Eva Bartlett: Human Rights and Justice in Gaza

Good question, thanks. The occupying power has the ultimate responsibility for the safety and health of the occupied people.

I was fairly certain you would say that. Here's the problem with that: Israel does not have control over the infrastructure and building projects in Gaza. Gaza is self-governing and its own government controls its civil projects. Israel has no control over water management, building projects, repairs to infrastructure or anything else. Israel can't control the 800 million tons of concrete subverted to make tunnels, let alone ensure that every water and sewage line gets repaired.

Does Gaza's government bear no responsibility towards its own people?

By the above statement you are assigning responsibility of the people's safety and health to an entity which has absolutely no control over how resources are used. (Note this means that Israel has no effective control over the territory, which of course, would mean Gaza is not occupied).

SO here's another question for you: Would you support Israel re-occupying Gaza and re-taking effective control of the territory again for the health and safety of the people there?
Good question, thanks. The occupying power has the ultimate responsibility for the safety and health of the occupied people.

I was fairly certain you would say that. Here's the problem with that: Israel does not have control over the infrastructure and building projects in Gaza. Gaza is self-governing and its own government controls its civil projects. Israel has no control over water management, building projects, repairs to infrastructure or anything else. Israel can't control the 800 million tons of concrete subverted to make tunnels, let alone ensure that every water and sewage line gets repaired.

Does Gaza's government bear no responsibility towards its own people?

By the above statement you are assigning responsibility of the people's safety and health to an entity which has absolutely no control over how resources are used. (Note this means that Israel has no effective control over the territory, which of course, would mean Gaza is not occupied).

SO here's another question for you: Would you support Israel re-occupying Gaza and re-taking effective control of the territory again for the health and safety of the people there?
I was fairly certain you would say that. Here's the problem with that: Israel does not have control over the infrastructure and building projects in Gaza.​

That is true for all projects that do not require money or materials.
That is true for all projects that do not require money or materials.

Oh come on. You know exactly what I mean. Israel can choose to supply or deny certain materials -- but whether those materials are used to build homes or hospitals or water treatment plants or tunnels is not under Israel's control.

You always dodge the tough questions.
Good question, thanks. The occupying power has the ultimate responsibility for the safety and health of the occupied people.

I was fairly certain you would say that. Here's the problem with that: Israel does not have control over the infrastructure and building projects in Gaza. Gaza is self-governing and its own government controls its civil projects. Israel has no control over water management, building projects, repairs to infrastructure or anything else. Israel can't control the 800 million tons of concrete subverted to make tunnels, let alone ensure that every water and sewage line gets repaired.

Does Gaza's government bear no responsibility towards its own people?

By the above statement you are assigning responsibility of the people's safety and health to an entity which has absolutely no control over how resources are used. (Note this means that Israel has no effective control over the territory, which of course, would mean Gaza is not occupied).

SO here's another question for you: Would you support Israel re-occupying Gaza and re-taking effective control of the territory again for the health and safety of the people there?

Besides controlling the air space, territorial sea and land border, Israel collects taxes in Gaza FFS. The "Hostages Case" at the Nuremberg trials makes it clear that Israel is the occupying as it has demonstrated that it can enter at will and take military control whenever it wants to.
Besides controlling the air space, territorial sea and land border, Israel collects taxes in Gaza FFS. The "Hostages Case" at the Nuremberg trials makes it clear that Israel is the occupying as it has demonstrated that it can enter at will and take military control whenever it wants to.

I dispute the premise of this post that an embargo and military effectiveness constitutes occupancy, but, having said that, why don't you take a stab at the question I posed for Tinman, since he isn't going to answer it.

Do you support Israel exercising control over Gaza to the extent necessary to ensure clean and safe drinking water for the Gazan people? Why or why not? Do you think it would be irresponsible for Israel NOT to take those measures? Why or why not?
Besides controlling the air space, territorial sea and land border, Israel collects taxes in Gaza FFS. The "Hostages Case" at the Nuremberg trials makes it clear that Israel is the occupying as it has demonstrated that it can enter at will and take military control whenever it wants to.

I dispute the premise of this post that an embargo and military effectiveness constitutes occupancy, but, having said that, why don't you take a stab at the question I posed for Tinman, since he isn't going to answer it.

Do you support Israel exercising control over Gaza to the extent necessary to ensure clean and safe drinking water for the Gazan people? Why or why not? Do you think it would be irresponsible for Israel NOT to take those measures? Why or why not?
How can I answer a question that is based on an Israeli lie?
How can I answer a question that is based on an Israeli lie?

What part is an Israeli lie? I don't understand. That Gaza isn't occupied? Meh. Not important to the question. Not occupied or somewhat occupied moving into MORE occupied -- for it or against it? Why?
How can I answer a question that is based on an Israeli lie?

What part is an Israeli lie? I don't understand. That Gaza isn't occupied? Meh. Not important to the question. Not occupied or somewhat occupied moving into MORE occupied -- for it or against it? Why?
I don't understand.​

Precisely, that is why answering your questions is futile.
Precisely, that is why answering your questions is futile.

Oh please. The question is clear enough. The fact that you don't want to answer it is because you run straight up against having to decide whether it is better for the Palestinians to govern themselves or better for the Palestinians to be governed by Israel. And the one has a clear answer and the other sticks in your craw due to your anti-Israel bias.

