every sen dem running in 2014 to back @JeanneShaheen proposal to delay #ACA enrollmen

So who was it playing politics with Obama-Care and the Government Shut down???

House GOP's Third Shutdown Offer Would Delay Individual Mandate By One Year

House Republicans will soon present a third proposal to keep the federal government funded, but it seems all but certain to be rejected by the Senate, just like the two that came before it.

With just hours to go before the government shuts down, the office of House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) confirmed that it will put together a new continuing resolution with amendments attached to it that will delay Obamacare's individual mandate for one year and end the employer healthcare contribution for members of Congress and their staff.

The outcome, of course, will be a rejection by the Senate, as Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has insisted that the Senate will not pass a continuing resolution that contains Obamacare provisions.
No. Different type of delay.

I am beginning to think that every single USMB nutter is an imbecile. What is wrong with you that you cannot tell the difference between this suggestion and the individual mandate delay that the GOP wanted?

Seriously. What happened to you people?
No. Different type of delay.

I am beginning to think that every single USMB nutter is an imbecile. What is wrong with you that you cannot tell the difference between this suggestion and the delay that the GOP wanted?

Seriously. What happened to our people?

Different type of delay?


Is that what your Obama context filter is displaying?
No. Different type of delay.

I am beginning to think that every single USMB nutter is an imbecile. What is wrong with you that you cannot tell the difference between this suggestion and the individual mandate delay that the GOP wanted?

Seriously. What happened to you people?


It is not a different kind of delay.

That is just simply a lie.

We asked for a one year delay in the fines, we were denied.

Liars lie, it's what they do

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=H8spP856AMY]Obama to AMA keep your doctor and insurance we will build economy - YouTube[/ame]
No. Different type of delay.

I am beginning to think that every single USMB nutter is an imbecile. What is wrong with you that you cannot tell the difference between this suggestion and the delay that the GOP wanted?

Seriously. What happened to our people?

Different type of delay?


Is that what your Obama context filter is displaying?

Shaheen is not suggesting a delay in the individual mandate. She is suggesting an extension of the enrollment deadline to allow people to have more time to sign up before the deadline. Different. Completely different. The mandate will stand. The tax will be due at the same time.

Think.....then write.
No. Different type of delay.

I am beginning to think that every single USMB nutter is an imbecile. What is wrong with you that you cannot tell the difference between this suggestion and the delay that the GOP wanted?

Seriously. What happened to our people?

Different type of delay?


Is that what your Obama context filter is displaying?

Shaheen is not suggesting a delay in the individual mandate. She is suggesting an extension of the enrollment deadline to allow people to have more time to sign up before the deadline. Different. Completely different. The mandate will stand. The tax will be due at the same time.

Think.....then write.

That is PRECISELY what we asked for except that it was worded differently.

We asked for a one year delay in the fine and allow anybody who wanted to sign up to go ahead and sign up.

dimocraps told us to shove it.

They wouldn't even negotiate it. had they negotiated in good faith (dimocrap scum? yeah, right) we would have agreed to what they're asking for right now.

But rather than give Republicans ANY credit for ANYTHING, dimocrap scum went ahead with the shutdown.

The American people can only be lied to so many times and for only so long before they wise up.

I hope.
Here's a Video Montage of the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM lying their ASSES off for the Stuttering Clusterfuck...

Flashback: Journalists Marveled Over Healthcare.gov Before It Opened | NewsBusters


'A Huge Breakthrough' for the Uninsured

"Tomorrow, ordinary Americans who don't have health insurance get a chance to sign up for the first time. That's a huge breakthrough. You can go to Healthcare.gov. If you're watching right now, you don't have health care, or your mama doesn't, you can go to Healthcare.gov and sign up for health insurance. That's a good thing in America. It's crazy town up here because something good is happening in our country and some people just can't stand for something good to happen for the American people."
– CNN's Crossfire co-host Van Jones on New Day, September 30

'Easy to Read,' 'Easy' to 'Navigate' Despite Right-Wing Lies :lmao:

"This is the website folks, Healthcare.gov. If you go to this website you will find out how easy it is to read, how easy it is to navigate all the information, all the basic questions, and all the direction you need to take to get involved to get health care. This is a great guide, if I may say, for any of you out there who feel so confused by all of these right-wing commercials that are just permeating through your television screen and also in the sound culture of the country with the right-wing talkers of America."
– MSNBC host Ed Schultz on The Ed Show, September 30

Like Shopping on Amazon – Once It's 'Up and Running'

"Well, once it's fully up and running, you'll go online, and it will be a lot like shopping for anything online on – on Amazon. You'll look at the different health insurance plans that are offered in your area and you will pick the one that works best for you and your family and you will hit 'buy'."
– Bloomberg's Peter Gosselin on CBS This Morning, September 28

Like Shopping on Travelocity

"And you know what's interesting, is this is really like going to shop for a flight on Travelocity. You're going to a place; you're comparing costs, you're choosing coverage. That's what you need to know. This is all starting tomorrow."
– CBS's Jill Schlesinger on CBS This Morning, September 30

'Easy to Read'; Like Mall Shopping

"Get ready to shop at the health insurance marketplace or exchange. Think of it as a health insurance mall for your state, where each store represents a different insurance company. You'll get an easy to read map or menu of options to help you navigate which plan makes the most sense for you and your family."
– ABC's Rebecca Jarvis on Good Morning America, September 30

Read more: Flashback: Journalists Marveled Over Healthcare.gov Before It Opened | NewsBusters


dimocraps lie.

