Europeans have three times more Neanderthal genes for lipid catabolism than Asians or

I see you are completely ignorant of Human History in addition to your ignorance pertaining to Current Events. The Primitive World - which includes Europeans, Africans, Asians, and Native Anericans ALL lived in a state of continuos warfare - with extremely rare exceptions they never knew peace. The myth of a peaceful noble savage is just that -a myth.

So far as the Neanderthal and whether they bred with homo Sapiens, it is possible - but not proven. If in fact homo Sapiens and Neanderthal were two distinct species, as science postulates, than breeding of HonoNeanderthalis and HomoSapien would either not produce children, and if it did they would be Sterile - such as the case of Mules which are the product of a Jack-Ass and a Horse.

The Range of the Neanderthal went far beyond Europe - it extended well into Asia , the Middle East and quite possibly [although this is uncertain] Northern Africa.

So far as their Intelligence being the equivalent of an Autistic Child - this is also probably not true.

they had a greater Brain to body weight capacity than modern Homo-Sapiens. Neanderthal brains were 13% larger than our own brain size, The average brain size is larger than the average modern human by almost 200 cubic centimeters. . This cranial capacity allowed for large cerebral hemispheres. Neanderthals were intelligent thinkers. ....


A factor in detremining the reason for their extinction is quite possibly their large heads and bigger brains, The infant mortality rate would have been exceptionally high. Competition from HomoSapiens probably contributed as well,but the theory of the opposing thumbs ..yada yada yada .. has been debunked.

Neanderthal and Nephilim

I see you are completely ignorant of a lot of things from the myriad of errors and assumptions in your post. It is scientifically proven Neanderthals bred with humans. Europeans have about 4% of their DNA from them the last article i read. Greater cranial capacity does not equal more intelligence. They were physically bigger so of course there heads were going to be a bit bigger. Also understand that their brains were geared towards vision and movement.

Neanderthal brains focused on vision and movement leaving less room for social networking -- ScienceDaily

Neanderthal brains were adapted to allow them to see better and maintain larger bodies, according to new research. Although Neanderthals' brains were similar in size to their contemporary modern human counterparts, fresh analysis of fossil data suggests that their brain structure was rather different. Results imply that larger areas of the Neanderthal brain, compared to the modern human brain, were given over to vision and movement and this left less room for the higher level thinking required to form large social groups

1.] The link you posted HYPOTHESIZES that homosapien and neanderhal may have cross bred - it does not prove it. Although it certainly is a very valid THEORY [You do understand the diff. between theory anf fact don't you?] - It is not scientifically Proven - it is theorized - you stand corrected - Your Welcome

2.] The Link I provided stated Brain to Body Weight capacity - which infers a ratio - not just larger. HOWEVER the link you provided from Science Daily which hypothesizes on strucure rather than brain to body weight capacity does make a very good point - Bravo ... is very interesting indeed

That link was for the brain size not the DNA.

Here is a link on the DNA.

Humans Broke Off Neanderthal Sex After Discovering Eurasia | LiveScience

A team of scientists comparing the full genomes of the two species concluded that most Europeans and Asians have between 1 to 4 percent Neanderthal DNA.
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I see you are completely ignorant of a lot of things from the myriad of errors and assumptions in your post. It is scientifically proven Neanderthals bred with humans. Europeans have about 4% of their DNA from them the last article i read. Greater cranial capacity does not equal more intelligence. They were physically bigger so of course there heads were going to be a bit bigger. Also understand that their brains were geared towards vision and movement.

Neanderthal brains focused on vision and movement leaving less room for social networking -- ScienceDaily

1.] The link you posted HYPOTHESIZES that homosapien and neanderhal may have cross bred - it does not prove it. Although it certainly is a very valid THEORY [You do understand the diff. between theory anf fact don't you?] - It is not scientifically Proven - it is theorized - you stand corrected - Your Welcome

2.] The Link I provided stated Brain to Body Weight capacity - which infers a ratio - not just larger. HOWEVER the link you provided from Science Daily which hypothesizes on strucure rather than brain to body weight capacity does make a very good point - Bravo ... is very interesting indeed

That link was for the brain size not the DNA.

