Europeans Support a Total Ban on Muslim Immigration in Massive Numbers


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The leftwing douche bags have been claiming the Europeans support Muslim immigration. This poll proves otherwise.

Chatham House, a think-tank with the deepest possible roots in the British establishment, undertook a massive poll of European countries – 10,000 respondents in 10 separate countries – and found that majorities everywhere favor a halt to Muslim immigration.

Here is the summary chart:


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An interview with Shillman Fellow Bruce Thornton.
June 15, 2017

Niram Ferretti

Reprinted from

Bruce Thornton, professor of classics and humanities at California State University and research fellow at the Hoover Institution, is today one of the most scathing voices in the academic and intellectual American landscape. In various books and essays he has contributed to demystify the myths and fetishes of liberal thought and enabled us to understand better the origin of the crisis which affects Western society.


We must fight the battle on two fronts. First, we must recommit our civilization to its spiritual roots, the Classical/Judeo-Christian foundations from which flow our goods such as equality, freedom, tolerance, and human rights. This is a difficult task, but we cannot give up that fight in our work and lives. Second, we must press our leaders to recognize that we are at war, and must fight as fiercely as we did against Nazism. If the jihadists love death more than we love life, then we must give them what they love.


Absolutely. The progressive movement worships what it calls science, but is really scientism: dressing up materialist metaphysics in the quantitative robes of real science, and reducing the human to just another thing in the world to be altered and controlled. The next step is to reject any authority that challenges their materialist dehumanization of the person: church, family, civil society, and tradition, the collective wisdom of the West that developed over centuries and is embodied in our greatest works of art and literature. This move leaves us without roots, tied to the present and its material pleasures, and dependent on the centralized power of the government to run our lives according to the needs of a technocratic elite. The result is the dehumanization of the free, spiritual, self-governing being that lies at the heart of our Classical and Judeo-Christian heritage.


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