European Court: Gay Marriage is not a Human Right


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Wonder if SCOTUS will look at this European decision, as they have looked at other decisions made by European courts.... Naw, not on this sacred cow!

The highest human rights court in Europe shattered hopes that it would judicially impose same-sex marriage when it told a male to female transsexual and his wife that a civil union should be good enough for them. European human rights law does not require countries to “grant access to marriage to same-sex couples,” according to a judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in a case that tests the remote boundaries of possibility in law and fact. The parties to the litigation and supporters of same-sex marriage acknowledge the result was predictable. Nevertheless the judgment has a devastating effect...

European Court: Gay Marriage is not a Human Right | Catholic Lane
No worries. Besides, you keep saying America doesn't have to give a damn what the rest of the world thinks. Been there, done that...
No worries. Besides, you keep saying America doesn't have to give a damn what the rest of the world thinks. Been there, done that...

Wonder if SCOTUS will look at this European decision, as they have looked at other decisions made by European courts.... Naw, not on this sacred cow!

The highest human rights court in Europe shattered hopes that it would judicially impose same-sex marriage when it told a male to female transsexual and his wife that a civil union should be good enough for them. European human rights law does not require countries to “grant access to marriage to same-sex couples,” according to a judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in a case that tests the remote boundaries of possibility in law and fact. The parties to the litigation and supporters of same-sex marriage acknowledge the result was predictable. Nevertheless the judgment has a devastating effect...

European Court: Gay Marriage is not a Human Right | Catholic Lane

Human Rights are the ones that don't affect anyone else. Certain Liberties do affect others. You can discuss Liberties all day, but to discuss Human Rights in 2014 is a bore. You spit in America's face with your ignorance of Freedom. I'm straight and married but if I was gay it would in now way affect YOU. Learn more, type less.

As a Christina clearly people are scared to death about the end of the world where the Bible states there will be lot's of gays. Ironically the Bible says "Do not judge or be judged" and does not say, " Make laws against gays because this will mean the end of humanity will never come"................Being gay is just an average sin, not a top 10. Why hate this specific sin so much? Get over it and focus on your own sins.
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I'm straight and married but if I was gay it would in now way affect YOU. Learn more, type less.

Heed your own advice brother.

Let me explain by use of analogy. When the workforce was dominated by men then employment law was suited to the relationships which existed between male bosses and male employees. Salesmen could take clients to nudie bars, men could tell dirty jokes at the workplace, etc. There was a more easy-going dynamic than exists now. Once women began making their presence really felt in the workplace then the all sorts of codes, practices, customs and laws came into being. Now people have to be on constant guard about what they say, how they act, where they look, etc

The workplace has changed. There really isn't any debate about that. Do you really want to dispute that?

Same with cramming homosexuals into marriage laws which are designed for one man and one woman. These laws will change over time to accommodate the circumstances which are unique to male-male relationships and female-female relationships and these changes will modify what was hammered out to work for male-female marriages.

So yes, there will indeed be blowblack as there always is when we expand social practices and customs to groups which weren't part of the originating culture.

We see this with coed sports teams for kids. When boys were the only ones on hockey teams there used to be more body contact at younger years but once girls were crammed onto these teams the league rules had to be changed to reduce and even eliminate body checking.

The institution changes. Boys who play hockey are affected in how they play hockey when there are girls on the teams.
As a Christina(?) clearly people are scared to death about the end of the world where the Bible states there will be lot's of gays. Ironically the Bible says "Do not judge or be judged" and does not say, " Make laws against gays because this will mean the end of humanity will never come"................Being gay is just an average sin, not a top 10. Why hate this specific sin so much? Get over it and focus on your own sins.
Interesting. Could you show me the Bible verse you're referring to?

"Not a Top 10 Sin". Was there a Letterman Top Ten list at one time? :D
I wonder if anyone actually read the link.

It is about a case in Finland, an especially brisant case:

...Heli Hämäläinen of Finland had a sex change operation in 2009 to appear anatomically as a woman, despite having fathered a child with his wife of over 10 years in 2002. Before the operation, he tried to change his legal identity from male to female without success.

He sued before the European court when he was told that it would not be possible so long as he remained married, because Finland does not allow persons of the same sex to marry each other. Hämäläinen and his spouse insist that their religious beliefs prevent them from seeking a divorce and that civil unions do not give them the same benefits as marriage in Finnish law.

The European court was unequivocal. It not only said that European human rights law does not contemplate same-sex marriage, it said that civil unions are good enough for same-sex couples...

- See more at: European Court: Gay Marriage is not a Human Right | Catholic Lane

What Vagisil forgot to include is that under EU-wide law, Civil Unions guarantee equal rights in terms of taxes, property, wills, inheritances, etc.

