to another party to take them to America or attempt to.
The Law of the Sea will be obeyed.............that has always been the case..........whether Navy or Civilian..............

The Sea is a very rough place............and those who sail it must render aid.............The Politics aren't even taken into consideration.........
Blog: UNCLOS and the Duty to Render Assistance

“Article 98 (1) of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS) requires masters of vessels sailing under the flag of signatory States to render assistance to those in distress at sea. It is primarily a State duty fulfilled by the master of the vessel. The master is freed from this requirement only in circumstances where the assisting vessel, the crew or the passengers on board would be seriously endangered as a result of rendering assistance to those in distress.

“Other international conventions iterate this requirement and the attendant limitation. Regulation V/33 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 (SOLAS) imposes an obligation on masters of vessels who are in a position to provide assistance to do so. Further, Chapter 2.1.10 of the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue 1979 (SAR) obliges States Party to the Convention to ensure that assistance is provided to any person in distress at sea, “regardless of the nationality or status of such a person or the circumstances in which that person is found”.

“Finally, the position at treaty law with respect to the duty to render assistance is a general reflection of customary international maritime law. This means that masters of vessels flying the flag of non-signatory States are also required to render assistance where safe and able to do so.

“The law is therefore clear. States, both signatories and non-signatories to the above conventions, are duty bound to ensure those in distress at sea are rendered assistance on a non-discriminatory basis. Whether vessels sailing under their flag operate in either a private or public capacity, the requirements incumbent upon the masters of the vessels are the same.

“As a vessel flying the flag of Germany, a State party to all the above conventions, the Sea Watch will ensure that it fulfils all duties incumbent upon it under international law.”

Yes I know about this and also I know that the NGO Peoples Trafficking boats are going to fully abuse it.
Perhaps.........they sink their ships near us and force crap.............wouldn't think they'd sink the boat on purpose but it's possible.........
As ex Navy who has been involved with at Sea Rescue in the South China Sea..........the laws of the Sea Outweigh the laws of politics...........At Sea we have an obligation to save those in this case 12 had already died...........40 were saved.................the United States Navy is not about Politics.........It is about Sea Power and protect the lines of transportation around the globe...............

As not being political.........the obligation to save the lives at sea are ALWAYS A PRIORITY.........and that will never change...........In regards to Italy not wanting the flood of refugees to continue.............I am in agreement and always have been............but the members of the USS Trenton were Honor bound by the code of the Sea to rescue people drowning..............And have nothing to apologize about it.

If The Donald said that ALL American ports were closed to NGO Peoples Trafficking boats and then European Navy ships begin collecting invaders from the NGO Peoples Trafficking boats that contain invaders who want to get into America what would you think? Would you think that European Navy ships were then now assisting the NGO Peoples Traffickers in helping invaders attempt to get into America AGAINST the orders of The Donald? Yes you would and you would be correct.
We would not deliver them to America...........but we would not let them's that simple............

There are rules for those on the sea..............always has been............we are not going to let them drown.......They could be deported or whatever...........but no way we stand by and let that happen................and it NEVER WILL..............

The solution is that they STOP getting into boats, they are going to be FORCIBLY stopped anyhow now, once we set up the operations in Libya and Tunisia that I have already posted links to about a few pages back, once that operation is set it is DESIGNED to FORCIBLY prevent the invaders from getting ANYWHERE NEAR a boat to begin with. They will be stopped. They are going to be stopped. This getting into boats is now going to be brought to an end. Period.
As ex Navy who has been involved with at Sea Rescue in the South China Sea..........the laws of the Sea Outweigh the laws of politics...........At Sea we have an obligation to save those in this case 12 had already died...........40 were saved.................the United States Navy is not about Politics.........It is about Sea Power and protect the lines of transportation around the globe...............

As not being political.........the obligation to save the lives at sea are ALWAYS A PRIORITY.........and that will never change...........In regards to Italy not wanting the flood of refugees to continue.............I am in agreement and always have been............but the members of the USS Trenton were Honor bound by the code of the Sea to rescue people drowning..............And have nothing to apologize about it.

