Ever Heard Of Marilyn Tavenner?

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Probably not because creatures like her keep a low profile. Tavenner oversaw the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the massive agency that oversees those two government-run health coverage programs.

CMS also is responsible for implementation of the Affordable Care Act, a key feature of which is the sale of often-subsidized private health insurance plans on online marketplaces including HealthCare.gov, the federally run exchange that serves 38 states. In other words, Marilyn was the front woman on Barry-Care.


And like Gruber and others knew that 2016 would be the year the whole charade would come apart at the seams as insurers either dropped out or tripled their premiums. So where is Tavener now? Tavenner is now president and CEO of America's Health Insurance Plans, the industry's lobbying group. In other words, she fled to the other side of the table. Need a better example of how rotten to the core this government is?
The ACA was created to line the pockets of the Insurance Industry and crooked politicians. Had President Obama wanted to pass a plan that would have helped the American people he should have revisited the Nixon\Kennedy plan of 1974 and not signed into law this horrible bill we have now.

Unfortunately it look like Hillary Clinton will win in November and if so then nothing will be done to reverse this disaster President Obama and the Democratic Party forced on the American public while knowing it was to the benefit of the Insurance Industry across America.

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