Every Branch Of US Military Facing Personnel Shortages

I went through basic training in 1981, and we had a whole segment on race relations and gender equity, because this was often the first time that a lot of these white suburban kids ever associated with black people, much less had to share a barracks with them. The training was about four hours and it included a film that was about 10 years out of date.
I went in 1982. There was a guy from South Dakota who said that he had never seen a black guy in person before he joined. He had seen plenty of Injuns, though and he had a bad opinion of them.
So this is really nothing new, except they have a few more items to cover.
Yeah . . . a few more items.

Do you think they teach females what to do when a trans-identifying male rapes them in the female latrine? If they even have female latrines? Seriously, is their policy the same as woke school boards who cover up such assaults? Would it be wrong to even bring up the possibility of a female being raped by a trans-identifying male since officially that does not happen?

The reality is, Basic Training is actually longer than when I was in. It was 8 weeks in 1981. It's 10 weeks now. I am pretty sure they don't spend those extra two weeks on pronouns.
Just how much time should be spent on pronouns, would you say? What would be the ideal amount of time needed for that important training?

So how much time do you think the military is really spending on equity training?
"Sir" and "Ma'am" are still enforced in the military, as far as I know. I've said this before, but not just about the military: we need a new honorific to replace those words or at least to use when gender is not apparent. With the near-infinite number of genders you insist are out there, I guess the military needs to come up with one and teach it.

It's your crazyness you're insisting we feed into, so come up with something. Just not "Comrade." Maybe "Yes, Officer," "No, Officer," etc.

Then they need to teach telling superiors one's pronouns as part of reporting: "Officer, Private Flops, he-him-his, reports as ordered, OFFICER!" What a formidable military we will have, then.

I guess you're right, that will be time-consuming. Given the state the Democrats have put public schools in and that only a HS diploma is required to join, I imagine most of that two weeks, plus extra weeks in AIT will be needed for remedial reading.

They'll have to take time for pronoun classes out of less important training like shooting, deploying hand grenades and bayonet tactics. All those are macro-aggressions to be discouraged anyway . . .
The military is having the same problem every other sector is having. A lack of employees.
The missing millions .
When this subject is mentioned ( not often) every possible explanation is offered except the one about the elephant shitting on the carpet in the middle of the room .
But if people are not dying from vaccine effects how else could so many go missing ?( How dare you be so ignorant and stupid to even think that?)

They now start to talk about excess mortality figures but these are apparently only the consequence of lock -down effects and have nothing to do with an elephant shitting all over the carpet in full view .
I went in 1982. There was a guy from South Dakota who said that he had never seen a black guy in person before he joined. He had seen plenty of Injuns, though and he had a bad opinion of them.

Yeah . . . a few more items.

Do you think they teach females what to do when a trans-identifying male rapes them in the female latrine? If they even have female latrines? Seriously, is their policy the same as woke school boards who cover up such assaults? Would it be wrong to even bring up the possibility of a female being raped by a trans-identifying male since officially that does not happen?

Just how much time should be spent on pronouns, would you say? What would be the ideal amount of time needed for that important training?

"Sir" and "Ma'am" are still enforced in the military, as far as I know. I've said this before, but not just about the military: we need a new honorific to replace those words or at least to use when gender is not apparent. With the near-infinite number of genders you insist are out there, I guess the military needs to come up with one and teach it.

It's your crazyness you're insisting we feed into, so come up with something. Just not "Comrade." Maybe "Yes, Officer," "No, Officer," etc.

Then they need to teach telling superiors one's pronouns as part of reporting: "Officer, Private Flops, he-him-his, reports as ordered, OFFICER!" What a formidable military we will have, then.

I guess you're right, that will be time-consuming. Given the state the Democrats have put public schools in and that only a HS diploma is required to join, I imagine most of that two weeks, plus extra weeks in AIT will be needed for remedial reading.

They'll have to take time for pronoun classes out of less important training like shooting, deploying hand grenades and bayonet tactics. All those are macro-aggressions to be discouraged anyway . . .
The females do have their own latrines and the straight guys still rape them.
And that’s where you fucked up… These are reasons given by those in that pool to begin with. My work and my hobbies have me basically in constant contact with exactly the kinds of young men who would typically be drawn to military service. From the guys at the gym, on the trails, at the range, or on the job. There are a lot common themes as to why they said guck that. And the aforementioned is not uncommon amongst them.
Add to that virtually everyone has family or friends who have served. Some have even died, both in service, and sadly after the fact as well.
The Afghanistan surrender didn’t to the recruiters any favors either…

But you,and those like you are free to ignore it at your own peril…

You might have a point, Trump never should have surrendered at Doha the way he did, but that means that you are less likely to be sent into a meat grinder.

The point is, the kinds of guys you hang out with aren't signing up because they have enough economic influence to avoid military service.

The problem is the POOR aren't signing up, and the few who do don't meet the basic requirements
And here comes the stream of crazy...

Do you think they teach females what to do when a trans-identifying male rapes them in the female latrine? If they even have female latrines? Seriously, is their policy the same as woke school boards who cover up such assaults? Would it be wrong to even bring up the possibility of a female being raped by a trans-identifying male since officially that does not happen?