If The Donald said that ALL American ports were closed to NGO Peoples Trafficking boats and then European Navy ships begin collecting invaders from the NGO Peoples Trafficking boats that contain invaders who want to get into America what would you think? Would you think that European Navy ships were then now assisting the NGO Peoples Traffickers in helping invaders attempt to get into America AGAINST the orders of The Donald? Yes you would and you would be correct.
We would not deliver them to America...........but we would not let them's that simple............

There are rules for those on the sea..............always has been............we are not going to let them drown.......They could be deported or whatever...........but no way we stand by and let that happen................and it NEVER WILL..............

The solution is that they STOP getting into boats, they are going to be FORCIBLY stopped anyhow now, once we set up the operations in Libya and Tunisia that I have already posted links to about a few pages back, once that operation is set it is DESIGNED to FORCIBLY prevent the invaders from getting ANYWHERE NEAR a boat to begin with. They will be stopped. They are going to be stopped. This getting into boats is now going to be brought to an end. Period.
Well that would take us out of the equation.................and we would not be HONOR BOUND to perform rescues at sea.............Blockade them,......and stop the invasion .............I agree..........
Blog: UNCLOS and the Duty to Render Assistance

“Article 98 (1) of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS) requires masters of vessels sailing under the flag of signatory States to render assistance to those in distress at sea. It is primarily a State duty fulfilled by the master of the vessel. The master is freed from this requirement only in circumstances where the assisting vessel, the crew or the passengers on board would be seriously endangered as a result of rendering assistance to those in distress.

“Other international conventions iterate this requirement and the attendant limitation. Regulation V/33 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 (SOLAS) imposes an obligation on masters of vessels who are in a position to provide assistance to do so. Further, Chapter 2.1.10 of the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue 1979 (SAR) obliges States Party to the Convention to ensure that assistance is provided to any person in distress at sea, “regardless of the nationality or status of such a person or the circumstances in which that person is found”.

“Finally, the position at treaty law with respect to the duty to render assistance is a general reflection of customary international maritime law. This means that masters of vessels flying the flag of non-signatory States are also required to render assistance where safe and able to do so.

“The law is therefore clear. States, both signatories and non-signatories to the above conventions, are duty bound to ensure those in distress at sea are rendered assistance on a non-discriminatory basis. Whether vessels sailing under their flag operate in either a private or public capacity, the requirements incumbent upon the masters of the vessels are the same.

“As a vessel flying the flag of Germany, a State party to all the above conventions, the Sea Watch will ensure that it fulfils all duties incumbent upon it under international law.”

Yes I know about this and also I know that the NGO Peoples Trafficking boats are going to fully abuse it.
Perhaps.........they sink their ships near us and force crap.............wouldn't think they'd sink the boat on purpose but it's possible.........

They have been doing that for a while some of that crowd, deliberately sink their own boats when they are informed that a ship is within reach, they ALL have mobile phones they are IN CONTACT with the NGOs they ALL have the signal which the NGOs have already given to them, this is a PLANNED operation and has been for nearly a year, they do something to their OWN BOATS when they are informed by the NGOs that a ship is VERY near to them and so that ship will collect them.
Blog: UNCLOS and the Duty to Render Assistance

“Article 98 (1) of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS) requires masters of vessels sailing under the flag of signatory States to render assistance to those in distress at sea. It is primarily a State duty fulfilled by the master of the vessel. The master is freed from this requirement only in circumstances where the assisting vessel, the crew or the passengers on board would be seriously endangered as a result of rendering assistance to those in distress.

“Other international conventions iterate this requirement and the attendant limitation. Regulation V/33 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 (SOLAS) imposes an obligation on masters of vessels who are in a position to provide assistance to do so. Further, Chapter 2.1.10 of the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue 1979 (SAR) obliges States Party to the Convention to ensure that assistance is provided to any person in distress at sea, “regardless of the nationality or status of such a person or the circumstances in which that person is found”.

“Finally, the position at treaty law with respect to the duty to render assistance is a general reflection of customary international maritime law. This means that masters of vessels flying the flag of non-signatory States are also required to render assistance where safe and able to do so.

“The law is therefore clear. States, both signatories and non-signatories to the above conventions, are duty bound to ensure those in distress at sea are rendered assistance on a non-discriminatory basis. Whether vessels sailing under their flag operate in either a private or public capacity, the requirements incumbent upon the masters of the vessels are the same.

