Even Bill Ayers says Obama is retard (Syria)

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Look who turns against Obama on Syria

NEW YORK – Leftist political activist and University of Chicago professor Bill Ayers has turned on Barack Obama, characterizing the president’s determination to launch a military attack on the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria as a “dumb war.”

In a series of posts on his Internet website over the past few days, Ayers has come out swinging, attacking the presidential candidate he backed in 2004 for trying to justify a U.S. strike on Syria.

In what appears to be satire aimed at mocking President Obama, Ayers posted Sunday, Sept. 8, a diatribe suggesting Assad has already authorized launch missile strikes against the United States.

Ayers wrote: “President Assad of Syria announced yesterday that he had authorized limited missile strikes against the United States of America. ‘The United States has consistently violated international law and civilized standards of behavior,’ he said. ‘It has gathered the greatest arsenal of weapons of mass destruction ever assembled, and it is in fact the only country that has ever used nuclear weapons. It has unleashed drone strikes against at least seven other nations, murdering thousands – it has even used drones to kill its own people. And the U.S. has routinely employed torture, a practice that has been condemned and outlawed for decades – it has even tortured its own citizens” [italics in original].
So it doesn't bother you that you and Ayers are on the same side?

The problem with this Syria situation is that there are no good answers.

We either get involved in a civil war with no side you really want to cheer for..


We do nothing and watch as hundreds of thousands are slaughtered, and chemical weapons are "conventionalized" as perfectly acceptable to use.
So it doesn't bother you that you and Ayers are on the same side?

The problem with this Syria situation is that there are no good answers.

We either get involved in a civil war with no side you really want to cheer for..


We do nothing and watch as hundreds of thousands are slaughtered, and chemical weapons are "conventionalized" as perfectly acceptable to use.

Do it bother you that you and Al Qaeda are on the same side?
So it doesn't bother you that you and Ayers are on the same side?

The problem with this Syria situation is that there are no good answers.

We either get involved in a civil war with no side you really want to cheer for..


We do nothing and watch as hundreds of thousands are slaughtered, and chemical weapons are "conventionalized" as perfectly acceptable to use.

Do it bother you that you and Al Qaeda are on the same side?

I'm not on anyone's side but my own.

I think intervening is a horrible idea.

And not intervening is equally horrible.

So really, the lesser of two evils.
Look who turns against Obama on Syria

NEW YORK – Leftist political activist and University of Chicago professor Bill Ayers has turned on Barack Obama, characterizing the president’s determination to launch a military attack on the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria as a “dumb war.”

In a series of posts on his Internet website over the past few days, Ayers has come out swinging, attacking the presidential candidate he backed in 2004 for trying to justify a U.S. strike on Syria.

In what appears to be satire aimed at mocking President Obama, Ayers posted Sunday, Sept. 8, a diatribe suggesting Assad has already authorized launch missile strikes against the United States.

Ayers wrote: “President Assad of Syria announced yesterday that he had authorized limited missile strikes against the United States of America. ‘The United States has consistently violated international law and civilized standards of behavior,’ he said. ‘It has gathered the greatest arsenal of weapons of mass destruction ever assembled, and it is in fact the only country that has ever used nuclear weapons. It has unleashed drone strikes against at least seven other nations, murdering thousands – it has even used drones to kill its own people. And the U.S. has routinely employed torture, a practice that has been condemned and outlawed for decades – it has even tortured its own citizens” [italics in original].

Does the fact that you happen to agree with Ayers in this case make you a Communist?
Look who turns against Obama on Syria

NEW YORK – Leftist political activist and University of Chicago professor Bill Ayers has turned on Barack Obama, characterizing the president’s determination to launch a military attack on the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria as a “dumb war.”

In a series of posts on his Internet website over the past few days, Ayers has come out swinging, attacking the presidential candidate he backed in 2004 for trying to justify a U.S. strike on Syria.

In what appears to be satire aimed at mocking President Obama, Ayers posted Sunday, Sept. 8, a diatribe suggesting Assad has already authorized launch missile strikes against the United States.

Ayers wrote: “President Assad of Syria announced yesterday that he had authorized limited missile strikes against the United States of America. ‘The United States has consistently violated international law and civilized standards of behavior,’ he said. ‘It has gathered the greatest arsenal of weapons of mass destruction ever assembled, and it is in fact the only country that has ever used nuclear weapons. It has unleashed drone strikes against at least seven other nations, murdering thousands – it has even used drones to kill its own people. And the U.S. has routinely employed torture, a practice that has been condemned and outlawed for decades – it has even tortured its own citizens” [italics in original].

Does the fact that you happen to agree with Ayers in this case make you a Communist?

Nah, it means Ayers is having a momentary lapse of (his) reason and actually got something right. Go figure.
So it doesn't bother you that you and Ayers are on the same side?

The problem with this Syria situation is that there are no good answers.

We either get involved in a civil war with no side you really want to cheer for..


We do nothing and watch as hundreds of thousands are slaughtered, and chemical weapons are "conventionalized" as perfectly acceptable to use.

Why don't you fucking enlist ?
Does the fact that you happen to agree with Ayers in this case make you a Communist?

Does the fact that you happen to agree with radical Islam make you a Jihadist?

Where did he say he agreed with intervention?

If he doesn't agree with intervention, then by his own standard, he is a Communist, therefore he must believe in intervention; now by his own standard, would that make him a Jihadist?
So it doesn't bother you that you and Ayers are on the same side?

The problem with this Syria situation is that there are no good answers.

We either get involved in a civil war with no side you really want to cheer for..


We do nothing and watch as hundreds of thousands are slaughtered, and chemical weapons are "conventionalized" as perfectly acceptable to use.

Why don't you fucking enlist ?

Sorry, man did that 30 years ago, and generally regret it now. Or at least staying past the point I needed to pay for college, anyway.

But that isn't what I was talking about here.

Intervention would be bad.

Doing nothing would also be bad.

There are no good answers here.
Ayers is a leftist first and foremost, not a mindless obozo zealot like most bed wetters. The moonbat messiah is sabre rattling in order to distract from Benghazi, which does not promote the leftist agenda. Rather it serves obozo's self interests, and harms the left's "anti-war at any cost" theme.

Ayers couldn't care less if obozo's interests are served, he wants the leftist agenda served.
Obama ended torture, one war down, one to go, and smacking down a Geneva Convention spurning terroris dictator is not a war. It's a beautiful thing.
So it doesn't bother you that you and Ayers are on the same side?

The problem with this Syria situation is that there are no good answers.

We either get involved in a civil war with no side you really want to cheer for..


We do nothing and watch as hundreds of thousands are slaughtered, and chemical weapons are "conventionalized" as perfectly acceptable to use.

100,000+ had already been slaughtered prior to Obama's "red line" comment.. I guess as long as they don't kill them 1,000 at a time?

So we see the extremes, 2dA and Ayers, in agreement, which means that Obama is right and the extremes are wrong

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