Evidence for God?

...what a nasty way to treat the people who you want to worship you .....or die.

Now see... I've always had a problem with this as well. I am a devout spiritualist who believes in a Spiritual God but it's very much in the nature of Spinoza's God or God of Nature. God has no need for humanistic attributes.

IF God truly wanted humans to worship Him, he could have created us so that worship is like breathing, we would have no choice but to do it if we wanted to live. So, I have to conclude that God doesn't care if we worship Him or not. We're given free will to do as we please and it's entirely up to us. Most religious people will also tell you they don't worship God because God wants them to but because they want to show their appreciation to God.

IF God truly wanted humans to believe in Jesus as their savior, he could have created us so that worship is like breathing, we would have no choice but to do it if we wanted to live.

Instead... pfft ... he still hasn't even informed everyone on the planet. What a lollygagger! :D
...what a nasty way to treat the people who you want to worship you .....or die.

Now see... I've always had a problem with this as well. I am a devout spiritualist who believes in a Spiritual God but it's very much in the nature of Spinoza's God or God of Nature. God has no need for humanistic attributes.

IF God truly wanted humans to worship Him, he could have created us so that worship is like breathing, we would have no choice but to do it if we wanted to live. So, I have to conclude that God doesn't care if we worship Him or not. We're given free will to do as we please and it's entirely up to us. Most religious people will also tell you they don't worship God because God wants them to but because they want to show their appreciation to God.

"We're given free will to do as we please and it's entirely up to us.

Nah, that's an illusion. It's up to your environment, and your hard-wired tendency toward faith.
How about it? Where is the evidence for God that is better then the evidence for Evolution? I put the cards on the table and demand an answer.

The truth is there's NO evidence for God outside of the Bible and will never be any. You can't justify "faith" for a good reason to attack Evolution as that is simply retarded. Evolution is backed up with centuries of evidence and observation that proves it without the shallow of a doubt...Perfect, no, of course not.

The big bang makes more sense as it is simple and God is complex. People bitch about how it could happen without a god! Well, think about it a little harder for a moment and realize that a god would be a billion trillion times more complex then simple physical processes over billions of years. It would be like comparing a simple acid to a human being...Still think God is more likely?

(eyes roll)

You do realize that a priest was the first to come up with the Big Bang theory, right?

There are 5 videos, just keep pressing them.
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Now, compare this to faith. in faith, there is NO evidence whatsoever. NO objectivity, by definition.

This is just flat out FALSE. I don't know of anyone who has faith in anything with NO evidence whatsoever.

In an evidence-based determination, you CAN have it both ways, in this way:

You can make a prediction, based on the evidence, and sometimes subjectivity enters the fray.

No... EVERY time, subjectivity enters the fray because people value evidence differently.

Again, the blind man would be more likely to believe there is a sunset in the sky than a pink dragon, and this is exactly why. If you you are trying to argue were true, this would not be the case.

Well, for the twentieth time now... because, apparently, your head is like a block of granite... I never made the analogy of the blind man not believing the sun sets. You keep going right back to that false assertion in spite of me correcting you over and over and over and over. Are you stupid in the head or something? Why aren't you comprehending what I type repeatedly?
...what a nasty way to treat the people who you want to worship you .....or die.

Now see... I've always had a problem with this as well. I am a devout spiritualist who believes in a Spiritual God but it's very much in the nature of Spinoza's God or God of Nature. God has no need for humanistic attributes.

IF God truly wanted humans to worship Him, he could have created us so that worship is like breathing, we would have no choice but to do it if we wanted to live. So, I have to conclude that God doesn't care if we worship Him or not. We're given free will to do as we please and it's entirely up to us. Most religious people will also tell you they don't worship God because God wants them to but because they want to show their appreciation to God.

"We're given free will to do as we please and it's entirely up to us.

Nah, that's an illusion. It's up to your environment, and your hard-wired tendency toward it.

We're hard-wired to be spiritually connected.
...what a nasty way to treat the people who you want to worship you .....or die.

