Even the NY times thinks it's curtains for the Clintons


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Even The NYTimes Thinks Its 'Curtains For The Clintons'
When it comes to the Clintons' heavily promoted speaking tour, it seems that even the crickets are taking the night off.

The New York Times's Maureen Dowd has penned what can only be described as a sad state of affairs for the Clintons - after paying $177 for a ticket to hear the former Democratic party superstars speak. As journalist Byron York notes - had Dowd ..................


The Clintons have enslaved their idiots so severely these stupid asses who put this bitch on a pedestal haven't got a clue how they admire a cold blooded killer who loves rapist.
Wait. I thought Hitlery was running again in 2020?? She can't be curtained. LOL

She's an old retread but the Dem's don't seem to have anyone young and exciting to run.
Its more than "curtains" -----remember those satires in which the
hopeful performer is whisked off the stage with a giant hook?
You would have to be a special kind of idiot to pay $177 dollars to listen to those two old corrupt fossils croaking about the good old days.
Wait. I thought Hitlery was running again in 2020?? She can't be curtained. LOL

She's an old retread but the Dem's don't seem to have anyone young and exciting to run.
/----/ hillary 2028.jpg
Wait. I thought Hitlery was running again in 2020?? She can't be curtained. LOL

She's an old retread but the Dem's don't seem to have anyone young and exciting to run.

I think they are using her for a puppet show, run again Hmm hard to say if she will or not if so I'd say it's more to fill a space more than anything.

That sick old twit will be lucky to still be alive by 2020 with all her coughing hacks.
I'd pay $200 if it was a truth telling session where they had to tell the truth and the audience was allowed to ask 5 questions each.

Here would be my 5 questions.

1. Mr President, were you involved in the drug trade as governor of Arkansas

2. This question is for both of you and comes in two parts. Part A) Do you really expect most Americans to believe that it is just coincidence that in at least 6 criminal proceedings against the two of you that evidence has just been mysteriously destroyed through accidents of nature? And B) Related to A) do you really expect Americans to believe that so many people around you die of accidental deaths during criminal investigations?

3. Do you expect Americans to just believe its a coincidence that no one was interested in donating to the Clinton Foundation once the two of you were out of power?

4. Bill Clinton, are you Chelsea's father?

5. How do the two of you REALLY feel about black people?

OMG I would love the answers to those questions
Because it controls its own medium and can revise history at will, one accessory after the fact in the Clinton scandals is almost certain to remain unscathed: the media. From the beginning, journalists created a fantasy portrait of Bill Clinton as a brilliant visionary, managerial superman, and charismatic leader. During the New Hampshire primary in 1992, the New Republic‘s Hendrik Hertzberg surveyed several dozen journalists and found that all of them, had they been New Hampshire voters, would have chosen Clinton. He suggested that, “the real reason members of the press like Clinton is simple, and surprisingly uncynical: they think he would make a very good, perhaps a great, president. Several told me they were convinced that Clinton is the most talented presidential candidate they have ever encountered, JFK included.”

Not only was there no substantive evidence for such a conclusion, there was plenty to suggest that Clinton was instead a politician of no fixed philosophical or moral address, a man who began with compromise and retreated from there, and a rampantly mundane governor. More importantly, he was known to be less than honest, a sexual predator, and hung out with some of the sleaziest types in his state.

The Clinton Stories The Media Won’t Cover

Book blasts Clintons, praises others in state
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