'Everybody Knew' - Cowardice And Enabling


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing"

'Everyone KNEW' Harvey Weinstein had been sexually harassing, sexually assaulting, and raping women for years...and did / said nothing.

'Everyone' KNEW' Roy Moore had engaged in sexual misconduct years ago...and did / said nothing.

'Everyone' KNEW' John Conyers had sexually harassed women - women supposedly 'knew' they should not get in an elevator alone with him...and yet they didn't publicly do / say anything.

Now, being reported, 'Everybody KNEW' Matt Lauer was a sexual deviant perv....

“I don’t know what everyone is so surprised by,” said one high-level industry source. “This has been going on for months and months and everybody knew it and it was just going to be which girl came forward, and who reported it first.”…

- "Everybody knew": Inside the fall of Matt Lauer - Hot Air

Those who 'KNEW' and did / said nothing are just as guilty of the sexual crimes committed by these deviants after they learned of what was going on as the deviants who committed them.

This, of course, brings me to the revelation of the Congressional Committee our elected politicians formed to protect themselves from having their sexual misconduct getting out to the public by paying the victims - with taxpayer dollars - for their silence.

- "More than $17 million in public money paid since 1997 to settle workplace disputes on Capitol Hill."

So 'Everyone (in Washington) KNEW' these career criminal politicians were STEALING tax dollars and using it to keep their sexual crimes hidden...and if it had not been for D-John Conyers, the longest sitting member of Congress, the man who created / wrote this 'protection racket' system, and the latest politician to be exposed for his sexual crimes, the existence of this committee, its actions, and this system would not have come to light. (So I guess we should be thankful to Conyers for at least doing something good in all of this.)

This Committee needs to be SHUT DOWN IMMEDIATELY, the names of those whose victims were paid off need to be immediately released, and they and the Committee members who STOLE tax dollars to pay their victims should be forced to immediately repay those tax dollars or face prison time!

Congress’ sexual harassment system, decoded

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