Everyone is obsessed with Russia as China quietly expands their power and is the true threat we face

I'll open up a store that sells Chinese jackets.They will be flying of the shelves.Liberals won't be able to get enough of them.

See the source image

Despite the hyperbolic video title there is some interesting facts here but I know most of you lack the adhd meds to sit still and watch it.

Either way Russia is in no way the threat to the world that China is.

Why is Trump allowing this, where is our leader in a time of need?

O yeah, hunkered in the corner sucking his thumb while squatting and crying over losing the election..

Repubs chided and derided Oblama as an empty suit in an empty chair which was never the case, now that we have a president that is doing what Repubs claimed Oblama was doing they stay silent... Trump has proven the best definition of a lame duck....

All hail our missing leader!
I'll open up a store that sells Chinese jackets.They will be flying of the shelves.Liberals won't be able to get enough of them.

See the source image
I do like the style yet that style has been around several hundred years...
China is a long term player and has been working us for years. Mitch McConnel is probably another one they have gotten to. His family is making to much with the CCCP, I dont see how he can remain uncompromised. And how many other senators are there?
The people who are supposed to be protecting We The People are to busy making themselves rich
to care.Trump may have come off as a duffus in many ways but it wasnt necessary for him to sell out the American people to make his money. He already had it before he came to office. Another reason that the insiders hated him and made sure the fix was in this time around.
And yet it was Russia that just pulled off one of the biggest cyber attacks ever. Despite Donnie Covidseed bending over and spreading his asscheeks for Putin at every opportunity,, they are not our friend.
Of course China is a threat but then again their threat is economic. Russia is a military threat to Europe and our allies. Their hack attack is going to force us to rebuild every network they penetrated at a cost of many billions of dollars. That's got to be worth some sort of response.

Despite the hyperbolic video title there is some interesting facts here but I know most of you lack the adhd meds to sit still and watch it.

Either way Russia is in no way the threat to the world that China is.

Why is Trump allowing this, where is our leader in a time of need?

O yeah, hunkered in the corner sucking his thumb while squatting and crying over losing the election..

Repubs chided and derided Oblama as an empty suit in an empty chair which was never the case, now that we have a president that is doing what Repubs claimed Oblama was doing they stay silent... Trump has proven the best definition of a lame duck....

All hail our missing leader!

We have many leaders. Where have the Democrats been for the last four years? Trying to bring down Trump thats all.If Trump IS a lame duck, that has been your sides goal all this time. The country be damned. It's a little bit late now
I'll open up a store that sells Chinese jackets.They will be flying of the shelves.Liberals won't be able to get enough of them.

See the source image

I can't lie, I'd look good in that.

The problem is, I have broad shoulders, and I'm sure I'd find that jacket restrictive. Gorgeous colors though.
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And yet it was Russia that just pulled off one of the biggest cyber attacks ever. Despite Donnie Covidseed bending over and spreading his asscheeks for Putin at every opportunity,, they are not our friend.
College kids have done this before. Not to minimize the severity of the hacks but you're lacking any perspective at all.
And yet it was Russia that just pulled off one of the biggest cyber attacks ever. Despite Donnie Covidseed bending over and spreading his asscheeks for Putin at every opportunity,, they are not our friend.
College kids have done this before. Not to minimize the severity of the hacks but you're lacking any perspective at all.
I'm not the one lacking perspective. Russia has been attacking us and by equating it with "college kids", you are trying to minimize their attack...all because Trump is somehow beholden to Putin. #Sad.

Despite the hyperbolic video title there is some interesting facts here but I know most of you lack the adhd meds to sit still and watch it.

Either way Russia is in no way the threat to the world that China is.

Why is Trump allowing this, where is our leader in a time of need?

O yeah, hunkered in the corner sucking his thumb while squatting and crying over losing the election..

Repubs chided and derided Oblama as an empty suit in an empty chair which was never the case, now that we have a president that is doing what Repubs claimed Oblama was doing they stay silent... Trump has proven the best definition of a lame duck....

All hail our missing leader!

We have many leaders. Where have the Democrats been for the last four years? Trying to bring down Trump thats all.If Trump IS a lame duck, that has been your sides goal all this time. The country be damned. It's a little bit late now

Little late now for our supposed leader to do something yet he had four years to flex his muscle and all he did was set on his ass and play tidily-winks.
And yet it was Russia that just pulled off one of the biggest cyber attacks ever. Despite Donnie Covidseed bending over and spreading his asscheeks for Putin at every opportunity,, they are not our friend.
College kids have done this before. Not to minimize the severity of the hacks but you're lacking any perspective at all.
I'm not the one lacking perspective. Russia has been attacking us and by equating it with "college kids", you are trying to minimize their attack...all because Trump is somehow beholden to Putin. #Sad.

And Russia never did any of this under Biden & Obama right.........
Russia doesn't want war with the US. China is manipulating, hacking, trying to make that an outcome.
There’s no way Mr Businessman is going to jeopardize his supply of cheap labor over some meaningless ideological differences.
It's actually possible that BOTH are significant threats.

It doesn't have to be one or the other. True story.
Of course China is a threat but then again their threat is economic. Russia is a military threat to Europe and our allies. Their hack attack is going to force us to rebuild every network they penetrated at a cost of many billions of dollars. That's got to be worth some sort of response.

"Of course China is a threat but then again their threat is economic."

WHAT? Good Lord they just launched the worst bio-attack the world has ever seen! They couldn't ask for better allies than Democrats.

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