“As a vessel flying the flag of Germany, a State party to all the above conventions, the Sea Watch will ensure that it fulfils all duties incumbent upon it under international law.”

Yes I know about this and also I know that the NGO Peoples Trafficking boats are going to fully abuse it.
Perhaps.........they sink their ships near us and force crap.............wouldn't think they'd sink the boat on purpose but it's possible.........

They have been doing that for a while some of that crowd, deliberately sink their own boats when they are informed that a ship is within reach, they ALL have mobile phones they are IN CONTACT with the NGOs they ALL have the signal which the NGOs have already given to them, this is a PLANNED operation and has been for nearly a year, they do something to their OWN BOATS when they are informed by the NGOs that a ship is VERY near to them and so that ship will collect them.
That is savage................and utter BS..........Blockade away...........
As ex Navy who has been involved with at Sea Rescue in the South China Sea..........the laws of the Sea Outweigh the laws of politics...........At Sea we have an obligation to save those in this case 12 had already died...........40 were saved.................the United States Navy is not about Politics.........It is about Sea Power and protect the lines of transportation around the globe...............

As not being political.........the obligation to save the lives at sea are ALWAYS A PRIORITY.........and that will never change...........In regards to Italy not wanting the flood of refugees to continue.............I am in agreement and always have been............but the members of the USS Trenton were Honor bound by the code of the Sea to rescue people drowning..............And have nothing to apologize about it.

If The Donald said that ALL American ports were closed to NGO Peoples Trafficking boats and then European Navy ships begin collecting invaders from the NGO Peoples Trafficking boats that contain invaders who want to get into America what would you think? Would you think that European Navy ships were then now assisting the NGO Peoples Traffickers in helping invaders attempt to get into America AGAINST the orders of The Donald? Yes you would and you would be correct.
We would not deliver them to America...........but we would not let them's that simple............

There are rules for those on the sea..............always has been............we are not going to let them drown.......They could be deported or whatever...........but no way we stand by and let that happen................and it NEVER WILL..............

The solution is that they STOP getting into boats, they are going to be FORCIBLY stopped anyhow now, once we set up the operations in Libya and Tunisia that I have already posted links to about a few pages back, once that operation is set it is DESIGNED to FORCIBLY prevent the invaders from getting ANYWHERE NEAR a boat to begin with. They will be stopped. They are going to be stopped. This getting into boats is now going to be brought to an end. Period.
Well that would take us out of the equation.................and we would not be HONOR BOUND to perform rescues at sea.............Blockade them,......and stop the invasion .............I agree..........

I was discussing this situation the other night with my CO and some others and my CO say that in the end it will be that various European Navy ships are going to do a Naval Blockade off both Libya and Tunisia and also he said he thinks Morocco.
As ex Navy who has been involved with at Sea Rescue in the South China Sea..........the laws of the Sea Outweigh the laws of politics...........At Sea we have an obligation to save those in this case 12 had already died...........40 were saved.................the United States Navy is not about Politics.........It is about Sea Power and protect the lines of transportation around the globe...............

As not being political.........the obligation to save the lives at sea are ALWAYS A PRIORITY.........and that will never change...........In regards to Italy not wanting the flood of refugees to continue.............I am in agreement and always have been............but the members of the USS Trenton were Honor bound by the code of the Sea to rescue people drowning..............And have nothing to apologize about it.

If The Donald said that ALL American ports were closed to NGO Peoples Trafficking boats and then European Navy ships begin collecting invaders from the NGO Peoples Trafficking boats that contain invaders who want to get into America what would you think? Would you think that European Navy ships were then now assisting the NGO Peoples Traffickers in helping invaders attempt to get into America AGAINST the orders of The Donald? Yes you would and you would be correct.
We would not deliver them to America...........but we would not let them's that simple............

There are rules for those on the sea..............always has been............we are not going to let them drown.......They could be deported or whatever...........but no way we stand by and let that happen................and it NEVER WILL..............

The solution is that they STOP getting into boats, they are going to be FORCIBLY stopped anyhow now, once we set up the operations in Libya and Tunisia that I have already posted links to about a few pages back, once that operation is set it is DESIGNED to FORCIBLY prevent the invaders from getting ANYWHERE NEAR a boat to begin with. They will be stopped. They are going to be stopped. This getting into boats is now going to be brought to an end. Period.
Well that would take us out of the equation.................and we would not be HONOR BOUND to perform rescues at sea.............Blockade them,......and stop the invasion .............I agree..........

