Ever since Ronald Reagan…


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2008
Ever since Ronald Reagan told us that ”government IS the problem”, right wingers have made it their mantra. Government is bad, Government is bad, Government is bad…
I have talked about this before on this site, about how this may have been Ronald Reagan’s worst transgression because it engendered in the populace a distain, even a hatred for their government.
When one considers the statement ”government IS the problem” in the context of American Government, it becomes all the more troubling. Our government was created by the Framers of the Constitution to be “Of, by, and for The People”. In short, The People ARE the government.
So in essence, what Ronald Reagan and all those who repeat the mantra ”government IS the problem” are saying is that THE PEOPLE ARE THE PROBLEM.
Ya cause we the people want to borrow 50 cents on every dollar OUR government spends? Since the 60's and the drive for more and more dole to the people the idea that this Government is ours is a joke. The Democrats have created a huge base of voters that only care about one thing, what will the Government give me today.
So, Retired, you agree, The People are the problem?

How sad that you have brainwashed into thinking that government of, by and for The People should exist for the wealthy and the corporations.
Ever since Ronald Reagan told us that ”government IS the problem”, right wingers have made it their mantra. Government is bad, Government is bad, Government is bad…
I have talked about this before on this site, about how this may have been Ronald Reagan’s worst transgression because it engendered in the populace a distain, even a hatred for their government.
When one considers the statement ”government IS the problem” in the context of American Government, it becomes all the more troubling. Our government was created by the Framers of the Constitution to be “Of, by, and for The People”. In short, The People ARE the government.
So in essence, what Ronald Reagan and all those who repeat the mantra ”government IS the problem” are saying is that THE PEOPLE ARE THE PROBLEM.

And of course that is true, because republicans hate the American people who are not among the elite top 20%ers. They used to be for the workers, but they abandoned them as well, along with the Unions who helped build this country into the dynamic engine it is. They find women to be inferior along with the American children and their human needs. They believe medical is reserved for the elite and are going about destroying Obama care, opposing abortions, and cutting education and any social programs they can, while sucking up to the military complex and wanting more mass destruction to make the rich, richer.

And today you will get a taste of the GOP agenda as they bring you another pledge to America in desperation for votes, like 16 years ago with their pledge to Contract to America. I wonder if the same racist dead beat dad Gingrich is behind todays family values pledge??
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Another "Contract on America". Gingrich's ten point contract was never fulfilled, not one point, unless you are fooled into believing that it was the RepubliCONs who balanced the budget and not President Clinton. Not a single Repub voted for Clinton's tax increase on the rich which led to the only balanced budget in thirty years.

We'll see who gets fooled this time.
Ever since Ronald Reagan told us that ”government IS the problem”, right wingers have made it their mantra. Government is bad, Government is bad, Government is bad…
I have talked about this before on this site, about how this may have been Ronald Reagan’s worst transgression because it engendered in the populace a distain, even a hatred for their government.
When one considers the statement ”government IS the problem” in the context of American Government, it becomes all the more troubling. Our government was created by the Framers of the Constitution to be “Of, by, and for The People”. In short, The People ARE the government.
So in essence, what Ronald Reagan and all those who repeat the mantra ”government IS the problem” are saying is that THE PEOPLE ARE THE PROBLEM.

In spite of Reagans rants about a government that he was a part of and did nothing to change except make it bigger..

The US has the best government in the world. Our form of government has been emulated around the world.

For those who think government is the problem....Of the hundreds of governments in the world, who should we try to be more like?
Ever since Ronald Reagan told us that ”government IS the problem”, right wingers have made it their mantra. Government is bad, Government is bad, Government is bad…
I have talked about this before on this site, about how this may have been Ronald Reagan’s worst transgression because it engendered in the populace a distain, even a hatred for their government.
When one considers the statement ”government IS the problem” in the context of American Government, it becomes all the more troubling. Our government was created by the Framers of the Constitution to be “Of, by, and for The People”. In short, The People ARE the government.
So in essence, what Ronald Reagan and all those who repeat the mantra ”government IS the problem” are saying is that THE PEOPLE ARE THE PROBLEM.
People need to get-over the idea that ReRon Reagan was any-more than a garden-variety pitchman. He went from being the classic B-actor, to playing the President (brought-to-you by the folks at BUSHCO).

The ReRon Reagan experiment PROVED (to corporate-America/Madi$on Avenue) that.....with the proper-packaging, you could sell ANYONE (to America) as Presidential-capable!!!


May. 20, 1985

"Is Ronald Reagan losing his seemingly unerring touch? After one of the President's most trying weeks, TIME's Washington bureau chief analyzes why Reagan is running into trouble on a number of fronts.

There is a common denominator to Ronald Reagan's current cluster of setbacks in domestic and foreign policy: his penchant for proposing simple solutions to complex problems has finally caught up with him."
Ya cause we the people want to borrow 50 cents on every dollar OUR government spends? Since the 60's and the drive for more and more dole to the people the idea that this Government is ours is a joke. The Democrats have created a huge base of voters that only care about one thing, what will the Government give me today.
Yeah.....that's who's developed the ability to control D.C.; the '60s-people, who only care about one thing, what will the Government give me todayhttp://www.hermes-press.com/vulture.htmhttp://www.hermes-press.com/vulture.htm.