10% of women who sign up for the military have reported being assaulted by CIS-gendered males outside latrines.

Just how much time should be spent on pronouns, would you say? What would be the ideal amount of time needed for that important training?

Probably about an hour. It's not complicated.

"Sir" and "Ma'am" are still enforced in the military, as far as I know. I've said this before, but not just about the military: we need a new honorific to replace those words or at least to use when gender is not apparent. With the near-infinite number of genders you insist are out there, I guess the military needs to come up with one and teach it.

Or not.

They'll have to take time for pronoun classes out of less important training like shooting, deploying hand grenades and bayonet tactics. All those are macro-aggressions to be discouraged anyway . . .

Frankly, I didn't take bayonet training when I went through basic, and it's not 1917, no one is using bayonets anymore. Maybe that's something they taught in AIT for the combat arms guys.

Now, when I was a supply NCO, we had bayonets in the arms vault, and they were never taken out. Except that one time a year I got some private to clean them so they wouldn't rust.

So if we were to replace bayonet training with equity training, that would probably be fine. Frankly, so much down time during basic...
good thing I'm not doing that.

If I were going to make something up, I'd come up with something more impressive than being a Supply Sergeant.

So how many hours do you think the military is doing on sensitivity training vs. the gun range or PT?
I guess Admiral in Charge of The Great Lakes was a bit of a stretch, eh?
I guess Admiral in Charge of The Great Lakes was a bit of a stretch, eh?
That would be REAR ADMIRAL MICHAEL J. He is the senior Coast Guard Commander for the Great Lakes and Saint Lawrence Seaway
10% of women who sign up for the military have reported being assaulted by CIS-gendered males outside latrines.
All the more reason to make female latrines penis-free zones - and enforce them better than Democrats enforce gun free zones.
Probably about an hour. It's not complicated.
An hour to say give your pronouns when you give your name, and use other people's chosen pronouns if you want to avoid an article 15?
Frankly, I didn't take bayonet training when I went through basic, and it's not 1917, no one is using bayonets anymore. Maybe that's something they taught in AIT for the combat arms guys.
I'm Quartermaster also. I took bayonet training during Rigger School AIT.

Here's what I understand about that now that I didn't get then: it was extremely unlikely that I would ever use a bayonet in combat. But the training emphasized aggression. That made me more likely kill in combat. It's called "lethality" and bayonet training adds to that. Pronoun training not so much.
So if we were to replace bayonet training with equity training, that would probably be fine. Frankly, so much down time during basic...
Beyonet training adds to lethality. Pronoun training not so much.

Hurry up and wait, sure. Downtime teaches tolerance for boredom and discipline when inactive. Equity training teaches victimhood and lack of personal responsibility.

We need soldiers who kill, not crying T-girls.

No matter how stimulating Democrats find that image.
I guess... Except I can back up everything I say.

Shhh... she's having a moment where she thought she was clever.
You can back up everything you say provided you’re not tasked with presenting factual statements.
That would be REAR ADMIRAL MICHAEL J. He is the senior Coast Guard Commander for the Great Lakes and Saint Lawrence Seaway

The worst thing The Navy every did for recruiting was to close the Basic Training Base in San Diego


and now the only options is Great Lakes...


That certainly would have stopped me from enlisting.
All the more reason to make female latrines penis-free zones - and enforce them better than Democrats enforce gun free zones.

We don't have 49,000 tranny rapes a year. we have 49,000 gun deaths a year because the gun industry floods our streets with guns to create fear.

An hour to say give your pronouns when you give your name, and use other people's chosen pronouns if you want to avoid an article 15?

Sounds reasonable to me. Heck, if you get down to it, a lot of training we took really has no effect on combat. How to wear the uniform properly, shining boots, making a nice tight bunk you can bounce a quarter off of. What it does do is require you to respect your peers and superiors.

Now, I was in when they'd still throw you out for being LGBTQ. Except it was my experience that if you were, but you did your job, they didn't care. The only people they threw out were folks who realized in basic or AIT that was a ticket out and claimed to be, even if they weren't.

We had one kid in AIT who wanted out, and told the CO he'd "give everyone in the company AIDS" (it was the 80's, and no one really understood how AIDS worked yet.) He was there when I got there and he was still their when I left because they were taking their own sweet time throwing him out.

I'm Quartermaster also. I took bayonet training during Rigger School AIT.

Here's what I understand about that now that I didn't get then: it was extremely unlikely that I would ever use a bayonet in combat. But the training emphasized aggression. That made me more likely kill in combat. It's called "lethality" and bayonet training adds to that. Pronoun training not so much.

I took my Basic at Ft. Sill and my AIT at Ft. Lee Quartermaster school. Never saw a bayonet.

Pronoun training adds to unit cohesion because it is a matter of respect. You can't work in a unit if you don't respect each other.

Beyonet training adds to lethality. Pronoun training not so much.

Hurry up and wait, sure. Downtime teaches tolerance for boredom and discipline when inactive. Equity training teaches victimhood and lack of personal responsibility.

We need soldiers who kill, not crying T-girls.

No matter how stimulating Democrats find that image.

Again, what we need is unit cohesion. That means we don't want bigots in our ranks. They cause discord, not unity. That's why they won't let you in if you are a Nazi or a Klansman.

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