You just want to keep blaming Israel for all of Gaza's problems so the Gazan people don't have to do take responsibility for themselves.
Precisely, that is why answering your questions is futile.

Oh please. The question is clear enough. The fact that you don't want to answer it is because you run straight up against having to decide whether it is better for the Palestinians to govern themselves or better for the Palestinians to be governed by Israel. And the one has a clear answer and the other sticks in your craw due to your anti-Israel bias.

You just want to keep blaming Israel for all of Gaza's problems so the Gazan people don't have to do take responsibility for themselves.
You are too far off into Israeli propagandaland to understand any answer I can give.
You are too far off into Israeli propagandaland to understand any answer I can give.

Oh please. I am one of the more reasonable people on this board. Try me. What's the worst that could happen?
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Good question, thanks. The occupying power has the ultimate responsibility for the safety and health of the occupied people.

I was fairly certain you would say that. Here's the problem with that: Israel does not have control over the infrastructure and building projects in Gaza. Gaza is self-governing and its own government controls its civil projects. Israel has no control over water management, building projects, repairs to infrastructure or anything else. Israel can't control the 800 million tons of concrete subverted to make tunnels, let alone ensure that every water and sewage line gets repaired.

Does Gaza's government bear no responsibility towards its own people?

By the above statement you are assigning responsibility of the people's safety and health to an entity which has absolutely no control over how resources are used. (Note this means that Israel has no effective control over the territory, which of course, would mean Gaza is not occupied).

SO here's another question for you: Would you support Israel re-occupying Gaza and re-taking effective control of the territory again for the health and safety of the people there?
I was fairly certain you would say that. Here's the problem with that: Israel does not have control over the infrastructure and building projects in Gaza.​

That is true for all projects that do not require money or materials.

No it is true for everything as the international laws that govern occupation state. Until Israel retakes full military control of every inch of gaza and has soldiers upholding the laws then gaza is not occupied and Israel is not responsible for what happens there. What it boils down to is simply the rest of the world don't want to be supporting gaza anymore and are trying to pass the buck to Israel
maybe UN should intervene in Gaza but they clearly don't want to.... :(

Intervene how, exactly, in Gaza? What would they do there?

Send in a multi national armed force with instructions to shoot first and ask questions later. Give them the power or arrest and detain any person in gaza that is seen to be committing an act that could be linked to terrorism. Then take control of the aid shipments so that they go to the people and not to hamas, patrol the waters so that the fishing boats don't leave their designated areas. In doing this the world would see daily just what Israel has had to do since 2005 to protect its citizens from illegal attacks by Palestinians.
Good question, thanks. The occupying power has the ultimate responsibility for the safety and health of the occupied people.

I was fairly certain you would say that. Here's the problem with that: Israel does not have control over the infrastructure and building projects in Gaza. Gaza is self-governing and its own government controls its civil projects. Israel has no control over water management, building projects, repairs to infrastructure or anything else. Israel can't control the 800 million tons of concrete subverted to make tunnels, let alone ensure that every water and sewage line gets repaired.

Does Gaza's government bear no responsibility towards its own people?

By the above statement you are assigning responsibility of the people's safety and health to an entity which has absolutely no control over how resources are used. (Note this means that Israel has no effective control over the territory, which of course, would mean Gaza is not occupied).

SO here's another question for you: Would you support Israel re-occupying Gaza and re-taking effective control of the territory again for the health and safety of the people there?

Besides controlling the air space, territorial sea and land border, Israel collects taxes in Gaza FFS. The "Hostages Case" at the Nuremberg trials makes it clear that Israel is the occupying as it has demonstrated that it can enter at will and take military control whenever it wants to.

Getting confused again freddy as it is the taxes in the west bank that Israel collects. There are no Israelis inside gaza to collect any taxes, that is done by hamas using terrorists to enforce the tax collecting.
Besides controlling the air space, territorial sea and land border, Israel collects taxes in Gaza FFS. The "Hostages Case" at the Nuremberg trials makes it clear that Israel is the occupying as it has demonstrated that it can enter at will and take military control whenever it wants to.

I dispute the premise of this post that an embargo and military effectiveness constitutes occupancy, but, having said that, why don't you take a stab at the question I posed for Tinman, since he isn't going to answer it.

Do you support Israel exercising control over Gaza to the extent necessary to ensure clean and safe drinking water for the Gazan people? Why or why not? Do you think it would be irresponsible for Israel NOT to take those measures? Why or why not?
How can I answer a question that is based on an Israeli lie?

Just what islamonazi LIE is it based on then, as it is the islamonazi's that are in control of gaza as they have stated on camera themselves.
How can I answer a question that is based on an Israeli lie?

What part is an Israeli lie? I don't understand. That Gaza isn't occupied? Meh. Not important to the question. Not occupied or somewhat occupied moving into MORE occupied -- for it or against it? Why?
I don't understand.​

Precisely, that is why answering your questions is futile.

In other words you cant answer it as it would show that you are consumed with Jew hatred and Nazism
You are too far off into Israeli propagandaland to understand any answer I can give.

Oh please. I am one of the more reasonable people on this board. Try me. What's the worst that could happen?
I hate to have to post another video, but...

Now what was your question?

And what is your point in posting yet another islamonazi pallywood propaganda production that has no basis in truth or reality

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