Evil and how to defeat it - identifying the arrogant world leader


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
And there can be no doubt that this evil can be defeated. This evil can not be defeated in one family, one community, one state, one country - it must be defeated in the entire planet and not have a place on earth left to regroup, or it will quickly come back to haunt the place from which it was thrown out. To defeat this evil, we must first unite, and before we can unite we must understand that the evil is NOT Islamo fascists, not ISIS in Iraq an Syria which HIDES behind claims of wanting to create an Islamic state, The evil are NOT the JEWS, but that international banking cartel HIDE behind the name Judaism, when in fact they are CRIMINALS, the evil is NOT Christianity, NOT Liberalism, NOT America, but that America itself has been SOLD in 1913 to the international bankers during Christmas Holidays. The evil, is already within OURSELVES and our lack of understanding of who the REAL enemy is. And with this lack of understanding we can blame society of electing stupid politicians, but we NEGLECT the fact that we, the INTELLIGENT ones, fail to join together and to offer them any meaningful solution - we fail to join together, because we ourselves know evil by a different name, just as evil WANTS us to know it - we can not trust THAT man over there, because even though he speaks the TRUTH, he seems to defend the evil Nazis, and we can not trust that man over THERE, because HE, does not put enough blame on Islamo FASCISTS, or the LIBERALS, And so in the very END, deep inside our hearts, EVERYONE is stupid, and only WE are truly smart.

And THAT is WHY, I proclaim myself to be the leader of the world - to REFLECT the way you feel. It may seem very arrogant, but there is nothing arrogant about my understanding. I have been told many times that there is ANOTHER loon who thinks he is a leader of the world, and yet I never had a privilege to meet or talk with such a leader - politicians on television do not count, because they are all a part of the establishment, part of the puppet circus. And when we hear all the humble political experts on the media exposing corruption, exposing the government, we must understand that there already are SO MANY educators in our free system today, that people no longer have a clue whom to LISTEN to - they are CONFUSED, and it is NOT their fault. And a LOT or MOST of these educators, these experts on the media have ONE THING IN COMMON - they PROFIT from educating people, in one way or another. And that is ONE DISTINCTION between ME and all of THEM: After I make this speech, I will go shovel sand and stone, and operate my concrete mixer and lift heavy things, which I do on a day to day basis. So WHO is arrogant and who is humble?
Anyone has any ideas how to defeat evil? without actually going too far? bash liberals? or conservatives?

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