Now see... I've always had a problem with this as well. I am a devout spiritualist who believes in a Spiritual God but it's very much in the nature of Spinoza's God or God of Nature. God has no need for humanistic attributes.

IF God truly wanted humans to worship Him, he could have created us so that worship is like breathing, we would have no choice but to do it if we wanted to live. So, I have to conclude that God doesn't care if we worship Him or not. We're given free will to do as we please and it's entirely up to us. Most religious people will also tell you they don't worship God because God wants them to but because they want to show their appreciation to God.

"We're given free will to do as we please and it's entirely up to us.

Nah, that's an illusion. It's up to your environment, and your hard-wired tendency toward it.

We're hard-wired to be spiritually connected.
Agreed here, although that doesn't mean "hard-wired to be religious". Religion is in response to mankind's spirituality, spirituality is not the result of religion as some atheists are keen to purport.
Boss, you should love this!

Last night I was surfing teevee and found this show on the special earth with scientific blurb as description. Before and after were religious shows, so I guessed it would be another Intelligent Design thingie.

Yep it was. Mostly about the Rare Earth Hypothesis and how the moon was REQUIRED for just about everything including chocolate milk. I enjoyed the show and ripping it apart was just an added bonus.

Anyhoo, since you also love to argue universal constants, they go along with the Rare Earth Hypothesis.

So I was thinking, why all the complexity? Why did your spirit God make the universe and life so complex so that the earth is the only planet with life? Should not he have been able to do his magic much more simply?

You argue that the complexity requires a magical God. I claim that the complexity is evidence of no God. Magic is simple, not complex.

I don't believe there is anything "magical" about God or His creation. You are pondering questions with the mind of an intellectually-advanced monkey. No disrespect, but you're no match for God. You weren't blessed with an incredible mind so that you could sit around second guessing God and coming up with a better plan. I realize things God has done, doesn't make sense to you but look... take a copy of Einstein's theory of Special Relativity by your local zoo and give it to a monkey and see what they make of it? Chances are, they'll just wipe their ass with it and look at you like... Where's my banana?

One of the things I think is hard to grasp for Atheists when it comes to God is that God doesn't reside in a physical reality and isn't confined by space and time. While our universe seems large to us, the dimensions are meaningless to God. While it seems far away to the nearest star, it means nothing to God. We look at 14.5 billion years as a very long time but it's nothing to God.
Give us your creation story. Tell us how different it is from the Bible.
...what a nasty way to treat the people who you want to worship you .....or die.

Now see... I've always had a problem with this as well. I am a devout spiritualist who believes in a Spiritual God but it's very much in the nature of Spinoza's God or God of Nature. God has no need for humanistic attributes.

IF God truly wanted humans to worship Him, he could have created us so that worship is like breathing, we would have no choice but to do it if we wanted to live. So, I have to conclude that God doesn't care if we worship Him or not. We're given free will to do as we please and it's entirely up to us. Most religious people will also tell you they don't worship God because God wants them to but because they want to show their appreciation to God.
Most Christians will tell you worship is required

Does God Demand Worship?

What is true worship?

Matthew 4:10 ESV / 4 helpful votes
Then Jesus said to him, “Be gone, Satan! For it is written, “‘You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.’”

Revelation 22:9 ESV / 18 helpful votes
But he said to me, “You must not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers the prophets, and with those who keep the words of this book. Worship God.” [Angel, messenger of God, speaking]

What Does the Bible Say About Worship God?

Prayer: The Highest Form of Worship
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...what a nasty way to treat the people who you want to worship you .....or die.

Now see... I've always had a problem with this as well. I am a devout spiritualist who believes in a Spiritual God but it's very much in the nature of Spinoza's God or God of Nature. God has no need for humanistic attributes.

IF God truly wanted humans to worship Him, he could have created us so that worship is like breathing, we would have no choice but to do it if we wanted to live. So, I have to conclude that God doesn't care if we worship Him or not. We're given free will to do as we please and it's entirely up to us. Most religious people will also tell you they don't worship God because God wants them to but because they want to show their appreciation to God.
Most Christians will tell you worship is required

Does God Demand Worship?

