Evergreen State Admissions: The death rattles of radical left ideology


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2012
Prof Claims Freshman Enrollment at Evergreen State Has Dropped to Just 300 Students

For those who don’t remember the Brett Weinstein incidence, a quick recap. Brett, a progressive professor/Bernie supporter at the very progressive Evergreen State University, found himself in a whirlwind of shit a year and a half ago. Tradition at EGSU, was that students of color would stay at home for a day to mirror a play (I forgot the name) where black citizens in a racist town all left, and the white people of the town realized how much they needed them. They decided to flip this tradition and demand that all white students stay home for the day. Brett objected to this, and said this is racist and is not a voluntary act as it is the traditional way. A handful of angry mobs later, Brett was ousted from the university, and later successfully sued for half a million, and joined the intellectual dark web with his brother Eric (also a progressive, super smart Harvard mathematician, Bernie supporter).

Since this incidence freshmen enrollment dropped to merely 300 students entering the freshmen class. This is down 50% from when this incident occurred. Wow. That’s probably smaller than most public school classes in the country. This is a state university folks.

The radical left remains loud, there is no doubt about that, but looking at these numbers this is not sustainable. Generation Z is already rejecting main stream millennial ideology, and want nothing to do with the outdated system that the millennials, and the holders of the mellinial leash, subscribe too. If we can only stop the radical left from taking too much power and wrecking the country too much, generation z should act as a nice correction to our country. This is a big IF however, can the centrist, the moderate left, and the right, hold off the radical left. I do not know, it is all up to the moderate left to try to police the radical left, who seem to hold the leash and jerk it hard every time the moderate left lingers.
It happened at Missouri, also. Big drop in admissions after the whole thing with the psycho left wing professor.
It happened at Missouri, also. Big drop in admissions after the whole thing with the psycho left wing professor.
Here’s the other aspect no one is talking about. The brick and mortar universities are going to be vilified even more than the banks in the 2008 housing crash (and rightfully so) because what they’re doing is sooooo much worse. The type of education that replaces them will be perceived as so much better, because they’ve been living off a model that no longer works that it’ll be comparable to VHS tapes Vs Netflix. I can’t even imagine the backlash they’ll get once all these people realized how duped they got. This is a situation where blockbuster has already been dead for many years, but no one is yet shitting on how bad blockbuster is, and all the blockbuster employees are still trying to down play Netflix, as they are dying on the vine in front of our eyes. We’re in the middle of a huge paradigm shift and the left is drowning themselves as they look to skies in a thunderstorm with their mouths wide open.
It happened at Missouri, also. Big drop in admissions after the whole thing with the psycho left wing professor.
Here’s the other aspect no one is talking about. The brick and mortar universities are going to be vilified even more than the banks in the 2008 housing crash (and rightfully so) because what they’re doing is sooooo much worse. The type of education that replaces them will be perceived as so much better, because they’ve been living off a model that no longer works that it’ll be comparable to VHS tapes Vs Netflix. I can’t even imagine the backlash they’ll get once all these people realized how duped they got. This is a situation where blockbuster has already been dead for many years, but no one is yet shitting on how bad blockbuster is, and all the blockbuster employees are still trying to down play Netflix, as they are dying on the vine in front of our eyes. We’re in the middle of a huge paradigm shift and the left is drowning themselves as they look to skies in a thunderstorm with their mouths wide open.

You are absolutely correct.

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