Every Hill Democrats Make a Stand On, Trump Overruns


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Taxes, immigration, healthcare, judicial nominees, national defense, foreign policy, domestic policy, etc etc.

And each hill he overruns he gains additional support.

Democrats are determined to get him reelected.
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Taxes, immigration, healthcare, national defense, foreign policy, domestic policy, etc etc.

And each hill he overruns he gains additional support.

Democrats are determined to get him reelected.
I think Dummycraps have a winning message:

  • Get rid of guns
  • Open our borders
  • Let anyone come here and take our shit
  • Get rid of ICE
  • Raise everyone's taxes
  • Screw up the economy
  • Harass everyone you don't like

Yep.....they should take back Congress with that message
Taxes, immigration, healthcare, national defense, foreign policy, domestic policy, etc etc.

And each hill he overruns he gains additional support.

Democrats are determined to get him reelected.
I think Dummycraps have a winning message:

  • Get rid of guns
  • Open our borders
  • Let anyone come here and take our shit
  • Get rid of ICE
  • Raise everyone's taxes
  • Screw up the economy
  • Harass everyone you don't like

Yep.....they should take back Congress with that message
Don’t forget communism. They really want that one pretty bad.
Well they sure aren't doing themselves any favors doing what they are doing.

The economy is doing great. UE is the lowest its been in decades. People have more money in their paychecks and the Dems think people don't notice this??

That blue wave won't even be a ripple.

They sure are their own worst enemies.
Taxes, immigration, healthcare, national defense, foreign policy, domestic policy, etc etc.

And each hill he overruns he gains additional support.

Democrats are determined to get him reelected.
I think Dummycraps have a winning message:

  • Get rid of guns
  • Open our borders
  • Let anyone come here and take our shit
  • Get rid of ICE
  • Raise everyone's taxes
  • Screw up the economy
  • Harass everyone you don't like

Yep.....they should take back Congress with that message

That's not really their "message" , that's just the background noise, the current message boils down to nothing more than:

"Trump's an asshole, the Republicans suck, vote for us because we suck less"

IMHO Given the current partisan pendulum arc, that by itself is enough to give the Democrats better than a 50-50 chance of taking back the House, the Republicans are going to have to work REALLY hard to keep the House, the Senate not so much because they have an enormous advantage because of the map. So absent any major Democrat screw ups the state affairs leaves them with a good shot at the House.

The wild card is Trump himself, he's made his bones being underestimated and using a "watch this shiny bauble over here while I attack you from over there" strategy, I think *MAYBE* that's what he's doing on with all this trade friction he's created. He is addressing legitimate trade imbalances, however I find it odd that he's taken such a confrontational approach right off the bat, especially in an election year, however there's also a possibility that he's setting up a scenario to clear it before the mid-terms. He's already got some concessions from the Chinese and our NAFTA partners on the table (which so far he's passed on) and the EU is signaling a possibility of multilateral negotiations on normalizing Automobile tariffs.

If he were to clear these trade tensions before the mid-terms (and after the "sell in may and go away" summer months), the financial markets would likely realize significant upside since trade war fears are already largely priced in. He could also take credit for a number of terms of trade wins by collecting those concessions that have already been offered up and benefitting from likely upward adjustments in Q3 GDP growth projections.

Just a theory, but as one that has underestimated Daffy Don in the past (I never thought he would win in 2016 and was skeptical that he could get tax reform passed), I'm a bit suspicious about what he's up to on the timing of this hardball trade stance. The Democrats better beware or he just might beat them upside the back of the head again.
Taxes, immigration, healthcare, national defense, foreign policy, domestic policy, etc etc.

And each hill he overruns he gains additional support.

Democrats are determined to get him reelected.
I think Dummycraps have a winning message:

  • Get rid of guns
  • Open our borders
  • Let anyone come here and take our shit
  • Get rid of ICE
  • Raise everyone's taxes
  • Screw up the economy
  • Harass everyone you don't like

Yep.....they should take back Congress with that message

Don't forget,

Streets paved with shit like in San Fransicko.

Taxes, immigration, healthcare, national defense, foreign policy, domestic policy, etc etc.

And each hill he overruns he gains additional support.

