Every picture tells a story...

These are demographics which campaign managers take very, very seriously. Only an ignorant idiot would dismiss the significance of the chart.

And the GOP's pattern is that when they can't make themselves look better, they do their damndest to make the other guy look worse.

Stand by for some seriously heavy mudslinging.
The Real Problem With That Chart


Every picture tells a story and so does the one above.

What story does this picture tell you?

Disclaimer: I omitted cutting and pasting any text from the link on purpose. Feel free to read the analysis if you want but the image all by itself is revealing enough for anyone who can read a chart.


In december 2006 half of americans didn't know enough of O to even give him a rating while mccain had a 67% rating. We all know what happened.
The WH may prove "a bridge too far" for the GOP....actually, they'd be better off trying to defend those 2 dozen senate seats that are up for reelection next year....and with the "stellar" performance that congress has delivered, well...............my grandmother may have a shot.
The WH may prove "a bridge too far" for the GOP....actually, they'd be better off trying to defend those 2 dozen senate seats that are up for reelection next year....and with the "stellar" performance that congress has delivered, well...............my grandmother may have a shot.

Far left propaganda alert!
In december 2006 half of americans didn't know enough of O to even give him a rating while mccain had a 67% rating. We all know what happened.

Sure, but it would defy reason to compare a Walker or a Huckabee or a Bush to Obama........Like him or not (and obviously you don't) the charisma of these 3 leading republicans is enough to put an insomniac to sleep.
In december 2006 half of americans didn't know enough of O to even give him a rating while mccain had a 67% rating. We all know what happened.

Sure, but it would defy reason to compare a Walker or a Huckabee or a Bush to Obama........Like him or not (and obviously you don't) the charisma of these 3 leading republicans is enough to put an insomniac to sleep.

Lol and clinton has the charisma of a gnat.
Far left propaganda alert!

Obviously, you need firm guidance....here goes:

Are there 20plus seats currently held by republicans that are up for reelection next year?..............Yes or No

Is the approval rating of the current senate comparable to used-car salesmen?.................Yes or No
Is that Bill or Hillary Clinton? It doesn't say. But it doesn't say much of anything, just more porn for libs. Gotta get your groove on anyway you can.
The Real Problem With That Chart


Every picture tells a story and so does the one above.

What story does this picture tell you?

Disclaimer: I omitted cutting and pasting any text from the link on purpose. Feel free to read the analysis if you want but the image all by itself is revealing enough for anyone who can read a chart.


In december 2006 half of americans didn't know enough of O to even give him a rating while mccain had a 67% rating. We all know what happened.

In December 2006 no one outside of Alaska had even heard of Sarah Palin and we all know what happened.
In december 2006 half of americans didn't know enough of O to even give him a rating while mccain had a 67% rating. We all know what happened.

Um, excuse me. You should be comparing 2007 to 2015, dumbass.

Now here's the thing: McCain s 67 Favorable Rating His Highest in Eight Years

That isn't 2007, but you can see in that link that McCain did not have a commanding favorability rating over Obama, nor vice versa. Both their favorability and unfavorability ratings were virtually tied with each other. You cannot show how at any time McCain had a commanding lead over Obama's favorability rating.

So you are comparing apples to oranges, numbnuts.
So it's saying that Huckabee is the party's best shot?


He is that high because of his FauxNoise show so he has had a lot of exposure.

Rubio, Paul and Walker are more or less in the same ballpark.
I've often said the right wing partisan hacks act like people who were in comas until January 2009. The idea that Obama was an unknown the year before the 2008 election requires about seven pounds of brain damage to manufacture that kind of bullshit.

Obama s rock star persona boosts U.S. - ABC News

Obama’s the Big Man on Campus

(That article is from February 2007, which is farther away from the 2008 election than we are now from the 2016 election.)
I think it means that based on the obviously liberal propaganda that passes as "reporting,"

My personal gratitude for your admission that FOX news [sic], Breibart, hate-talk radio and especially Limbaugh...are NOT propaganda...but have advanced to all-out brain-washing.....take yourself, for example.

Your utter lack of reading comprehension (and honesty) is noted.


You pussy dishonest hack uber liberals never complain about the decided left wing propaganda from the main stream media.
But you bitch endlessly about any conservative slant or bias in the few non liberal outlets.

The real complaint you simpleton twerps therefore clearly have is any kind of competition.

Unlike you, shit for brain asshole motherfucker, I am not the one who is brainwashed. My mind is open. Yours is very much shut to something as basic as the truth.
The interesting thing about the chart is that Clinton's unfavorability rating is no worse than the best Republican contender's unfavorability rating, and yet her favorability rating is way ahead of the entire GOP pack.

That's true even for Biden.

That's a huge hill for the GOP candidates to climb.


It is clear you buy the bullshit.
Either prove the chart is wrong or that my interpretation of it is. If you can.

I'm betting you can't, blowhard.

You are the proponent of that hogwash. Prove that it is reasonably reliable. Refer to its Methodology. Etc.

The Real Problem With That Chart


Every picture tells a story and so does the one above.

What story does this picture tell you?

Disclaimer: I omitted cutting and pasting any text from the link on purpose. Feel free to read the analysis if you want but the image all by itself is revealing enough for anyone who can read a chart.


In december 2006 half of americans didn't know enough of O to even give him a rating while mccain had a 67% rating. We all know what happened.

In December 2006 no one outside of Alaska had even heard of Sarah Palin and we all know what happened.

She wasn't running for pres. O was. I'm sorry that sailed right over you.
The guy in the wh sure ain't selling ferraris. Yugos and pintos.

Well, since he is NOT running....your "broken record" routine falls rather flat, and although I am not a Hillary fan, her personality is a heck of a lot more interesting than a Perry or a Santorum .....
Now, how many senate seats does the GOP have to defend next year and what's the current approval rating of congress?

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