Evil Lives Here


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
So, since I can't sleep alot, I tend to watch whatever on tv, thinking I will doze off anyway. Well, I've been watching this new show...if it's new at all...called Evil Lives Here.

It's annoying. And has begun to piss me off. Why? Because the people being interviewed tell the stories of their experiences. So far, every woman has stayed in a serial killer home with her serial killer husband, knowing something is wrong with him but "didn't see the signs". Those signs are killing the family dog in front of the kids, beating up Ma, slamming the kids around if not molesting them, etc. Boohoo woe is she. She has many chances to get out of there, even to talk to CPS or cops that come to check since the neighbors have called them, etc etc etc. But she never leaves. Her excuse is usually "I thought he was just having a bad day" or "I loved him" or worse...."Where would I go?". So, these women stay in the home, let her kids be beaten or molested, is raped and beaten herself because she has no place to go???? Really? LEAVE! Even if you have to hide under an overpass. GO! Better yet, wait for him to sleep and bash his brains in. Do something!

So, as awful as it is to say, I have no pity for them. None.

People do to you what you LET them do to you. But your kids? Get a pair of gonads and do your job as a mother.

End of rant. Had to vent it out.
That goes for the parents of a serial killer that was warped as a kid torturing pets. Dumbasses.
So, since I can't sleep alot, I tend to watch whatever on tv, thinking I will doze off anyway. Well, I've been watching this new show...if it's new at all...called Evil Lives Here.

It's annoying. And has begun to piss me off. Why? Because the people being interviewed tell the stories of their experiences. So far, every woman has stayed in a serial killer home with her serial killer husband, knowing something is wrong with him but "didn't see the signs". Those signs are killing the family dog in front of the kids, beating up Ma, slamming the kids around if not molesting them, etc. Boohoo woe is she. She has many chances to get out of there, even to talk to CPS or cops that come to check since the neighbors have called them, etc etc etc. But she never leaves. Her excuse is usually "I thought he was just having a bad day" or "I loved him" or worse...."Where would I go?". So, these women stay in the home, let her kids be beaten or molested, is raped and beaten herself because she has no place to go???? Really? LEAVE! Even if you have to hide under an overpass. GO! Better yet, wait for him to sleep and bash his brains in. Do something!

So, as awful as it is to say, I have no pity for them. None.

People do to you what you LET them do to you. But your kids? Get a pair of gonads and do your job as a mother.

End of rant. Had to vent it out.

That is extreme, however, I was assaulted by my wife daily and I couldn't call the police. The time I did, I am suffering more than she is. The concept of "where would I go" is sometimes sadly a reality.

It depends where you live and what sort of police apparatuses you have there also. If you live in a district with dinosaurs and unaccountable creeps in power, well, you may experience a different set of fears and have to suffer in silence. These cowards are so effective that they come on here to track me and have American police on their side. Want to talk about wanting to vent? I don't know how an American cop can even call himself one if he bends his knee in submission to Canadian lies.

Serial killer is quite extreme, sounds like a situation of paralysis and it is their duty to protect their kids and others so I won't give them a pass for sure. Life is more complex than we know though, I've experienced (and continue to experience it) first hand.
They didn't know their husband was a serial killer until after YEARS of abuse and the cops inform them once arrested that bodies are buried under the kids sandbox or in the garden or scattered throughout states. They didn't know because they didn't "read the signs".
I was married to a guy that liked to punch me. Or thought he liked it until I decked his sorry ass where he landed in the bathtub and I leaned over him and said if he EVER touched me again, I'd slit his throat in his sleep. Then I promptly left.

I don't care how difficult it is to leave towing kids with you but going out into the unknown is better than being tortured and your kids lives in danger.

Many men are abused by their wives, but out of fear of not being believed....I can't imagine that horror. Kill the bitch and you get 3 hots and a cot. Stay, and you wind up dead eventually. Personally, I'll take my chances under an overpass or in the woods in a tent...kids or not.

I never, EVER "was so scared". I was PISSED. Fucker better sleep with one eye open until I can get out of there.

I hope your situation gets better.
The husband I mentioned that thought he could beat me?I caught him out in the shed beating up our dog. I heard it yelping so I ran out there to see what was going on..thought a coyote was out there tearing him up. Nope. Was asshole punching him like he would a man. I jerked his sorry ass away from MY DOG and held a rake in my hand asking him if he would like a few holes in his head. He stomped out muttering. Fucker. Touch my dog OR my kid, youre dead buster. 3 hots and cot is fine. If they can find a body. But it never came to that. I just packed up, dog and all, and left.
I need to turn this damn show off. Im on here and listening to it at the same time.

I was so scared.
My kids cried all the time, pleading for me to help them.
I didn't have a place to go.
I didn't know he was that crazy even though he did such horrible things.
Blah blah blah:mad:

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