Even If We Do Enact Some Common Sense Gun Legislation...The Solid South Won't Enforce It


Gold Member
Aug 20, 2015
It'll be just like the 1960's enforcing integration legislation. Down here they're good for driving pickups, chewing bakky, showing off their guns and keeping the wheels on their homes.
I've voted Democrat in national elections three times during my lifetime.....they've killed all three votes.
They aren't all idiots.
In the privacy of a voting booth a lot of people can do the right thing.

That said, actual legislation has to be made. The tinfoilhatters are telling everyone that the feds will swoop in and take all their guns, which of course is a stupid lie.

Pass laws closing the gun show loophole and forbidding certifiable crazies from getting guns and there will be very few complaints.
It'll be just like the 1960's enforcing integration legislation. Down here they're good for driving pickups, chewing bakky, showing off their guns and keeping the wheels on their homes.
I've voted Democrat in national elections three times during my lifetime.....they've killed all three votes.

You bigots know nothing about the south, you should STFU until you learn something about the reality down here
They aren't all idiots.
In the privacy of a voting booth a lot of people can do the right thing.

That said, actual legislation has to be made. The tinfoilhatters are telling everyone that the feds will swoop in and take all their guns, which of course is a stupid lie.

Pass laws closing the gun show loophole and forbidding certifiable crazies from getting guns and there will be very few complaints.

Last I heard, the tinfoilhatters were busy telling you producing ID prevents blacks from voting, now they're telling us government is going to take all our guns? They're busy, aren't they?
They aren't all idiots.
In the privacy of a voting booth a lot of people can do the right thing.

That said, actual legislation has to be made. The tinfoilhatters are telling everyone that the feds will swoop in and take all their guns, which of course is a stupid lie.

Pass laws closing the gun show loophole and forbidding certifiable crazies from getting guns and there will be very few complaints.

Yes.....that's half the problem. The NRA and it's bought and paid for elected officials, both sides, do not want a single law or regulation changed. I can go to the parking lot near a gun sale and buy just about any kind of firearm or explosive device ever devised by mankind. No record made of the transaction of any description.....just hand a fellow a few hundred dollar bills and VOILA!!...another unregistered firearm or explosive device upstream of law enforcement.
With modern communications techniques, discussion boards, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. I'll bet the worst is yet to come....sadly!
Even If We Do Enact Some Common Sense Gun Legislation...The Solid South Won't Enforce It

Neither will the rest of the country.
Common Sense gun laws are a myth and need not apply

They aren't all idiots.
In the privacy of a voting booth a lot of people can do the right thing.

That said, actual legislation has to be made. The tinfoilhatters are telling everyone that the feds will swoop in and take all their guns, which of course is a stupid lie.

Pass laws closing the gun show loophole and forbidding certifiable crazies from getting guns and there will be very few complaints.

Gun registration leads to confiscation

No other reason suffice for registration

Common Sense gun laws are a myth and need not apply

I sincerely hope that none of your family or loved ones is the next target of some crazy with a semi automatic weapon and a magazine loaded with 100 rounds...or a 9mm Glock carrying nine for that matter.

It's kinda like the Republicans who suddenly began to support gay rights after their son or daughter came out and made a public statement. That multi-million dollar campaign gift will only go so far.
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Common Sense gun laws are a myth and need not apply

I sincerely hope that none of your family or loved ones is the next target of some crazy with a semi automatic weapon and a magazine loaded with 100 rounds...or a 9mm Glock carrying nine for that matter.

So do I, but it doesn't keep me up at night. Minimum risk

Common Sense gun laws are a myth and need not apply

I sincerely hope that none of your family or loved ones is the next target of some crazy with a semi automatic weapon and a magazine loaded with 100 rounds.

And how exactly does preventing his family and loved ones from defending themselves or him from defending them while doing nothing but just making criminals buy an illegal gun instead of a legal one help them exactly?
Common Sense gun laws are a myth and need not apply

I sincerely hope that none of your family or loved ones is the next target of some crazy with a semi automatic weapon and a magazine loaded with 100 rounds...or a 9mm Glock carrying nine for that matter.
It must be hell living in fear.

Yes, and that fear oddly leads him to put himself in more danger
Common Sense gun laws are a myth and need not apply

I sincerely hope that none of your family or loved ones is the next target of some crazy with a semi automatic weapon and a magazine loaded with 100 rounds...or a 9mm Glock carrying nine for that matter.
It must be hell living in fear.

Yes, and that fear oddly leads him to put himself in more danger
Maybe he should buy a gun. Or maybe not, he seems like the type that would accidentally shoot somebody or leave it out so a kid can find it.
Common Sense gun laws are a myth and need not apply

I sincerely hope that none of your family or loved ones is the next target of some crazy with a semi automatic weapon and a magazine loaded with 100 rounds...or a 9mm Glock carrying nine for that matter.
It must be hell living in fear.

I'm 81 years old and I'm still not afraid of a goddamned thing. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!! Just because I'm against a ridiculous interpretation of the second amendment doesn't mean I'll stand down before an idiot! I'll knock your dick in your watch pocket.....in a heartbeat!
Common Sense gun laws are a myth and need not apply

I sincerely hope that none of your family or loved ones is the next target of some crazy with a semi automatic weapon and a magazine loaded with 100 rounds...or a 9mm Glock carrying nine for that matter.
It must be hell living in fear.

Yes, and that fear oddly leads him to put himself in more danger
Maybe he should buy a gun. Or maybe not, he seems like the type that would accidentally shoot somebody or leave it out so a kid can find it.

I vote not, but he's still be safer as other people would be armed and it would be more dangerous to be a criminal
It'll be just like the 1960's enforcing integration legislation. Down here they're good for driving pickups, chewing bakky, showing off their guns and keeping the wheels on their homes.
I've voted Democrat in national elections three times during my lifetime.....they've killed all three votes.
Who cares what they do in Red states. Fuck em. Today we just got some common sense gun legislation.

Michigan Mass Shooter's Mom Found Guilty For Role In Son's Crime​

I sincerely hope that none of your family or loved ones is the next target of some crazy with a semi automatic weapon and a magazine loaded with 100 rounds...or a 9mm Glock carrying nine for that matter.

It's kinda like the Republicans who suddenly began to support gay rights after their son or daughter came out and made a public statement. That multi-million dollar campaign gift will only go so far.
I like the common sense legislation that says if your son shoots someone with a gun he got in your home, you are guilty too of involuntary manslaughter. That makes sense.

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