And for a dude who is so anti-European, he sure is quick to pick up information from Europe when it suddenly serves his purposes. Poor Vagisil.
There's a such thing as the European Court of Human Rights? That almost sounds made up.
Wonder if SCOTUS will look at this European decision, as they have looked at other decisions made by European courts.... Naw, not on this sacred cow!

The highest human rights court in Europe shattered hopes that it would judicially impose same-sex marriage when it told a male to female transsexual and his wife that a civil union should be good enough for them. European human rights law does not require countries to “grant access to marriage to same-sex couples,” according to a judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in a case that tests the remote boundaries of possibility in law and fact. The parties to the litigation and supporters of same-sex marriage acknowledge the result was predictable. Nevertheless the judgment has a devastating effect...

European Court: Gay Marriage is not a Human Right | Catholic Lane

Human Rights are the ones that don't affect anyone else. Certain Liberties do affect others. You can discuss Liberties all day, but to discuss Human Rights in 2014 is a bore. You spit in America's face with your ignorance of Freedom. I'm straight and married but if I was gay it would in now way affect YOU. Learn more, type less.

As a Christina clearly people are scared to death about the end of the world where the Bible states there will be lot's of gays. Ironically the Bible says "Do not judge or be judged" and does not say, " Make laws against gays because this will mean the end of humanity will never come"................Being gay is just an average sin, not a top 10. Why hate this specific sin so much? Get over it and focus on your own sins.

God doesn't differentiate, when it comes to sin.

James 2:…10For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all. 11For He who said, "DO NOT COMMIT ADULTERY," also said, "DO NOT COMMIT MURDER." Now if you do not commit adultery, but do commit murder, you have become a transgressor of the law.

As far as judging goes.

John 7:24"Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment."

2 Chronicles 19: 6He said to the judges, "Consider what you are doing, for you do not judge for man but for the LORD who is with you when you render judgment.

The Bible says much more than just a verse here and there, when you take it out of context, it can say anything you want it to.

For an example, I will take words out of verses and show you.

1 John 2:18 anti
Acts 5:17 party
Matthew 27:5 Judas went out and hanged himself
Luke 10:37 Go and do likewise

It's simple to twist what the Bible says, it's hard to actually keep true to the Word.
I'm straight and married but if I was gay it would in now way affect YOU. Learn more, type less.

Heed your own advice brother.

Let me explain by use of analogy. When the workforce was dominated by men then employment law was suited to the relationships which existed between male bosses and male employees. Salesmen could take clients to nudie bars, men could tell dirty jokes at the workplace, etc. There was a more easy-going dynamic than exists now. Once women began making their presence really felt in the workplace then the all sorts of codes, practices, customs and laws came into being. Now people have to be on constant guard about what they say, how they act, where they look, etc

The workplace has changed. There really isn't any debate about that. Do you really want to dispute that?

Same with cramming homosexuals into marriage laws which are designed for one man and one woman. These laws will change over time to accommodate the circumstances which are unique to male-male relationships and female-female relationships and these changes will modify what was hammered out to work for male-female marriages.

So yes, there will indeed be blowblack as there always is when we expand social practices and customs to groups which weren't part of the originating culture.

We see this with coed sports teams for kids. When boys were the only ones on hockey teams there used to be more body contact at younger years but once girls were crammed onto these teams the league rules had to be changed to reduce and even eliminate body checking.

The institution changes. Boys who play hockey are affected in how they play hockey when there are girls on the teams.
Poor guys...having to work with women and play with girls. Poor, poor guys.:(
I'm straight and married but if I was gay it would in now way affect YOU. Learn more, type less.

Heed your own advice brother.

Let me explain by use of analogy. When the workforce was dominated by men then employment law was suited to the relationships which existed between male bosses and male employees. Salesmen could take clients to nudie bars, men could tell dirty jokes at the workplace, etc. There was a more easy-going dynamic than exists now. Once women began making their presence really felt in the workplace then the all sorts of codes, practices, customs and laws came into being. Now people have to be on constant guard about what they say, how they act, where they look, etc

The workplace has changed. There really isn't any debate about that. Do you really want to dispute that?

Same with cramming homosexuals into marriage laws which are designed for one man and one woman. These laws will change over time to accommodate the circumstances which are unique to male-male relationships and female-female relationships and these changes will modify what was hammered out to work for male-female marriages.

So yes, there will indeed be blowblack as there always is when we expand social practices and customs to groups which weren't part of the originating culture.

We see this with coed sports teams for kids. When boys were the only ones on hockey teams there used to be more body contact at younger years but once girls were crammed onto these teams the league rules had to be changed to reduce and even eliminate body checking.

The institution changes. Boys who play hockey are affected in how they play hockey when there are girls on the teams.
Poor guys...having to work with women and play with girls. Poor, poor guys.:(

How else can they be trained?:lol:

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