Every picture tells a story...


Je Suis Charlie
Mar 2, 2013
The Real Problem With That Chart


Every picture tells a story and so does the one above.

What story does this picture tell you?

Disclaimer: I omitted cutting and pasting any text from the link on purpose. Feel free to read the analysis if you want but the image all by itself is revealing enough for anyone who can read a chart.

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The Real Problem With That Chart


Every picture tells a story and so does the one above.

What story does this picture tell you?

Disclaimer: I omitted cutting and pasting any text from the link on purpose. Feel free to read the analysis if you want but the image all by itself is revealing enough for anyone who can read a chart.


All it tells me is it has little relevance a year and a half before the elections and 8 months before the first primary.
The Real Problem With That Chart


Every picture tells a story and so does the one above.

What story does this picture tell you?

Disclaimer: I omitted cutting and pasting any text from the link on purpose. Feel free to read the analysis if you want but the image all by itself is revealing enough for anyone who can read a chart.

You mean anyone can make a chart to say what they want it to say.
....but where the heck are Jindal and Fiorina...the circus cannot go on with those 2 clowns missing.
The Real Problem With That Chart


Every picture tells a story and so does the one above.

What story does this picture tell you?

Disclaimer: I omitted cutting and pasting any text from the link on purpose. Feel free to read the analysis if you want but the image all by itself is revealing enough for anyone who can read a chart.


All it tells me is it has little relevance a year and a half before the elections and 8 months before the first primary.

The first GOP primary debate is a mere two and half months away.

Walker, Rubio, Paul and Huckabee are your strongest candidates according to that chart.
The Real Problem With That Chart


Every picture tells a story and so does the one above.

What story does this picture tell you?

Disclaimer: I omitted cutting and pasting any text from the link on purpose. Feel free to read the analysis if you want but the image all by itself is revealing enough for anyone who can read a chart.

You mean anyone can make a chart to say what they want it to say.

You can if that is what you want to do.

But what does that specific chart say to you?
Given the 20 or so candidates on the GOP side, during the first debate each will have just enough time to state their names.......and the fact that each hates Hillary...then time will be up.
Can anyone imagine more conservative judges, more corporate power, lower taxes for the wealthy, corporate based legislation, reduction of the safety net in a global corporate money operated world, more outsourced work, and for profit education. Welcome to a GOP run America. Many won't care but many, can you say most, will again lost sight of the American dream.
I think it means that based on the obviously liberal propaganda that passes as "reporting," the American public has not generally caught on to what a clusterfuck of stupid VP Biden is and what a disaster Shrillary is and what a complete flop Obumbler has shown himself to be.

Other than that, it tells us damn little.

It would be like a liberal hack putting clown makeup on some political figure from the opposing side and using that distorted image as his avie on a small political message board. It may tell a story, but not a good one or an honest one or a particularly worthwhile one.
Can anyone imagine more conservative judges, more corporate power, lower taxes for the wealthy, corporate based legislation, reduction of the safety net in a global corporate money operated world, more outsourced work, and for profit education. Welcome to a GOP run America. Many won't care but many, can you say most, will again lost sight of the American dream.

The two lines show a divergence in what We the People want for our future. Either a rise in living standards or a flat line more of the same.
The Real Problem With That Chart


Every picture tells a story and so does the one above.

What story does this picture tell you?

Disclaimer: I omitted cutting and pasting any text from the link on purpose. Feel free to read the analysis if you want but the image all by itself is revealing enough for anyone who can read a chart.


All it tells me is it has little relevance a year and a half before the elections and 8 months before the first primary.

The first GOP primary debate is a mere two and half months away.

Walker, Rubio, Paul and Huckabee are your strongest candidates according to that chart.

Might be right now, but it's all subject to change.
Can anyone imagine more conservative judges, more corporate power, lower taxes for the wealthy, corporate based legislation, reduction of the safety net in a global corporate money operated world, more outsourced work, and for profit education. Welcome to a GOP run America. Many won't care but many, can you say most, will again lost sight of the American dream.

That would be WONDERFUL. Dare to dream the dream. Some more or less conservative (i.e., non fucking asshole hack far left wingnut liberal) President making nominations to the judiciary?

Lower taxes on those who earn? WONDERFUL!

Restrictions at long last on mindless and flatulent federal spending? TERRIFIC!

More OUTSOURCED WORK? Horseshit. More work for Americans by restricting the open borders bullshit idiocy of the socialist Democrap Party is more like it.

We are trying mightily to PREVENT the destruction of the American Dream at the hands of you completely lunatic liberals.
The interesting thing about the chart is that Clinton's unfavorability rating is no worse than the best Republican contender's unfavorability rating, and yet her favorability rating is way ahead of the entire GOP pack.

That's true even for Biden.

That's a huge hill for the GOP candidates to climb.

Based on past performance, you can count on the GOP to do its best to increase Hillary's unfavorability rating rather than increase their favorability rating. Because that's how they roll.

In other words...stand by for some seriously heavy mud slinging.
The interesting thing about the chart is that Clinton's unfavorability rating is no worse than the best Republican contender's unfavorability rating, and yet her favorability rating is way ahead of the entire GOP pack.

That's true even for Biden.

That's a huge hill for the GOP candidates to climb.


It is clear you buy the bullshit.
Going by the chart, Huckabee is in the best position of all the GOP contenders.
The interesting thing about the chart is that Clinton's unfavorability rating is no worse than the best Republican contender's unfavorability rating, and yet her favorability rating is way ahead of the entire GOP pack.

That's true even for Biden.

That's a huge hill for the GOP candidates to climb.


It is clear you buy the bullshit.
Either prove the chart is wrong or that my interpretation of it is. If you can.

I'm betting you can't, blowhard.
I think it means that based on the obviously liberal propaganda that passes as "reporting,"

My personal gratitude for your admission that FOX news [sic], Breibart, hate-talk radio and especially Limbaugh...are NOT propaganda...but have advanced to all-out brain-washing.....take yourself, for example.
Stand by for seriously heavy mud slinging by the GOP.

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