What is true worship?

What Does the Bible Say About Worship God?
Don't Muslims and Jews say the same? Do you hate one religion more than all the others or do you hate them all equally?
Oh by the way, I do not consider the moon the moon. I consider earth/moon a binary planet, cuz the moon is waaay too big to be a moon. If we can reject Pluto as a planet for being too small, then we need to reject the moon as a moon for being too big.

Technically, no.

To be considered a double planet system, the common center of mass of the system must be located in empty space between the two bodies.

However, the common center of mass of the earth-moon system is below the surface of the earth.

Hence, the moon is a moon, and not a planet itself. The moon would need about 40% more mass to be classified as a planet.
LOL, you are a very tough grader. The moon gets farther from the earth at a current rate of 3.8cm/year and was much closer in the past. So in the future we will become a double planet by even your definition.

Who was the first spacewalker? | Space Facts – Astronomy, the Solar System & Outer Space | All About Space Magazine
Oh by the way, I do not consider the moon the moon. I consider earth/moon a binary planet, cuz the moon is waaay too big to be a moon. If we can reject Pluto as a planet for being too small, then we need to reject the moon as a moon for being too big.

Technically, no.

To be considered a double planet system, the common center of mass of the system must be located in empty space between the two bodies.

However, the common center of mass of the earth-moon system is below the surface of the earth.

Hence, the moon is a moon, and not a planet itself. The moon would need about 40% more mass to be classified as a planet.
LOL, you are a very tough grader. The moon gets farther from the earth at a current rate of 3.8cm/year and was much closer in the past. So in the future we will become a double planet by even your definition.

Who was the first spacewalker? | Space Facts – Astronomy, the Solar System & Outer Space | All About Space Magazine
3.8cm/year? Since the time of Christ, the Moon has moved away less than the length of a football field (about 80 yards). A big whoop-dee-doo
Now, compare this to faith. in faith, there is NO evidence whatsoever. NO objectivity, by definition.

This is just flat out FALSE. I don't know of anyone who has faith in anything with NO evidence whatsoever.

In an evidence-based determination, you CAN have it both ways, in this way:

You can make a prediction, based on the evidence, and sometimes subjectivity enters the fray.

No... EVERY time, subjectivity enters the fray because people value evidence differently.

Again, the blind man would be more likely to believe there is a sunset in the sky than a pink dragon, and this is exactly why. If you you are trying to argue were true, this would not be the case.

Well, for the twentieth time now... because, apparently, your head is like a block of granite... I never made the analogy of the blind man not believing the sun sets. You keep going right back to that false assertion in spite of me correcting you over and over and over and over. Are you stupid in the head or something? Why aren't you comprehending what I type repeatedly?

"I don't know of anyone who has faith in anything with NO evidence whatsoever. "

Sure you do. The ones who admit to themselves they believe without any evidence are too embarrassed to admit it. The ones who claim they have evidence are either lying or mistaken. Just calling something evidence does not make it evidence.
"I don't know of anyone who has faith in anything with NO evidence whatsoever. "

Sure you do. The ones who admit to themselves they believe without any evidence are too embarrassed to admit it. The ones who claim they have evidence are either lying or mistaken. Just calling something evidence does not make it evidence.

Again... You can THINK whatever you like. I have never known of anyone who has faith in anything without any evidence.

Now you are correct... All evidence is subjective... I made that point earlier. Evidence is only evidence to the individual who values it as such. Just because YOU see something as evidence doesn't mean I see it as evidence.. it's entirely subjective.
Give us your creation story. Tell us how different it is from the Bible.

I don't really have a "creation story" because I don't need one. I am a Spiritualist. I believe in a Spiritual Energy which is responsible for the creation of physical nature and life. This Spiritual Energy guides me on a path toward good and away from evil... toward the light and away from the dark.

