every day republicans show us how they don't care about the people

you watch not many republicans will respond ..because they know they screw these people and these republicans voters are thinking really they even blocking this too.

How do you explain how the Fed's knew about the problem and said nothing to the Flint residents about the contaminated water?
each state has the epa in their state ...it has a lets call them a mgr for simplistic sake ... this person didn't inform their higher ups this has been established in the press ... they took it upon them selves to handle it and poorly might I add ... they were contacted months after the fact, then when they tested the water they were told by the state leaders the levels would drop ... this is all on the web ... now even though they were told the levels would drop, policy is when they check and find solution they have to report it right away they didn't do that... it was 5 months later, I could be wrong on how long it was, but still it was to high ... by that time the doctor noticed high lever of lead in peoples bood and reported it to the feds... policy say if you find hing lever of any thing that can cause a health issue they are supposed to in form their higher ups, the fact that they didn't, got all the people in flint fired from the EPA who knew about the problem ... that fact that you want to push it on the epa the federal part of the EPA is bull shit .. they problem should have been properly researched ... the republican administration in Michigan didn't do that.... thats where the fault totally lies ... the EPA was just trying to work with the state officials and got fuck over it, after the fact... now you can bet you bottom dollar if this happens in another state it will get report right away to hell with who ever is running the state government ... but you guys want to put blame it on the water treatment MGR or the EPA ... as far as you're concern the republicans is totally blame less ... innocent of and wrong doing we get hacks
as i started to look for more information on this matter wow !!! theres a boat load pages ... page after page of conservative sites claiming its the plant mgr fault .. never mind that Emergency Manager Darnell Earley for flint is refusing to go to the lawmakers on the hill,never mind that he's hiding from the us marshal who has a subpoena for him, its all the water treatment plant mgr fault ... like he did know the lines need to be treated properly, its not the governors fault ... its not Emergency Manager Darnell Earley fault ... its the water treatment MGR fault ... you republicans are a piece of work ... push your incompetence on somebody else ...

have you look ... didn't thinks so ... that would take some sort of intellect, something you lack
you need to do some research Haaaaaaaaaaaaack ... they didn't ask ... Snyder didn't want to pay for it ... its all in the few emails he released ...but like all you republican haaaaaaacks you don't do any research ... its too hard for ya !!!

So there is an email from Snyder saying "Flint, No phosphoric acid for You!!!!"

I'm waiting.
yep !!! there is

Please provide then... or shut-up.
Look I'm not your personal reference guide ... if you want to know look it up your god damn self ... I not here to prove me wrong, you are .. so do your own damn research..

If you level an accusation, you have to support it, otherwise, it's bullshit.
no I don't ...you have to prove me wrong ... like I said, I'm not here to prove me wrong you are ... where you have failed you didn't go out on the web a do a search ... you just type your typical uneducated rant from the right ... we get it you're lazy
as i started to look for more information on this matter wow !!! theres a boat load pages ... page after page of conservative sites claiming its the plant mgr fault .. never mind that Emergency Manager Darnell Earley for flint is refusing to go to the lawmakers on the hill,never mind that he's hiding from the us marshal who has a subpoena for him, its all the water treatment plant mgr fault ... like he did know the lines need to be treated properly, its not the governors fault ... its not Emergency Manager Darnell Earley fault ... its the water treatment MGR fault ... you republicans are a piece of work ... push your incompetence on somebody else ...

have you look ... didn't thinks so ... that would take some sort of intellect, something you lack

Your claim, your burden to prove the claim, oxygen thief.
So there is an email from Snyder saying "Flint, No phosphoric acid for You!!!!"

I'm waiting.
yep !!! there is

Please provide then... or shut-up.
Look I'm not your personal reference guide ... if you want to know look it up your god damn self ... I not here to prove me wrong, you are .. so do your own damn research..

If you level an accusation, you have to support it, otherwise, it's bullshit.
no I don't ...you have to prove me wrong ... like I said, I'm not here to prove me wrong you are ... where you have failed you didn't go out on the web a do a search ... you just type your typical uneducated rant from the right ... we get it you're lazy

prove it, dingleberry.
They are grandstanding and using this crisis for personal gain.

Repub!licans are poisoning the water now?

How do you explain the issue in other States, including Baltimore?

I believe there has been outrage from many who are conservative and Republican.

And before you go off on a right wing rant, I am a Democrat.