Here is a link on the DNA.

How Neanderthal DNA Changed Humans : Discovery News

Humans Broke Off Neanderthal Sex After Discovering Eurasia | LiveScience

A team of scientists comparing the full genomes of the two species concluded that most Europeans and Asians have between 1 to 4 percent Neanderthal DNA.

Thanks Asclepias, interesting reading . All theory , but very logical .

Neanderthal DNA had been found in “Europeans and Asians” but not in sub-Saharan Africans whose ancestors stuck around when their cousins left the continent. I can't find any data on Native Americans , but my assumption would be they are lumped in with Eurasian / Asian.
So this proves that white people are closer to apes?

Your attempt at humor only shows your ignorance of science.

Woah stop right there :eusa_hand:.

You seem to forget that black people were busy building pyramids in egypt while these bowl cut mother fuckers in europe were still living in caves wearing bear skins and just learned how to make fire.

Black people were the manual labor, in that you are correct, which is only one part of the creation of the pyramids.
"These sequences show signs of recent positive selection," says Philipp Khaitovich of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, and the CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology in Shanghai, China. "This may indicate that they give modern humans carrying the Neanderthal genotype a selective advantage." Analyzing the influence of Neanderthal variants on lipid processing in modern humans, the researchers further found recent evolutionary changes in lipid concentration and expression of metabolic enzymes in brains of humans of European origin. "We don't know what these lipid concentration changes do to the brain, but the fact that Neanderthal variants might have changed our brain composition has interesting implications," says Philipp Khaitovich. Further work is needed, however, in order to fully assess the potential functional effects of these changes.

The study below (Canfield et al. 2013) also shows that Europeans and East Asians share common ancestry and they split around 50,000 years ago with a lighter skin mutation. It's also known that both Europeans (5.9±0.08%) and East Asians (6.2±0.06%) inherited some portions of Neanderthal DNA because human-Neanderthal admixture occurred somewhere in the Middle East prior to Europeans' genetic split from proto-Asians, while Africans had not interbred with Neanderthals. Environmental factors may have contributed to the further differentiation of the two ethnic groups after the A111T mutation, which gave rise to modern Caucasians with lighter skin tones. Europeans who lived in colder climates in Scandinavia were positively selected to accumulate fat more effectively than East Asians to cope better with the cold weather, while East Asians went through another genetic mutation to adapt to the humid environment in Asia. This process of positive selection may explain the physical differences between Europeans and East Asians and Europeans are prone to gain more weight than their Asian counterparts, who are rarely overweight without making conscious efforts to lose weight. In other words, the metabolite concentration associated with Neanderthal ancestry among contemporary Europeans is directly linked to obesity, hypertriglyceridemia and coronary heart disease and Europeans are three times more likely to have a body mass index (BMI) of more than 40 (class III obesity) than Asians.


A new study has shown how a specific mutation in the SLC24A5 gene provides evidence of shared ancestry of Asians with Europeans. While the genetics of skin color is largely unclear, past research using zebrafish by Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine’s Keith Cheng identified that the SLC24A5 gene is a key contributor to the skin color difference between Europeans and West Africans. In this study, Victor Canfield, assistant professor of pharmacology, together with Cheng, studied a specific mutation in SLC24A5, called A111T.

The researchers found that all individuals from the Middle East, North Africa, East Africa and South India who carry the A111T mutation share a common “fingerprint” – traces of the ancestral genetic code – in the corresponding chromosomal region, indicating that all existing instances of this mutation originate from the same person. The pattern of proportions of people with this lighter skin color mutation indicates that the A111T mutation occurred somewhere between the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent.

