Record Cold In Australia

How much do these orbital forcing change the planet's temperature?

Walk me through how they trigger a glacial period and how they trigger interglacial periods.

Because I can walk you though that with ocean currents quite easily.
You think it's easy because when it comes to the original motivator, you just wave your fucking hands. So, no thanks. You've already heard what I have to say and you've chosen to ignore it. There is no point in any further conversation between us. Find someone else with whom to humiliate yourself.
You think it's easy because when it comes to the original motivator, you just wave your fucking hands. So, no thanks. You've already heard what I have to say and you've chosen to ignore it. There is no point in any further conversation between us. Find someone else with whom to humiliate yourself.
Run away. You know full well that everything I have said about the ocean driving the climate of the planet because of it's unique polar region landmass configuration is true. I've got 50 million years of empirical climate data that says the atmosphere is not driving the climate of the planet, the ocean circulating heat does.
The majority of radiation from the Sun is absorbed by the ocean, particularly in tropical waters around the equator, where the ocean acts like a massive, heat-retaining solar panel. Land areas also absorb some sunlight, and the atmosphere helps to retain heat that would otherwise quickly radiate into space after sunset. The ocean doesn't just store solar radiation — it also helps to distribute heat around the globe.

The incompetence and dishonesty of the climate community is staggering.
Reading down the thread, you need a medal for putting up with Dick Crick. I go on holiday to enjoy an extra 12c to 20c in temperature, Cricks tampon is falling out over 1.5c. The summer in the UK has been non existent, well below average, yet the papers keep trying to hype it up for pending heatwaves. People are just fed up with this crap. I wish they would just cry themselves to sleep and stop annoying the adults with spiky graphs.
Reading down the thread, you need a medal for putting up with Dick Crick. I go on holiday to enjoy an extra 12c to 20c in temperature, Cricks tampon is falling out over 1.5c. The summer in the UK has been non existent, well below average, yet the papers keep trying to hype it up for pending heatwaves. People are just fed up with this crap. I wish they would just cry themselves to sleep and stop annoying the adults with spiky graphs.
Three million years of glacial cycles isn't going to be undone by 120 ppm of atmospheric CO2. It's only a matter of time before they are exposed for being the biggest idiots in the history of science. The herd mentality is mind boggling.

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