I will often SAY that this Spiritual Force is "intelligent" but I have also posited that perhaps "intelligent" is not the most adequate word to describe it.... it is simply the closest grunting sound us advanced monkeys can make. Sorry if that doesn't make sense... another way to state it is this: IS omniscience the same as intelligence or is it more?
"I don't know of anyone who has faith in anything with NO evidence whatsoever. "

Sure you do. The ones who admit to themselves they believe without any evidence are too embarrassed to admit it. The ones who claim they have evidence are either lying or mistaken. Just calling something evidence does not make it evidence.

Again... You can THINK whatever you like. I have never known of anyone who has faith in anything without any evidence.

Now you are correct... All evidence is subjective... I made that point earlier. Evidence is only evidence to the individual who values it as such. Just because YOU see something as evidence doesn't mean I see it as evidence.. it's entirely subjective.

"Again... You can THINK whatever you like. I have never known of anyone who has faith in anything without any evidence. "

You can THINK whatever you like. Every person who has faith is doing so without evidence, else it is not faith.

See how that works? When all you have at your disposal are authoritative declarations, the correct rebuttal to anything you say is, "Nuh-uh!". That's your first clue that you have a weak argument.
"Again... You can THINK whatever you like. I have never known of anyone who has faith in anything without any evidence. "

You can THINK whatever you like. Every person who has faith is doing so without evidence, else it is not faith.

See how that works? When all you have at your disposal are authoritative declarations, the correct rebuttal to anything you say is, "Nuh-uh!". That's your first clue that you have a weak argument.

No, I don't see how that works. I see that "evidence" is a subjective value. I see there is a huge difference between evidence and proof. I can tell you that I have "evidence" that Elvis Presley is still alive.... you can accept my evidence as valid or not but my faith that Elvis lives is based on my subjective evaluation of my evidence. Your rejection of my evidence doesn't mean that I don't have any or that I have faith in something without evidence. I don't have PROOF but that's something different entirely.

Faith is belief without PROOF... not evidence.
How about it? Where is the evidence for God that is better then the evidence for Evolution? I put the cards on the table and demand an answer.

The truth is there's NO evidence for God outside of the Bible and will never be any. You can't justify "faith" for a good reason to attack Evolution as that is simply retarded. Evolution is backed up with centuries of evidence and observation that proves it without the shallow of a doubt...Perfect, no, of course not.

The big bang makes more sense as it is simple and God is complex. People bitch about how it could happen without a god! Well, think about it a little harder for a moment and realize that a god would be a billion trillion times more complex then simple physical processes over billions of years. It would be like comparing a simple acid to a human being...Still think God is more likely?

(eyes roll)

You do realize that a priest was the first to come up with the Big Bang theory, right?

There are 5 videos, just keep pressing them.

and a monk came up with genetics. Mendel (our other Daddy)!
Most Christians will tell you worship is required

I was raised in a Baptist family and have an Uncle who is a minister.
I've never heard ANY Christian make this claim.
I'm a reformed southern baptist, VERY reformed. My entire Mom's side were ministers.

I have never heard ANY Christian NOT make this claim. Perhaps you should ignore the Christian links I provide cuz they are obvious liars?

Here's one now, duck! ~ Why does God demand, seek, or request that we worship Him?
Most Christians will tell you worship is required

I was raised in a Baptist family and have an Uncle who is a minister.
I've never heard ANY Christian make this claim.
I'm a reformed southern baptist, VERY reformed. My entire Mom's side were ministers.

I have never heard ANY Christian NOT make this claim. Perhaps you should ignore the Christian links I provide cuz they are obvious liars?

Here's one now, duck! ~ Why does God demand, seek, or request that we worship Him?

You keep posting links from theologians making an argument. This doesn't make what they say true. LOTS of passages in the Bible are misinterpreted... it happens all the time. That's precisely why we have so many denominations who profess belief in the same Bible. I'm not saying there aren't any religious people who believe God commands you to worship Him... I've just never known them. My Uncle's perspective is that a true Christian desires to worship God. It's not a mandate.

You would think that if God mandates you worship Him it would be one of the Ten Commandments but the closest you can come is God's mandate that you have no other God before Him or worship false idols. Nothing in there saying you must worship God. Can someone interpret it that way? Sure... it's why we have all the denominations!

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