Everyone is obsessed with Russia as China quietly expands their power and is the true threat we face

I'll open up a store that sells Chinese jackets.They will be flying of the shelves.Liberals won't be able to get enough of them.

See the source image

I prefer the Indian ones. The ones from India not the "You speak with forked tongue" Indians though depending on the prices when Antique's Roadshow came to town, I might would prefer to have some Apache Joe attire around to auction off.
Of course China is a threat but then again their threat is economic. Russia is a military threat to Europe and our allies. Their hack attack is going to force us to rebuild every network they penetrated at a cost of many billions of dollars. That's got to be worth some sort of response.

"Of course China is a threat but then again their threat is economic."

WHAT? Good Lord they just launched the worst bio-attack the world has ever seen! They couldn't ask for better allies than Democrats.
Just because we mounted the worst response to the pandemic in the world does not mean it was an attack. Real bio weapons are nearly 100% fatal, do not spread person to person and a vaccine already exists. Remember the antrax attacks after 9/11? Like that. Each year's prevalent flu strain originates in China but I don't remember anyone acting like it's deliberate. It's just a function of so many people living in close proximity to their livestock.
It's actually possible that BOTH are significant threats.

It doesn't have to be one or the other. True story.
Agreed, but it's so nice and simple. Russia bad-Trump bad fits the Liberal Trump hater narrative perfectly. China being the real threat is too messy so Liberals ignore them.
It's actually possible that BOTH are significant threats.

It doesn't have to be one or the other. True story.
Agreed, but it's so nice and simple. Russia bad-Trump bad fits the Liberal Trump hater narrative perfectly. China being the real threat is too messy so Liberals ignore them.
Each party accuses the other of being in bed with one of them.

Silly. Transparent. Boring.
I think PROGS supported Joe-Yen because they enjoy complaining about wealth disparity, low wages & opportunity.
I read what pompeo said and what trump says. Why are the messages different? What's going on here? B

Despite the hyperbolic video title there is some interesting facts here but I know most of you lack the adhd meds to sit still and watch it.

Either way Russia is in no way the threat to the world that China is.

Insist on a simple plan for a Commune of Heaven on Earth. We can't take Communists as seriously as the "gospel Truth" without it.
It's actually possible that BOTH are significant threats.

It doesn't have to be one or the other. True story.
China is the biggest threat. Russia is mostly hot air. It's China who is rapidly expanding their empire thanks to decades of failed American trade policies. We near single handedly paid for their rise as well as blindly looking the other way while they stole or ip's and infiltrated our institutions. They have nearly every American social & entertainment company bending the knee to their demands.

But somehow RUSSIA!

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