Everything "interracial" ends in ruin

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It's happening, chickenshits. Seems like every day I see more and more couples of all combinations strolling around, frequently pushing a baby carriage. I see students in class of a variety of combined backgrounds. I see this every day in the neighborhoods you chickenshits are so scared of, and in suburbs so wealthy you chickenshits would be run out of town. Sorry chickenshits, it's happening. And despite all that we are in NO danger of running out of X race or Y race.
I've seen a lot of pretty horrible black/white "relationships".

I can remember only one that lasted a long time, seemed somewhat normal, and produced a couple of decent kids.

Asian/white relationships seem to be more stable. (But I do not know if this is true).

Eurasian offspring are sometimes very attractive.
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It's happening, chickenshits. Seems like every day I see more and more couples of all combinations strolling around, frequently pushing a baby carriage. I see students in class of a variety of combined backgrounds. I see this every day in the neighborhoods you chickenshits are so scared of, and in suburbs so wealthy you chickenshits would be run out of town. Sorry chickenshits, it's happening. And despite all that we are in NO danger of running out of X race or Y race.

You support the destruction of American diversity.
Let's be brutally honest, people.
Interracial relationships, marriage, whatever, they just don't last. They are flings at best, and even the marriages end up with unwanted kids, problems with relatives and society, etc.

I have seen this myself.
My wife is Hispanic. We have been together since 1973. We get along well, I am just hoping that she learns English soon so I can figure out what it is she's calling me!
Let's be brutally honest, people.
Interracial relationships, marriage, whatever, they just don't last. They are flings at best, and even the marriages end up with unwanted kids, problems with relatives and society, etc.

I have seen this myself.
Well that's certainly the way the LEFT is trying to push things. More an more commercials feature a black buck with a white woman, and more and more commercials try to portray blacks as the intelligent successful people while portraying whites as dumb asses. It hasn't gone unnoticed by many. This is the left and their HATE WHITEY, WHITE GUILT, WHITE RACIST agenda BULL SHIT. It's pathetic, and sickening, and turns a lot of people off.

So what your saying is, in the end, they really don't want us to get along.
This is the latest in a series of "drive-by" threads by dfens in the Race Forum. He's been previously warned about inciting riot and never participating. It's gonna end soon. But for now, we're not cleaning up the messes that he starts anymore..
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