You are full of :bsflag:
the republicans have been blocking the repairs of the nations water systems for 9 years now ... they are doing it because they didn't want to see the democrats turn around the unemployment to fast ... are you really this stupid??? they have been blocking the highway systems for 9 years now ... same reason, they didn't want to see the democrats turn around the unemployment numbers around too fast ... now that we are sitting at 4.9 they try to tell us Obama did a bad job ??? where you are falling for the BULL SHIT that they are trying to pull??? really ??? so now that you think they are grand standing to get their water systems repaired in their state ... you think thats a bad Idea??? really ??? are you this stupid ... these people are being screwed and you trying to say, well its ok they can deal with it by them selves... because you think its ok because block it because you thing politicians are grandstanding ... you're no democrat that I know

The source of the lead in question usually isn't from the feeder pipes, but the pipes inside people's houses. Most government's don't touch that piping, as it is the property owner's responsibility. At best the local government could offer a tax credit to people for replacing their pipes, but then of course Flint needs its tax income to pay for its pension costs, so this is what happens when blue model cities start running out of money, both current and future.
I just saw some studies a few weeks ago that put the source in the ground. Car exhaust settles into the dirt. Which means every major city is going to have this problem sooner or later if they don't upgrade their plumbing.
It does need to be addressed.

Local and State governments should have had this under control long ago.

At least Maryland has shown the initiative and I'm impressed with the results.

The problem is the funding for these projects has to come from somewhere.

The upkeep is expensive and locally they would have to raise taxes as the cost is more than is being taken in to pay for maintenance.

The outrage and uproar in Maryland was swift conncerning the additional tax.

It has subsided and many are satisfied with the initiative.

I understand the Fed stepping in and applaud the actions.

This is not a federal issue and having the federal government controlling State and local infrastructure is not going to resolve these problems.
heres a state who capitol population is 38,856 where flint Michigan has a population of 99,002 almost 3 time and your trying to compair them to your state ???really !!!!

I am saying we had a problem with lead in Baltimore and sewage from treatment plants in the tributaries.

What I am saying is we addressed it and the results are significant.

What we didn't do is blame someone and cover it up!
Republican Senator Mike Lee from Utah, claims other politicians are “grandstanding,” using the Flint crisis to direct federal funding to their own states and to “federalize” the nation’s water infrastructure. where they keep getting poisoned by their water that republicans created for them

Please tell us how Republican "create" water. Do we have a magical water machine?

are you stupid ??? natural y stupid ??? or just plain stupid ... I side on the side you're naturally stupid ??? I can tell you how republican created a led problem in flint... the didn't add phosphoric acid to the water purification plant to keep the led pipes from leaching ... thats what I can tell you ... the fact that you're to stupid to figure that one out is beyond me ... so now tell us how its the EPA fault ... I always love a good laugh there too ...
If you're going to call someone stupid, at least spell lead correctly. L-E-A-D, not L-E-D, that is, unless Flint is having problems with Light Emitting Diodes in the water...
you watch not many republicans will respond ..because they know they screw these people and these republicans voters are thinking really they even blocking this too.

How do you explain how the Fed's knew about the problem and said nothing to the Flint residents about the contaminated water?
each state has the epa in their state ...it has a lets call them a mgr for simplistic sake ... this person didn't inform their higher ups this has been established in the press ... they took it upon them selves to handle it and poorly might I add ... they were contacted months after the fact, then when they tested the water they were told by the state leaders the levels would drop ... this is all on the web ... now even though they were told the levels would drop, policy is when they check and find solution they have to report it right away they didn't do that... it was 5 months later, I could be wrong on how long it was, but still it was to high ... by that time the doctor noticed high lever of lead in peoples bood and reported it to the feds... policy say if you find hing lever of any thing that can cause a health issue they are supposed to in form their higher ups, the fact that they didn't, got all the people in flint fired from the EPA who knew about the problem ... that fact that you want to push it on the epa the federal part of the EPA is bull shit .. they problem should have been properly researched ... the republican administration in Michigan didn't do that.... thats where the fault totally lies ... the EPA was just trying to work with the state officials and got fuck over it, after the fact... now you can bet you bottom dollar if this happens in another state it will get report right away to hell with who ever is running the state government ... but you guys want to put blame it on the water treatment MGR or the EPA ... as far as you're concern the republicans is totally blame less ... innocent of and wrong doing we get hacks

IN short, the EPA fucked the dog and the Democrats are blaming it ALL on the Republican governor.
So there is an email from Snyder saying "Flint, No phosphoric acid for You!!!!"

I'm waiting.
yep !!! there is

Please provide then... or shut-up.
Look I'm not your personal reference guide ... if you want to know look it up your god damn self ... I not here to prove me wrong, you are .. so do your own damn research..

If you level an accusation, you have to support it, otherwise, it's bullshit.
no I don't ...you have to prove me wrong ... like I said, I'm not here to prove me wrong you are ... where you have failed you didn't go out on the web a do a search ... you just type your typical uneducated rant from the right ... we get it you're lazy

You have to prove yourself RIGHT. That's how it works. Your employment of petty insults proves you wrong, however
Republican Senator Mike Lee from Utah, claims other politicians are “grandstanding,” using the Flint crisis to direct federal funding to their own states and to “federalize” the nation’s water infrastructure. where they keep getting poisoned by their water that republicans created for them

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