Democrats are determined to get him reelected.
I think Dummycraps have a winning message:

  • Get rid of guns
  • Open our borders
  • Let anyone come here and take our shit
  • Get rid of ICE
  • Raise everyone's taxes
  • Screw up the economy
  • Harass everyone you don't like

Yep.....they should take back Congress with that message

That's not really their "message" , that's just the background noise, the current message boils down to nothing more than:

"Trump's an asshole, the Republicans suck, vote for us because we suck less"

IMHO Given the current partisan pendulum arc, that by itself is enough to give the Democrats better than a 50-50 chance of taking back the House, the Republicans are going to have to work REALLY hard to keep the House, the Senate not so much because they have an enormous advantage because of the map. So absent any major Democrat screw ups the state affairs leaves them with a good shot at the House.

The wild card is Trump himself, he's made his bones being underestimated and using a "watch this shiny bauble over here while I attack you from over there" strategy, I think *MAYBE* that's what he's doing on with all this trade friction he's created. He is addressing legitimate trade imbalances, however I find it odd that he's taken such a confrontational approach right off the bat, especially in an election year, however there's also a possibility that he's setting up a scenario to clear it before the mid-terms. He's already got some concessions from the Chinese and our NAFTA partners on the table (which so far he's passed on) and the EU is signaling a possibility of multilateral negotiations on normalizing Automobile tariffs.

If he were to clear these trade tensions before the mid-terms (and after the "sell in may and go away" summer months), the financial markets would likely realize significant upside since trade war fears are already largely priced in. He could also take credit for a number of terms of trade wins by collecting those concessions that have already been offered up and benefitting from likely upward adjustments in Q3 GDP growth projections.

Just a theory, but as one that has underestimated Daffy Don in the past (I never thought he would win in 2016 and was skeptical that he could get tax reform passed), I'm a bit suspicious about what he's up to on the timing of this hardball trade stance. The Democrats better beware or he just might beat them upside the back of the head again.

I have to agree.

Trump isn't a stupid man even though the Dems seem to think he is.

Everything he does, he does for a reason. What that reason may be only time will tell.

No, Trump is no dummy and anyone underestimating him is in for that beat upside the head.
Taxes, immigration, healthcare, national defense, foreign policy, domestic policy, etc etc.

And each hill he overruns he gains additional support.

Democrats are determined to get him reelected.
I think Dummycraps have a winning message:

  • Get rid of guns
  • Open our borders
  • Let anyone come here and take our shit
  • Get rid of ICE
  • Raise everyone's taxes
  • Screw up the economy
  • Harass everyone you don't like

Yep.....they should take back Congress with that message

That's not really their "message" , that's just the background noise, the current message boils down to nothing more than:

"Trump's an asshole, the Republicans suck, vote for us because we suck less"

IMHO Given the current partisan pendulum arc, that by itself is enough to give the Democrats better than a 50-50 chance of taking back the House, the Republicans are going to have to work REALLY hard to keep the House, the Senate not so much because they have an enormous advantage because of the map. So absent any major Democrat screw ups the state affairs leaves them with a good shot at the House.

The wild card is Trump himself, he's made his bones being underestimated and using a "watch this shiny bauble over here while I attack you from over there" strategy, I think *MAYBE* that's what he's doing on with all this trade friction he's created. He is addressing legitimate trade imbalances, however I find it odd that he's taken such a confrontational approach right off the bat, especially in an election year, however there's also a possibility that he's setting up a scenario to clear it before the mid-terms. He's already got some concessions from the Chinese and our NAFTA partners on the table (which so far he's passed on) and the EU is signaling a possibility of multilateral negotiations on normalizing Automobile tariffs.

If he were to clear these trade tensions before the mid-terms (and after the "sell in may and go away" summer months), the financial markets would likely realize significant upside since trade war fears are already largely priced in. He could also take credit for a number of terms of trade wins by collecting those concessions that have already been offered up and benefitting from likely upward adjustments in Q3 GDP growth projections.

Just a theory, but as one that has underestimated Daffy Don in the past (I never thought he would win in 2016 and was skeptical that he could get tax reform passed), I'm a bit suspicious about what he's up to on the timing of this hardball trade stance. The Democrats better beware or he just might beat them upside the back of the head again.

I have to agree.

Trump isn't a stupid man even though the Dems seem to think he is.

Everything he does, he does for a reason. What that reason may be only time will tell.

No, Trump is no dummy and anyone underestimating him is in for that beat upside the head.

Well it's just a theory but if it is what he's up to it's a very risky strategy on the other hand his history indicates that he, like many entrepreneurs, is an aggressive risk taker …..

