Even If Classified Documents Were Recovered In Trump Raid, It Looks Like Chances Of Conviction Are Quite Slim

I’m sure you’ve seen the FBI report of items taken from Trump’s residence that included a box or two of TS/SCI documents. Do you need a link?
No one was allowed to monitor the FBI or what they took from President Trump's home.

The FBI reportedly did not even look at or know what they took from his home.

I'm not saying the FBI made shit up about what they found, but only the FBI 'knows' what it took...

Personally, I have a hard time trusting an agency that

- Violated the Patriot Act more than a dozen times over a decade under 3 seperate Directors

- Violated the Constitution and laws

- Defrauded the FISA Court over and over, illegally spied on Americans, the President, & his team

- Participated in Hillary's and Obama's failed Russian Collusion coup attemp

- Collaborated with the WH & DOJ to brand American parents 'Domestic terrorists' for opposing CRT, Transgender, and liberal indoctrination

The fact that irs being g reported that the agents who raided Trump's home are currently under investigation by Durham for their participation and abuse of power in the failed coup attempt really makes you question the FBI. I would call this a massive e Conflict of Interest.

Just sayin'....
No one was allowed to monitor the FBI or what they took from President Trump's home.

The FBI reportedly did not even look at or know what they took from his home.

I'm not saying the FBI made shit up about what they found, but only the FBI 'knows' what it took...

Personally, I have a hard time trusting an agency that

- Violated the Patriot Act more than a dozen times over a decade under 3 seperate Directors

- Violated the Constitution and laws

- Defrauded the FISA Court over and over, illegally spied on Americans, the President, & his team

- Participated in Hillary's and Obama's failed Russian Collusion coup attemp

- Collaborated with the WH & DOJ to brand American parents 'Domestic terrorists' for opposing CRT, Transgender, and liberal indoctrination

The fact that irs being g reported that the agents who raided Trump's home are currently under investigation by Durham for their participation and abuse of power in the failed coup attempt really makes you question the FBI. I would call this a massive e Conflict of Interest.

Just sayin'....
Trump knows what was taken. Otherwise he wouldn’t be trying to tell people that he had declassified whatever it is and he wouldn’t be asking for it back.
Now provide proof that Trump did not IN FACT declassify that info as he claimed?
Prove he did declassify it. For now, all we know is that it was labeled classified at pretty high levels.

But that’s not even the point. It wasn’t his. He should have never taken it and should have given it back when they told him to return government property.
Trump knows what was taken. Otherwise he wouldn’t be trying to tell people that he had declassified whatever it is and he wouldn’t be asking for it back.
Maybe, or he's giving a blank statement about anything being deemed classified supposedly found.

Still, an agency and agents who participated in a failed coup attempt being allowed to raid unsupervised / monitored the man the coup attemp was against?

Sounds highly questionable to me...
In the warrant (LINK), the laws allegedly broken are included....

"All physical documents and records constituting evidence, contraband, fruits of crime, or
other items illegally possessed in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 793, 2071 , or 1519

Here are links to the three statutes...

I am not a lawyer, but my read is that it will difficult to prove violation of these statutes, even if classified material was actually seized, for the reasoning I include below (my opinions, not cut and pasted or researched anywhere).

You Biden supporters and/or Trump haters can let me know why I am wrong. :)

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information​

Whoever, for the purpose of obtaining information respecting the national defense with intent or reason to believe that the information is to be used to the injury of the United States, or to the advantage of any foreign nation...

This statute requires that the person not only be in possession of the material, but that they person believes the material is to be used for injury to the US. No one, even Trump haters with a brain, would think that Trump was going to use the material to cause damage to the United States. What was Trump planning to do, sell nuclear secrets to Kim Jong Un in exchange for billions of dollars? Release the rcords to the NYT to damage the reputation of the US? Doesn't seem credible.

18 U.S. Code § 2071 - Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally​

Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so

This statute requires willful intent. So if Team Trump did not know there was classified material in the boxes, it would appear to be a successful defense against any relevant charge. Also, if there was no concealment or attempt to destroy, and Team Trump had told the FBI to come and get the material anytime it wanted to, like Trump has posted on Truth Social, then there would be no violation...
View attachment 681946

18 U.S. Code § 1519 - Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations and bankruptcy​

Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter

This statute also requires intent. It's relevance is probably that it has been reported that Trump's lawyer signed a statement saying there was no classified material at Mar-A-Lago in June....

If that signed statement was believed to be true at the time, there is no violation of this statute.

They must prove 'intent'. Which is difficult to do.
Maybe, or he's giving a blank statement about anything being deemed classified supposedly found.

Still, an agency and agents who participated in a failed coup attempt being allowed to raid unsupervised / monitored the man the coup attemp was against?

Sounds highly questionable to me...
Trump knew they were going to find classified information when they started seeding the “planted evidence” lines before the info was released.

Doxxing the FBI agents was pretty low. They knew they’d be getting flooded with death threats. Tell me exactly what these FBI agents are guilty of in this coup attempt.
Prove he did declassify it. For now, all we know is that it was labeled classified at pretty high levels.
Actually we know he issued a lawful order to the FBI to declassify and release Crossfire Hurricane documents, know the FBI diso eyed the order and refused to do it.

The article I posted earlier tells how 19 months later the criminal FBI still refuses to comply AND refuses to comply with FOIA requests for the information.

So we know Trump ordered declassification of documents. What specific documents is another question.

But we also know the agency that participated in a failed coup attempt refused to comply with a legal Presidential order, and that this agency sent Agents that participated in the coup attempt to raid Trump's home.
Actually we know he issued a lawful order to the FBI to declassify and release Crossfire Hurricane documents, know the FBI diso eyed the order and refused to do it.

The article I posted earlier tells how 19 months later the criminal FBI still refuses to comply AND refuses to comply with FOIA requests for the information.

So we know Trump ordered declassification of documents. What specific documents is another question.

But we also know the agency that participated in a failed coup attempt refused to comply with a legal Presidential order, and that this agency sent Agents that participated in the coup attempt to raid Trump's home.
What did the agents do in this “coup” attempt?
Conducting the 1st-ever raid of a President's home, sending agents who participated in the failed coup attempt to raid Trump's home...seems pretty 'low'.
Are ex-presidents above the law or do they need to follow it like the rest of us?
What did the agents do in this “coup” attempt?
Reportedly abused their power - they are currently under investigation by Durham; however, their very participation in the failed coup attempt then being sent to raid Trump's house stinks of Conflict of Interest at the least.
Are ex-presidents above the law or do they need to follow it like the rest of us?
No. Are FBI Directors and agents, Democrats, above the law. History and precedence suggest yes.

You don't even know if Trump broke the law.
Reportedly abused their power - they are currently under investigation by Durham; however, their very participation in the failed coup attempt then being sent to raid Trump's house stinks of Conflict of Interest at the least.
How did they abuse their power?
No. Are FBI Directors and agents, Democrats, above the law. History and precedence suggest yes.

You don't even know if Trump broke the law.
So if he’s not above the law, why wouldn’t the FBI search his house for government documents he refused to turn over?

That’s what they’d do if it were a regular former government employee.
Ask Durham, snowflake. He's the one investigating them for their actions during their participation in Hillary & Obama's failed coup attempt.
Durham hasn’t claimed they abused their power. You did. Did you make it up?

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