“This means that Middle Easterners and South Indians, which includes most inhabitants of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, share significant ancestry,” said Cheng. This mutated segment of DNA was itself created from a combination of two other mutated segments commonly found in Eastern Asians – traditionally defined as Chinese, Japanese and Korean. “The coincidence of this interesting form of evidence of shared ancestry of East Asians with Europeans, within this tiny chromosomal region, is exciting,” said Cheng. “The combining of segments occurred after the ancestors of East Asians and Europeans split geographically more than 50,000 years ago; the A111T mutation occurred afterward.”

These findings were reported in the journal G3.

The geographical distribution of the A111T allele of SLC24A5 (Norton et al. 2007), updated with the use of additional population samples (Figure 1), shows that A111T is nearly fixed in all of Europe and most of the Middle East, extending east to some populations in present-day Pakistan and north India. A111T shows a latitudinal decline toward the Equator, with high frequencies in Northern Africa (>0.80), intermediate (0.4&#8722;0.6) in Ethiopia and Somalia, and lower (<0.35) in sub-Saharan Africa. This pattern is broadly consistent with strong positive selection for decreased skin pigmentation throughout Europe. There is a cline of decreasing frequency of A111T in indigenous populations east of approximately longitude 75° in Central Asia, with near-absence in East Asia, Oceania, and the Americas. The extent to which the spread of A111T to the east has been inhibited by the absence of substantial eastward population migrations postdating its origin or by the presence of other loci responsible for decreased skin pigmentation in East Asia is presently unclear. The precursors to C11, haplotypes C3 and C10, are common in East Asia and the New World (Figure S5), but the distribution of C11 indicates that these locations are not likely sites for the origin of C11 or its immediate precursor. Similarly, B6 not associated with C11 is distributed widely in East Asia and the New World (data not shown). The paucity of C3 and C10 among existing African haplotypes suggests that both events leading to the origin of C11 took place outside this continent. Our dating for this haplotype is consistent with a non-African origin. The most likely location for the origin of C11 is, therefore, within the region in which it is fixed or nearly so. As both models for the origin of C11 imply that C3 and C10 were present in ancestors of Europeans, the observed and inferred distributions of these autosomal haplotypes are consistent with the single-out-of-Africa hypothesis derived using uniparental markers. Although a non-African origin for C11 is clear, near fixation of this haplotype over a wide geographical region prevents strong inferences regarding a precise location of origin. Existing data are consistent with a model in which the C11 precursor did not extend outside the geographical region in which C11 is now nearly fixed, a conclusion subject to limited haplotype sampling in some neighboring regions, such as India. With sufficiently strong positive selection for C11, it is possible that this haplotype could have originated anywhere within its current range and spread via local migration. However, selection acting in concert with major population migrations would have facilitated a much more rapid dispersal. Archeological, mitochondrial, and Y-chromosomal data suggest involvement of multiple dispersals in shaping the current populations of Europe and the Middle East (Soares et al. 2010). Because A111T is far from fixation in most Indian samples (Table S1), the high diversity of B-region haplotypes associated with C11 in the GIH sample may be the result of prolonged recombination rather than early arrival of A111T. In fact, the decrease in frequency of A111T to the east of Pakistan suggests that C11 originated farther to the west and after the initial genetic split between western and eastern Eurasians. On this basis, we hold the view that an origin of C11 in the Middle East, broadly defined, is most likely.

Gene Mutation Links Asian & European Ancestors | Asian Scientist Magazine | Science, Technology and Medicine News Updates From Asia
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Europeans were the last in a long line of peoples that conquered and enslaved it's subjects of defeat...

If you look at slavery historically European slavery has always been different. The word slave comes from the Slavs. Europeans were also the only ones to mandate that all other peoples were savages and therefore it was their God given right to enslave them and take their land. Europeans definitely suffered from a mindset of scarcity brought on by the crowed conditions in Europe. This Neanderthal angle could explain the aggressive nature of Europeans as they were mere brutes.

