Even Foxnews Chris Wallace has had it with Trump's lies

So now it's not Faux News.
Wallace has always been a liberal in a sea of retards.

May be he should do what Megyn Kelly did and leave Fox News to join NBC News .....huh?

I would not have the slightest problem with that.:thup:
Yeah the network would be in a free fall. Hell if O'Reilly left the network it would collapse that same night.

Networks come and go.....:dunno:

As long as America has many conservative networks, that's all that matters!:2up: ;)
So now it's not Faux News.
Wallace has always been a liberal in a sea of retards.

May be he should do what Megyn Kelly did and leave Fox News to join NBC News .....huh?

I would not have the slightest problem with that.:thup:
Yeah the network would be in a free fall. Hell if O'Reilly left the network it would collapse that same night.

Networks come and go.....:dunno:

As long as America has many conservative networks, that's all that matters!:2up: ;)

They do? NBC has been around since they were the very first national radio broadcasting network.

The crowd size issue is just absurd. Why Trump and his team ever made point of remarking upon it defies understanding. Trump should never have made any sort of reference, much less a quantitative one, to the size of the crowds that attended his inauguration. Such a reference is necessarily part of an argument for/against "something" based on solely on the quantity of people "saying aye," and damn near all such arguments are unsound. That aerial photographic evidence readily shows the falsity of Trump and his team's claims is all the more disconcerting for it shows yet again their complete lack of regard for reality over perception in objectively assessable matters.
I agree cows do have liberal minds, they are just barely smarter than sheep and make horses seem really smart
Well, Trump threw a tantrum about the media while posing in front of the memorial to the dead CIA agents, and it did not do him any good, so my best guess is that his next tantrum will be on top of the Tomb of the unknown Soldier, where he will hold his breath until he turns blue, and lie down on top of it, kicking until the media stops being so mean to him.
I genuinely hope this administration does not do to Mattis and Kelly what it has done to Spicer and Preibus. It is gut-wrenching to see the flunkies they have become already and I cannot bear the thought of the same happening to those great generals. I couldn't care less about Flynn, but it would be literally painful to see Mattis and Kelly wasted on making excuses against all evidence to the contrary just to bolster an ego. Right now, Spicer and Preibus are the Boris and Natasha of Fearless Leader's cabinet.

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