Even If Classified Documents Were Recovered In Trump Raid, It Looks Like Chances Of Conviction Are Quite Slim

Then there is also this statue...

Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.
Apply that evenly to all former presidents.
B...b...but TRUMP!
View attachment 682284

I am sure Russia has breached our national security after reading about the FBI's criminal Crossfire Hurricane Op.

Conservatives pretended like top secret information was so critical to national security when it was on Clinton’s server but now none of you care that Trump declassifying boxes of TS/SCI information for no reason and no regard for national security.
I think it's important to remember that the goal of the democrats behind this raid was to embarrass and smear Trump politically. No doubt they hope they can get an arrest and an indictment, but they probably know they aren't going to get a conviction, especially since Hillary got off for what is essentially the same thing. If Trump issued a memo or directive of some sort to the WH Counsel Office to declassify any and all documents then IMHO he's off the hook. Or if he has witnesses to that effect, same deal. So, I'm pretty sure the sole motivation for this entire thing is totally political, just another attempt to find a crime or offense for which they had no evidence.

Speaking of, what evidence was presented to convince the person that authorized the raid that a crime was committed? For something of this magnitude and considering we're talking about a former President, it can't be like it was when he was impeached the 1st time. "I believe", "my impression is", and "everybody knew" just doesn't cut it. People are trying to focus the attention on what was discovered rather than the real question, which is what was the basis for the raid in the 1st place and what was recovered to vindicate that decision? Yes or no, did the raid produce evidence that the specific wrong-doing that the warrant was based on? If it didn't then what we have here is a do-over of the 2016 FBI investigation, a witch-hunt to find any incriminating evidence against an American citizen, purely for political purposes.
How many times do we have to explain this...

FBI Director appointed by Trump
Judge appointed by Trump

What the fuck does this have to do with Democrats?
Conservatives pretended like top secret information was so critical to national security when it was on Clinton’s server

Snowflakes pretended TS/SCI info, sending and receiving classified via unclass means, and espionage was not critical to national security when it was Clinton....

What's your point?

What changed? Oh yeah, that's right - that was Hillary, this is Trump.

Conservatives pretended like top secret information was so critical to national security when it was on Clinton’s server but now none of you care that Trump declassifying boxes of TS/SCI information for no reason and no regard for national security.
You bitch at Trump but ignore Hillary.

How many times do we have to explain this...

FBI Director appointed by Trump
Judge appointed by Trump

What the fuck does this have to do with Democrats?
Proven political partisanship within the FBI. STEVIE WONDER can see that - why can't snowflakes?
What “things” are the Republicans going to do?
Investigate with kangaroo investigations, round up political opponents and jail them after the kangaroo courts find them guilty, impeachments of political opponents, etc. In other words, the very same things democrats are doing now.
Investigate with kangaroo investigations, round up political opponents and jail them after the kangaroo courts find them guilty, impeachments of political opponents, etc. In other words, the very same things democrats are doing now.
Kangaroo investigations like the Senate Republicans going after Hunter Biden in 2020? Or more like 11 Benghazi investigations that added nothing to the first Benghazi investigation?

Rounding up political opponents was Trump’s part of campaign platform in 2016. “Lock her up” was a recurring theme. If Republicans had a problem with locking up political opponents, why didn’t they say so in 2016?

If Republicans are so against political investigation, why did they defend Trump trying to get Ukraine to investigate Biden?

Trump’s cronies already tried to prosecute Michael Sussmann on bogus charges.

They tried to impeach Clinton on nonsense too.

There’s no precedent by Dems. Everything you’re complaining about is either false or has been done long ago by Republicans.
Snowflakes pretended TS/SCI info, sending and receiving classified via unclass means, and espionage was not critical to national security when it was Clinton....

What's your point?

What changed? Oh yeah, that's right - that was Hillary, this is Trump.

If you guys care about TS/SCI information so much, why aren’t you concerned about Trump declassifying it for no other reason than he feels like it?
... not that the Trump Campaign did not collude with the Russian Intelligence Services.

Stop with the lying. You said Trump personally colluded with the Russians, and when I challenged you to provide a link you posted a link / article about PAUL MANAFORT.

That's because you have NOTHING on Trump and are desperate to connect him to the Russians.

Paul Manafort is NOT Trump.

An article on Manafort is not Trump.

Your 'I got him this time' was a debunked failure.

Provide a link to a proven source that verifies any of that was in Trump's possession.
I’m sure you’ve seen the FBI report of items taken from Trump’s residence that included a box or two of TS/SCI documents. Do you need a link?
I’m sure you’ve seen the FBI report of items taken from Trump’s residence that included a box or two of TS/SCI documents. Do you need a link?
yes and proof it is a valid list from the FBI. Then an explanation as to why the FBI would release to the public a list like that?
yes and proof it is a valid list from the FBI. Then an explanation as to why the FBI would release to the public a list like that?
Trump asked them to release it to the public, although I think he could have released the exact same list. I believe Trump actually did release it himself, but I’m not sure. The FBI petitioned the court to release it. Trump did not object. The court released the list.
Only the national archives removed and continue to oversee the 0bama documents. Obama took zero docs to his home. Who knows Trumps reasoning, maybe there were some docs he did not want public access, or in his presidential library,. Maybe some less nice reasons. Matters not. Those papers belong to we the people and not in private residences.

No....that is what they are telling you now......when they want to discredit Trump......I posted articles from the New York Times, the Washington Post, Politico, where they stated the lie first.....that the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation....as sworn to them by former Intelligence agency professionals........and then I linked to the truth, which they revealed well after the election that confirmed that the laptop and the information was real...

You won't know what obama did until after the 2024 election........
Trump asked them to release it to the public, although I think he could have released the exact same list. I believe Trump actually did release it himself, but I’m not sure. The FBI petitioned the court to release it. Trump did not object. The court released the list.
then link it

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