Different type of delay?


Is that what your Obama context filter is displaying?

Shaheen is not suggesting a delay in the individual mandate. She is suggesting an extension of the enrollment deadline to allow people to have more time to sign up before the deadline. Different. Completely different. The mandate will stand. The tax will be due at the same time.

Think.....then write.

That is PRECISELY what we asked for except that it was worded differently.

We asked for a one year delay in the fine and allow anybody who wanted to sign up to go ahead and sign up.

dimocraps told us to shove it.

They wouldn't even negotiate it. had they negotiated in good faith (dimocrap scum? yeah, right) we would have agreed to what they're asking for right now.

But rather than give Republicans ANY credit for ANYTHING, dimocrap scum went ahead with the shutdown.

The American people can only be lied to so many times and for only so long before they wise up.

I hope.

No it isn't. Republicans never even mentioned the open enrollment period, all they ever went after was the individual mandate or the whole damn thing.
Shaheen is not suggesting a delay in the individual mandate. She is suggesting an extension of the enrollment deadline to allow people to have more time to sign up before the deadline. Different. Completely different. The mandate will stand. The tax will be due at the same time.

Think.....then write.

That is PRECISELY what we asked for except that it was worded differently.

We asked for a one year delay in the fine and allow anybody who wanted to sign up to go ahead and sign up.

dimocraps told us to shove it.

They wouldn't even negotiate it. had they negotiated in good faith (dimocrap scum? yeah, right) we would have agreed to what they're asking for right now.

But rather than give Republicans ANY credit for ANYTHING, dimocrap scum went ahead with the shutdown.

The American people can only be lied to so many times and for only so long before they wise up.

I hope.

No it isn't. Republicans never even mentioned the open enrollment period, all they ever went after was the individual mandate or the whole damn thing.

You're spinning like a Top.

In a Court of Law or in Politics, you can get away with that but in here, somebody might call you a lying bitch.

Not me. I wouldn't do that. Somebody else might though..

House GOP votes to delay Obamacare for one year

Republicans voted on a plan to delay the Affordable Care Act for one year, raising the prospects of an Oct. 1 government shutdown.
Want another one?

How's this...?


House Republicans Argue for Delay in Health Law Penalties

WASHINGTON — House Republicans said Wednesday that chaos in the first nine days of open enrollment under President Obama’s health care law would justify a delay in major provisions of the law, including tax penalties for people who go without insurance in 2014.

And...? The Republicans never mentioned extending the open enrollment period like Sen Shaheen is...they only wanted to delay the mandate or shutdown the whole thing.
Different type of delay?


Is that what your Obama context filter is displaying?

Shaheen is not suggesting a delay in the individual mandate. She is suggesting an extension of the enrollment deadline to allow people to have more time to sign up before the deadline. Different. Completely different. The mandate will stand. The tax will be due at the same time.

Think.....then write.

That is PRECISELY what we asked for except that it was worded differently.

We asked for a one year delay in the fine and allow anybody who wanted to sign up to go ahead and sign up.

dimocraps told us to shove it.

They wouldn't even negotiate it. had they negotiated in good faith (dimocrap scum? yeah, right) we would have agreed to what they're asking for right now.

But rather than give Republicans ANY credit for ANYTHING, dimocrap scum went ahead with the shutdown.

The American people can only be lied to so many times and for only so long before they wise up.

I hope.

First...it is not exactly what you asked for. You asked for a year delay in the mandate...effectively killing the law.

Second....you did not ASK. you demanded it with threat of economic suicide. You disingenuous fuck. Obama WILL GLADLY discuss changes to the law as long as they are not couched in fucking threats of shutdown and default.

Enough lying.
First...it is not exactly what you asked for. You asked for a year delay in the mandate...effectively killing the law.

Second....you did not ASK. you demanded it with threat of economic suicide. You disingenuous fuck. Obama WILL GLADLY discuss changes to the law as long as they are not couched in fucking threats of shutdown and default.

Enough lying.


Obama refused to talk to the Republicans.. Remember he turned that over to Reid?
First...it is not exactly what you asked for. You asked for a year delay in the mandate...effectively killing the law.

Second....you did not ASK. you demanded it with threat of economic suicide. You disingenuous fuck. Obama WILL GLADLY discuss changes to the law as long as they are not couched in fucking threats of shutdown and default.

Enough lying.


Obama refused to talk to the Republicans.. Remember he turned that over to Reid?

Um....yeah.....they were doing what I just described. Are you OK?

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