Eva Bartlett: Human Rights and Justice in Gaza

There are rules to occupation that place responsibilities and restrictions on the occupying power. One of these responsibilities is to protect the safety and health of the occupied population. A restriction is to not destroy property. Israel violates virtually all of the rules of occupation.

So you are actually arguing against Palestinian self-determination and self-rule.

(And if Israel had "effective control" over Gaza, there would be no rockets, no tunnels, no military camps training children. There would be water and proper sewage treatment. These very facts demonstrate that Israel has no effective control and therefore there is no occupation.)
Stupid question. You need to read up.

And stay away from that Israeli propaganda crap.

Tinman, I would put my knowledge and research on the line against yours any day of the week.

I am asking you for your personal opinion and to reveal your moral compass. It has nothing at all to do with research. WHO has the responsibility for the health and safety of the Gazan people? Who has the ability to put that responsibility into practice?

You don't want to answer. You shy away from answering every time I ask something difficult. I keep asking because I think you can do better.
Tinman, I would put my knowledge and research on the line against yours any day of the week.​

Cool, start a thread.
Cool, start a thread.

Why bother? You won't answer any of the questions any way. Why don't you start by answering the question posed by me in this thread.

See, the problem I am facing when trying to debate on this forum is that I am looking for solutions to the problem. Moving forward, not just demonizing or blaming.

What is the solution to the safety and health problems for the people in Gaza?
Cool, start a thread.

Why bother? You won't answer any of the questions any way. Why don't you start by answering the question posed by me in this thread.

See, the problem I am facing when trying to debate on this forum is that I am looking for solutions to the problem. Moving forward, not just demonizing or blaming.

What is the solution to the safety and health problems for the people in Gaza?
The first thing I have to say is there will not be a negotiated solution. The so called peace process is designed to fail. It always has and always will.

There has to be a major change in the process. They have to get rid of those old farts who still believe in Oslo and creating "a state" on the crumbs remaining of historic Palestine.

There are many Palestinians who could more aggressively negotiate on a legal basis and in the context of history on the world stage.
Hilarious thread title, when all Palestinian Muslim animals ever do is target Israeli civilians.
Hilarious thread title, when all Palestinian Muslim animals ever do is target Israeli civilians.

"all Palestinian Muslim animals ever do is target Israeli civilians."

Israeli animals do the same thing, only they target and kill thousands of Palestinian civilians at a time.
Pretty much the sickest most disgusting people on earth, glorifying the killing of children, the ZionNazis.

"There is no school tomorrow; there are no children left in Gaza,” chanted the right-wing extremists gathered opposite Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square on Saturday night, waving Israeli flags and shaking their fingers in the air.

As the the cries of “I hate all the Arabs” and “Gaza is a cemetery” intensified"

Right-wing Israelis celebrate the deaths of Gazan children
What is the solution to the safety and health problems for the people in Gaza?

The first thing I have to say is there will not be a negotiated solution. The so called peace process is designed to fail. It always has and always will.

There has to be a major change in the process. They have to get rid of those old farts who still believe in Oslo and creating "a state" on the crumbs remaining of historic Palestine.

There are many Palestinians who could more aggressively negotiate on a legal basis and in the context of history on the world stage.

Okay. Thank you for focusing on solutions.

In Gaza, in particular, what should the end goal look like and what steps should be taken by which parties towards it?

In my mind, the first thing that has to happen is the end of all violence. That will entail a major shift in thinking in Gaza. Do you think that is possible?
What is the solution to the safety and health problems for the people in Gaza?

The first thing I have to say is there will not be a negotiated solution. The so called peace process is designed to fail. It always has and always will.

There has to be a major change in the process. They have to get rid of those old farts who still believe in Oslo and creating "a state" on the crumbs remaining of historic Palestine.

There are many Palestinians who could more aggressively negotiate on a legal basis and in the context of history on the world stage.

Okay. Thank you for focusing on solutions.

In Gaza, in particular, what should the end goal look like and what steps should be taken by which parties towards it?

In my mind, the first thing that has to happen is the end of all violence. That will entail a major shift in thinking in Gaza. Do you think that is possible?
"True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice." ~ Martin Luther King JR.​

We have heard Nutandyahoo say that he wanted calm for calm. What does that mean?

Rockets and other attacks will stop.

Bombing will stop but Israel can still shoot farmers and fishermen. The siege, which in itself is an act of war, will continue. Israel will still enter Gaza to destroy crops and infrastructure.

