Even MORE Obama Foreign Policy Successes!

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Is it OK now to say he's failed? Every foreign policy initiative by Obama has resulted in complete failure for the US. Remember that Obama drew a red line on chem weapons in Syria. Then remember that he denied drawing a red line after it became clear he had no support for military action and no plan. Then Putin jumped in with a lifeline and Obama grabbed it, agreeing that Russia would oversea the dismantling of chem weapons. Recall that experts warned this was nearly impossible and the US was agreeing to a sucker's bargain.
And whaddayaknow, Syria is continuing to use chemical weapons, something Obama claimed he would prevent, and Assad, who Obama declared would have to go, is still in charge. Total, complete, abject failure.
Syrian Government Believed To Be Behind Chlorine Gas Attack NPR

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