It'll be interesting to watch what develops and how/if the Democrats react to whatever progress comes up on trade negotiations throughout the summer. I think there's one thing that will flash a pretty strong signal, if the Trump Administration does begin to make progress on trade and the Democrats start criticizing that progress, it's a good indicator that he's setting them up.
I will point out a few things that the democrats have done to help their cause.
They have pushed the tax cuts were crumbs agenda.
They shut down the government for three days in favor of DACA then when they did not get exactly what they wanted said just kidding.
To get approval for the omnibus spending bill a tunnel had to be added.
All of those are so worthy agendas.

Meanwhile the Republicans can point to:
The tax cuts.
Attempts at immigration reform.
A lower unemployment.
A better economy.
Tighter border control.

Why hasn’t Trump overrun that one?
no wall

Mexico not paying for it

DACA still here

SCOTUS has been carrying his water for him
Taxes, immigration, healthcare, national defense, foreign policy, domestic policy, etc etc.

And each hill he overruns he gains additional support.

Democrats are determined to get him reelected.
I think Dummycraps have a winning message:

  • Get rid of guns
  • Open our borders
  • Let anyone come here and take our shit
  • Get rid of ICE
  • Raise everyone's taxes
  • Screw up the economy
  • Harass everyone you don't like

Yep.....they should take back Congress with that message

That's not really their "message" , that's just the background noise, the current message boils down to nothing more than:

"Trump's an asshole, the Republicans suck, vote for us because we suck less"

IMHO Given the current partisan pendulum arc, that by itself is enough to give the Democrats better than a 50-50 chance of taking back the House, the Republicans are going to have to work REALLY hard to keep the House, the Senate not so much because they have an enormous advantage because of the map. So absent any major Democrat screw ups the state affairs leaves them with a good shot at the House.

The wild card is Trump himself, he's made his bones being underestimated and using a "watch this shiny bauble over here while I attack you from over there" strategy, I think *MAYBE* that's what he's doing on with all this trade friction he's created. He is addressing legitimate trade imbalances, however I find it odd that he's taken such a confrontational approach right off the bat, especially in an election year, however there's also a possibility that he's setting up a scenario to clear it before the mid-terms. He's already got some concessions from the Chinese and our NAFTA partners on the table (which so far he's passed on) and the EU is signaling a possibility of multilateral negotiations on normalizing Automobile tariffs.

If he were to clear these trade tensions before the mid-terms (and after the "sell in may and go away" summer months), the financial markets would likely realize significant upside since trade war fears are already largely priced in. He could also take credit for a number of terms of trade wins by collecting those concessions that have already been offered up and benefitting from likely upward adjustments in Q3 GDP growth projections.

Just a theory, but as one that has underestimated Daffy Don in the past (I never thought he would win in 2016 and was skeptical that he could get tax reform passed), I'm a bit suspicious about what he's up to on the timing of this hardball trade stance. The Democrats better beware or he just might beat them upside the back of the head again.

I have to agree.

Trump isn't a stupid man even though the Dems seem to think he is.

Everything he does, he does for a reason. What that reason may be only time will tell.

No, Trump is no dummy and anyone underestimating him is in for that beat upside the head.

Well it's just a theory but if it is what he's up to it's a very risky strategy on the other hand his history indicates that he, like many entrepreneurs, is an aggressive risk taker …..

It'll be interesting to watch what develops and how/if the Democrats react to whatever progress comes up on trade negotiations throughout the summer. I think there's one thing that will flash a pretty strong signal, if the Trump Administration does begin to make progress on trade and the Democrats start criticizing that progress, it's a good indicator that he's setting them up.
Look how the left handled the first constructive dialog with North Korea for a glimpse at how they will handle trade.
North Korea is upgrading its research and launching facilities, so they will need lots of American goodies.

That's a fourth.
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Taxes, immigration, healthcare, national defense, foreign policy, domestic policy, etc etc.

And each hill he overruns he gains additional support.

Democrats are determined to get him reelected.
I think Dummycraps have a winning message:

  • Get rid of guns
  • Open our borders
  • Let anyone come here and take our shit
  • Get rid of ICE
  • Raise everyone's taxes
  • Screw up the economy
  • Harass everyone you don't like

Yep.....they should take back Congress with that message
Don’t forget communism. They really want that one pretty bad.
It's the worst held secret in America.
No wall
No Mexico paying for it
No repeal and replace of Obamacare
No balanced budget

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