Israel has never wanted peace. Peace goes against its agenda.

The only people in the world pushing for peace is BDS.
"True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice." ~ Martin Luther King JR.​

We have heard Nutandyahoo say that he wanted calm for calm. What does that mean?

Rockets and other attacks will stop.

Bombing will stop but Israel can still shoot farmers and fishermen. The siege, which in itself is an act of war, will continue. Israel will still enter Gaza to destroy crops and infrastructure.

Well, let's focus on what we think are practical solutions and leave the rest out of it.

Rockets attacks stop. All tunnel building stops and all existing tunnels are destroyed. All approaches to buffer zones stop.

All response to attacks becomes unnecessary since there are no attacks and no violations.

Yay! No more people being hurt or killed. Great start. After a specified amount of time (I'm open as to how long that is), fishing zones are increased and buffer zones are decreased.

Joint project is initiated. I would suggest a water or sewage treatment facility. Construction is monitored by a joint committee of Gazans, Israelis and two third parties to ensure all construction materials are used for the intended purpose. Project is funded by Israel and international donors. All labor is performed by the Gazan people as an employment project.

With me so far?
"True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice." ~ Martin Luther King JR.​

We have heard Nutandyahoo say that he wanted calm for calm. What does that mean?

Rockets and other attacks will stop.

Bombing will stop but Israel can still shoot farmers and fishermen. The siege, which in itself is an act of war, will continue. Israel will still enter Gaza to destroy crops and infrastructure.

Well, let's focus on what we think are practical solutions and leave the rest out of it.

Rockets attacks stop. All tunnel building stops and all existing tunnels are destroyed. All approaches to buffer zones stop.

All response to attacks becomes unnecessary since there are no attacks and no violations.

Yay! No more people being hurt or killed. Great start. After a specified amount of time (I'm open as to how long that is), fishing zones are increased and buffer zones are decreased.

Joint project is initiated. I would suggest a water or sewage treatment facility. Construction is monitored by a joint committee of Gazans, Israelis and two third parties to ensure all construction materials are used for the intended purpose. Project is funded by Israel and international donors. All labor is performed by the Gazan people as an employment project.

With me so far?
Israel's version of a ceasefire.

Israeli forces open fire on Palestinian farmers, level lands in Gaza Strip

Witnesses told Ma’an they saw three Israeli bulldozers enter the Palestinian side of the Gaza borderline and level lands near the border fence on the outskirts of al-Nahdha neighborhood east of Rafah. No injuries were reported.

Separately, Israeli forces reportedly opened fire on Palestinian farmers tending their land in al-Najjar neighborhood near the village of Khuzaa in the southern Gaza Strip. No injuries have been reported.

Israeli forces open fire on Palestinian farmers, level lands in Gaza Strip

OK , every little bit helps. The problem I see is that complete compliance would be required by the Palestinians while Israel piddles around on its.
....that is an exception whereas glorifying terrorism and murder of women and children is part and parcel of Palestinian culture. Another epic fail at whitewashing Palestinian savagery with propaganda and bullshit.
OK , every little bit helps. The problem I see is that complete compliance would be required by the Palestinians while Israel piddles around on its.

Yes. Complete cessation of hostilities from the Gazan peoples is the initial requirement. This would indicate a willingness to live peacefully as a neighbor to Israel.

Why would this be a problem?
OK , every little bit helps. The problem I see is that complete compliance would be required by the Palestinians while Israel piddles around on its.

Yes. Complete cessation of hostilities from the Gazan peoples is the initial requirement. This would indicate a willingness to live peacefully as a neighbor to Israel.

Why would this be a problem?
Israel will not reciprocate.
Yeah, those poor, suffering, peaceful, halo wearing Palestinians are going out of their way shunning violence and terror, and the Israelis never reciprocate.
1. Why do Zionists believe Palestinians should not resist Jewish rule?

2. Why Zionists believe Palestinians should behave any differently than other resistance groups such as the ANC, the Kurds or others.

3. Why do Zionists support violent Kurdish resistance, including bombings, against the Turks?
4- Why do Arab Muslims think they can continue to efforts to commit a second holocaust on Jews in their own holy land without any consequences?

5- Why do Arab Muslims think they are entitled to commit terror and mass murder on non Muslims without others having the right to defend themselves or retaliate?

6- Why are Arab Muslims the major source for terror, intolerance, and instability throughout the world today?

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