I was discussing this situation the other night with my CO and some others and my CO say that in the end it will be that various European Navy ships are going to do a Naval Blockade off both Libya and Tunisia and also he said he thinks Morocco.
Blockades do work...............if they keep coming then it may be very necessary...........
Go Italy!!!

Interesting situation now happening Malta has said they will not allow the NGO boat to dock in Malta and has told the NGO boat to go back to Libya.

So often, I've had pro immigration people act like such actions are literally impossible.

Just say FUCK NO.

It IS HAPPENING! The inevitable has happened the SHTF :thewave:

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Here is the full article link to:

EU migration row boils over as Italy and France trade insults

Great, but it's not xenophobia. That implies that the fears of what is happening is irrational.

NOT being afraid of the results of Third World Immigration is the irrational act.

The new Patriotic Government of Italy with the Patriotic Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has now told two more NGO Peoples Trafficking ships to GTFO that Italian Ports are closed to them.

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^^^^ Do NOT appreciate US warship ACTIVELY assisting the NGO Peoples Trafficking boat, The Donald needs to IMMEDIATELY instruct ALL American ships to IGNORE ALL NGO Peoples Trafficking boats. WTF?! European Patriots are attempting to stop this crap and America is what HELPING the NGOs to bring more savages to this Continent? Not acceptable, America GTFO OUR Continent go BACK to America already you have caused this situation when Obama fucked up Libya, this is when ALL the savages began doing these trips in boats from LIBYA that the NGOs assist with and now America is helping the NGOs AGAIN when WE are stopping the fucking boats! GTFO back to America already.

Here is the full article link to:

Italy bars two more refugee ships from ports

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Here is the full article link to:

Italy's Salvini bans two more migrant rescue boats

As a life long republican and repeat Trump donator, I have just emailed the White House demanding Trump order the Navy to stop helping those ships get to Europe.
If The Donald said that ALL American ports were closed to NGO Peoples Trafficking boats and then European Navy ships begin collecting invaders from the NGO Peoples Trafficking boats that contain invaders who want to get into America what would you think? Would you think that European Navy ships were then now assisting the NGO Peoples Traffickers in helping invaders attempt to get into America AGAINST the orders of The Donald? Yes you would and you would be correct.
We would not deliver them to America...........but we would not let them's that simple............

There are rules for those on the sea..............always has been............we are not going to let them drown.......They could be deported or whatever...........but no way we stand by and let that happen................and it NEVER WILL..............

The solution is that they STOP getting into boats, they are going to be FORCIBLY stopped anyhow now, once we set up the operations in Libya and Tunisia that I have already posted links to about a few pages back, once that operation is set it is DESIGNED to FORCIBLY prevent the invaders from getting ANYWHERE NEAR a boat to begin with. They will be stopped. They are going to be stopped. This getting into boats is now going to be brought to an end. Period.
Well that would take us out of the equation.................and we would not be HONOR BOUND to perform rescues at sea.............Blockade them,......and stop the invasion .............I agree..........

I was discussing this situation the other night with my CO and some others and my CO say that in the end it will be that various European Navy ships are going to do a Naval Blockade off both Libya and Tunisia and also he said he thinks Morocco.
Blockades do work...............if they keep coming then it may be very necessary...........

We are already in the process now of getting ready to crack the whip on these NGO Peoples Trafficking boats, now even the Prime Minister of Malta Joseph Muscat is agreeing with what Our Team have been demanding for some time. When they refer to the NGO Peoples Trafficking boats need to be Regulated they are actually meaning they are going to be Seized. What is going to occur now is the plan not to have random seizures of these NGO Peoples Trafficking boats instead the plan is going to be that ALL NGO Peoples Trafficking boats are going to be seized.



Here is the full article link to:

NGOs operating migrant rescue boats must be regulated – PM

There already have been random NGO Peoples Trafficking boats seized, an example of the below:



Here is the full article the link to:

Italy impounds NGO rescue ship and sends navy patrol boat to Libya

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