I like you so I don&#8217;t want you take this the wrong way, but what you are saying concerning Neanderthals is racist. The Neanderthals were not animals, but humans; the proof is they were able to mate with our ancestors. There is no proof they were any more brutish or less intelligent than that any other people. These opinions were based on the fact that they looked significantly different than modern humans. Most modern aborigines, of Australia themselves look significantly different than other peoples so would you say the same things about them? All peoples all over the world are basically the same they only vary by culture. Some cultures are just more advantageous than others and it makes a difference in the standard of living.
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Well its not a scheme for one thing. Its a news report. Yes it would explain why Europeans conquered the world. All that inbreeding and mixing with Neanderthals obviously made Europeans violent and jealous of the peace and prosperity other people lived in. They say due to the crowded conditions in Europe people frequently ate each other. Neanderthals had the mental capacity of an autistic child I understand. There may be mental implications the cause European violence and the Neanderthal angle (which was an earlier form of man) may account for the lack of respect for others. Some of the worlds most violent incidents occurred in Europe. Who knew Europeans are closer to simians than other people?

I see you are completely ignorant of Human History in addition to your ignorance pertaining to Current Events. The Primitive World - which includes Europeans, Africans, Asians, and Native Anericans ALL lived in a state of continuos warfare - with extremely rare exceptions they never knew peace. The myth of a peaceful noble savage is just that -a myth.

So far as the Neanderthal and whether they bred with homo Sapiens, it is possible - but not proven. If in fact homo Sapiens and Neanderthal were two distinct species, as science postulates, than breeding of HonoNeanderthalis and HomoSapien would either not produce children, and if it did they would be Sterile - such as the case of Mules which are the product of a Jack-Ass and a Horse.

The Range of the Neanderthal went far beyond Europe - it extended well into Asia , the Middle East and quite possibly [although this is uncertain] Northern Africa.

So far as their Intelligence being the equivalent of an Autistic Child - this is also probably not true.

they had a greater Brain to body weight capacity than modern Homo-Sapiens. Neanderthal brains were 13% larger than our own brain size, The average brain size is larger than the average modern human by almost 200 cubic centimeters. . This cranial capacity allowed for large cerebral hemispheres. Neanderthals were intelligent thinkers. ....


A factor in detremining the reason for their extinction is quite possibly their large heads and bigger brains, The infant mortality rate would have been exceptionally high. Competition from HomoSapiens probably contributed as well,but the theory of the opposing thumbs ..yada yada yada .. has been debunked.

Neanderthal and Nephilim

I see you are completely ignorant of a lot of things from the myriad of errors and assumptions in your post. It is scientifically proven Neanderthals bred with humans. Europeans have about 4% of their DNA from them the last article i read. Greater cranial capacity does not equal more intelligence. They were physically bigger so of course there heads were going to be a bit bigger. Also understand that their brains were geared towards vision and movement.

Neanderthal brains focused on vision and movement leaving less room for social networking -- ScienceDaily

Neanderthal brains were adapted to allow them to see better and maintain larger bodies, according to new research. Although Neanderthals' brains were similar in size to their contemporary modern human counterparts, fresh analysis of fossil data suggests that their brain structure was rather different. Results imply that larger areas of the Neanderthal brain, compared to the modern human brain, were given over to vision and movement and this left less room for the higher level thinking required to form large social groups

I missed this the first time around -
They were physically bigger so of course there heads were going to be a bit bigger.

The measurement of Brain to Body Weight capacity is a ratio which accounts for overall size. An elephnats brain to body weight capacity is significantly lower than a humans -they have perhaps 1cc of brain mass per 20 lbs of body weight - whereas the human has more cc per 20lbs of body weight. So i do believe you missed the point entirely re: Brain to Body WEIGHT CAPACITY.

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