Even Joe Scarborough is laighing at the Obama spin

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VckF7_e7ZCc"]Axelrod Says Their Attack Ads Aren't Why People Think They're Running Negative Campaign - YouTube[/ame]
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Barry's been negative and, more importantly IMO, very divisive also, but the bozos he surrounds himself with like Axelrod haven't got a clue about voters they're really gonna need in November who are turned off because of the Chicago style tactics run amok. Such lost voters will be but one chapter in the story of how they blew the reelection.
Obama won his Senate seat in Illinois by this same type of gutter politics so they thought it would work on the country..

I think they are finding out the people are in NO MOOD for their shit..

vote them out
Obama twice as negative as Romney...you'd with all those records (Debt, deficits, unemployment, foreclosures, number of people in poverty and first ever credit downgrade) Obama would be more positive
Joe supports Romney.

Joe likes showing the silliness of both sides.

Far right GOP just have hard time when Joe points out their silliness: that's when they, very unsoundly, call him a "liberal."

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