Everyone Is At the Brink with Biden Now

6 months into this clown show, the system collapses are epic. At this point one can only laugh as we reach new levels of ineptitude on a minute by minute basis.

System collapses?

Stimulus done....vaccines distributed....stock market--record highs...infrastructure done....Afghanistan....messy right now but pullout is under way; 20 year commitment over.

Blobber hysteria...off the charts.

306-232...never sounded so good.
Who are the "everyone's that are on the brink with Biden? And just maybe we should have never been dumb enough to go there after we saw what it cost Russia. And who you going to blame ? That's the speeded up new plan. Blame as a substitute for thinking.
But with cards verifying they are registered democrats, right?


That goes without saying.

Bring the whole world in to the US, doesn't matter from where they come, that's the best way to destroy traditional America.....bring them in by the busloads, bring them in by the airplane loads.....just bring them in. With a reason without a reason...all in.

6 months into this clown show, the system collapses are epic. At this point one can only laugh as we reach new levels of ineptitude on a minute by minute basis.

And you ain't seen nothing yet.

Just wait until the four years are over.

The Rats didn't steal the elections to leave the country in good shape, they did it to annihilate it.
I'm happy our troops are getting out of there and I wouldn't sacrifice one additional American life for doing the job we forked over $88 billion to train, equip and fund the Afghan military and police forces.
Announcing September 11, 2021 as the end date, during 'fighting season' in Afghanistan, was the height of stupid Joe and his stupid administration.


When Trump gets what he wants...he lies that it's what he wanted and blames someone else.
Sure.... But its two different things you're talking about. I'm sure you'll "play" stupid here.
How is it two different things? Are the cartels somehow worse that the taliban? Why would your statement not hold true for both!
Biden blamed Trump, then blamed the Afghani's themselves, and never took responsibility for his sucky exit strategy.

Don't you fools ever get tired of catching eggs with your face?

"I am president of the United States of America, and the buck stops with me...I stand by my descision"


Biden: 'I Do Not Regret My Decision' To Withdraw From Afghanistan

Speaking about the Taliban's ousting of the U.S.-backed Afghan government, Biden acknowledged, "The truth is this did unfold more quickly than we anticipated."

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