Great analysis, there, Sgt. Rock!!
I'm reminded of a favorite old quote, something to the effect: Out of power, Republicans preach that government is inept. Once in power, they go about proving it.
You just reminded me of an occasion (one-of-many) when Tim Robbins was on (Bill Maher's) Politically Incorrect.

Robbin's stated (regarding federal-$ub$idie$):

"Republicans are capitalists, when they're making money...and, socialists, when they're losing money."
May. 20, 1985

"Is Ronald Reagan losing his seemingly unerring touch? After one of the President's most trying weeks, TIME's Washington bureau chief analyzes why Reagan is running into trouble on a number of fronts.

There is a common denominator to Ronald Reagan's current cluster of setbacks in domestic and foreign policy: his penchant for proposing simple solutions to complex problems has finally caught up with him."

As if one of the house organs for the permanent expanding state would be of any other opinion.
Ever since Ronald Reagan told us that ”government IS the problem”, right wingers have made it their mantra. Government is bad, Government is bad, Government is bad…
I have talked about this before on this site, about how this may have been Ronald Reagan’s worst transgression because it engendered in the populace a distain, even a hatred for their government.
When one considers the statement ”government IS the problem” in the context of American Government, it becomes all the more troubling. Our government was created by the Framers of the Constitution to be “Of, by, and for The People”. In short, The People ARE the government.
So in essence, what Ronald Reagan and all those who repeat the mantra ”government IS the problem” are saying is that THE PEOPLE ARE THE PROBLEM.

The US has the best government in the world.
That's a pretty bold statement (relatively-speaking)...and, one all good Americans are expected to make...but, best in what terms?

Historically, there's a lot we have, to apologize-for....not-to-mention our assumption of too-many Divine Rights!!

Does being the-riche$t-country make us the best....without (also) discussing our early-moves to make that happen?

Maybe it's some kind o' revolutionary-concept (in some peoples' eyes), but....I think we need to put a little-less effort into being the best-country (in the World)....and, a little-more into to being the Fairest/most-Consistent/most-Respected-country-in-the-World.

The oceans have long-past been THE barriers that've always protected us from the outcomes of U.$.-policies. Anymore, revenge can (merely) be a phone-call-away.​
I forget who it was who said it but it was something like this, "Democracy is the worst form of government except for all the rest"

It's not perfect but it's better than any other.

What's scary is that the Citizens United case may allow the corporations to buy our representatives even more blatanly and completely, now that corporations have been ruled to be "persons" by the right wing Roberts court. They are now allowed to spend all they want on election contributions.

What other "rights" will corporations gain? The right to keep and bear arms?

Why don't we as actual persons get the same rights as these artificial "corporate persons"? Why can't we for instance "right off" our operating expenses?
Reagan was wrong. Government is not the problem, Progressives in government are the problem
It is not the government itself that is bad, but rather the people whom we elect to run it along with those who seek to buy their favors that are bad.

Corruption has become rampant in our leaders today. It has become too easy for our leaders to sell their favors to the highest bidder. In effect, the checks and balances that were designed into our system have failed because the people who run our government are corrupt people regardless of party.

I fear it will destroy this once great nation.

It is not the government itself that is bad, but rather the people whom we elect to run it along with those who seek to buy their favors that are bad.

Corruption has become rampant in our leaders today. It has become too easy for our leaders to sell their favors to the highest bidder. In effect, the checks and balances that were designed into our system have failed because the people who run our government are corrupt people regardless of party.

I fear it will destroy this once great nation.

EVERYTHING'S temporary.

In '92, Republicans were convinced Bill Clinton would never be able to straighten-out the economic-debacle Daddy Bush left-behind.....and, they'd waltz-right-back-into the Oval Office, four-years-later.

Ever since Ronald Reagan told us that ”government IS the problem”, right wingers have made it their mantra. Government is bad, Government is bad, Government is bad…
I have talked about this before on this site, about how this may have been Ronald Reagan’s worst transgression because it engendered in the populace a distain, even a hatred for their government.
When one considers the statement ”government IS the problem” in the context of American Government, it becomes all the more troubling. Our government was created by the Framers of the Constitution to be “Of, by, and for The People”. In short, The People ARE the government.
So in essence, what Ronald Reagan and all those who repeat the mantra ”government IS the problem” are saying is that THE PEOPLE ARE THE PROBLEM.

name three goverment programs that produce more than they cost and are considered successful ....
It is not the government itself that is bad, but rather the people whom we elect to run it along with those who seek to buy their favors that are bad.

Corruption has become rampant in our leaders today. It has become too easy for our leaders to sell their favors to the highest bidder. In effect, the checks and balances that were designed into our system have failed because the people who run our government are corrupt people regardless of party.

I fear it will destroy this once great nation.

EVERYTHING'S temporary.

In '92, Republicans were convinced Bill Clinton would never be able to straighten-out the economic-debacle Daddy Bush left-behind.....and, they'd waltz-right-back-into the Oval Office, four-years-later.


thank god al gore invented the internet to create the dot com boom....and subsequent crash bill handed to bush II....

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