Ever wonder why there are not a lot of Asians in the republican party

The vast majority of Asian Americans are opposed to Democrats. From your own link. Try reading it.

Are you insane?
NO. Are you stupid? Yes, of course. Look at the table you posted.

Which one. POST IT HERE.
Right there. When asked the majority of Asian Americans said they were independents or Republicans. After some leading questions intended to undermine what they found magically a bunch became Democrats. I guess it was questions like: Are you still independent knowing the GOP wants to push your grandma off a cliff?

Say what? That's not what you said. Are you lying now....or are you stupid?

Please tell us which party.....between the GOP and the Democrats...has the support of the majority of Asian Americans.

The plurality of Asian Americans are independents, as your own link shows. Add those to the GOP and the majority of Asians are opposed to Democrats.
Was math not your strong point?
Are you insane?
NO. Are you stupid? Yes, of course. Look at the table you posted.

Which one. POST IT HERE.
Right there. When asked the majority of Asian Americans said they were independents or Republicans. After some leading questions intended to undermine what they found magically a bunch became Democrats. I guess it was questions like: Are you still independent knowing the GOP wants to push your grandma off a cliff?

Say what? That's not what you said. Are you lying now....or are you stupid?

Please tell us which party.....between the GOP and the Democrats...has the support of the majority of Asian Americans.

The plurality of Asian Americans are independents, as your own link shows. Add those to the GOP and the majority of Asians are opposed to Democrats.
Was math not your strong point?

You truly are an idiot.
"In 2000, then-presidential candidate John McCain stirred up a controversy by stating in reference to his years in captivity as a POW, "I hated the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live." Within a few-days time, McCain, fearing a substantial backlash from California’s sizeable, and politically-savvy Asian-American community, tried to qualify his remarks by saying that he was referring exclusively to his prison guards. But, Asian-Americans were left to wonder, if only among themselves: Would Mr. McCain have gotten more adverse publicity if he had uttered a slur against blacks or Hispanics?

Seems like the 'republican party even back then had a hard time concealing their true feelings, soon they will be running out of groups to hate

The warmonger deserves what he got. The motherfucker loves military conflicts.

NO. Are you stupid? Yes, of course. Look at the table you posted.

Which one. POST IT HERE.
Right there. When asked the majority of Asian Americans said they were independents or Republicans. After some leading questions intended to undermine what they found magically a bunch became Democrats. I guess it was questions like: Are you still independent knowing the GOP wants to push your grandma off a cliff?

Say what? That's not what you said. Are you lying now....or are you stupid?

Please tell us which party.....between the GOP and the Democrats...has the support of the majority of Asian Americans.

The plurality of Asian Americans are independents, as your own link shows. Add those to the GOP and the majority of Asians are opposed to Democrats.
Was math not your strong point?

You truly are an idiot.
Your defeat has been acknowledged.
Have a group torture you for years and then tell us how you feel about them.
The RWnuts will tell you that the reasons 70+% of Asians vote Democrat is because they are ignorant, shiftless, lazy, malcontents who just want free stuff from the government.
two reasons

1) many Asians don't like bible thumpers

2) many asians are used to living under collectivist states where individual liberty is non-existent. They choose what they are used to
Have you ever posted anything with, y'know, substance? Something with slightly more content than "Oh the far left drones and their comments"?

I guess I just don't get the whole "walk in emptyhanded" song and dance...

And another far left drone chimes in and shows that their religious propaganda is not connected to reality..
see?....thats all he can say.....if you say its raining he will say the same thing.....

And they continue to prove my comments...
what ya gonna do...:dunno:....maybe with this bag covering me up he wont recognize me....

And once again this one proves my comments!
And another far left drone chimes in and shows that their religious propaganda is not connected to reality..
see?....thats all he can say.....if you say its raining he will say the same thing.....

And they continue to prove my comments...
what ya gonna do...:dunno:....maybe with this bag covering me up he wont recognize me....

And once again this one proves my comments!

And they continue to prove my comments!
Ever wonder why there are not a lot of Asians in the republican party
The answer to your inquiry/statement was included in the body of your post: "politically-savvy Asian-American community".
see?....thats all he can say.....if you say its raining he will say the same thing.....

And they continue to prove my comments...
what ya gonna do...:dunno:....maybe with this bag covering me up he wont recognize me....

And once again this one proves my comments!

And they continue to prove my comments!
is the guy still there?......

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