Russian Military Tactics in Ukraine

What are you on about? you seem to have got it into your head i am some foreign immigrant, i am English you clown and i didn't vote for Brexit because of economic reasons not much else.
Yes you are....most definitely are.

You have VERY specific topics you discuss. You only discuss those ones and in very specific time frames.

What? You think someone couldn't notice?

Come back again as a different named troll. We might believe you then.
What happened to Navalny is what happens to most of these people who work for foreign powers against their own Country, but not in the way you think, when they are worth more dead than alive to their handlers for propaganda they don't stay alive long, Navalny was a nobody with very little support, juan Guaido who had little support in Venezuela still had more than that loser Navalny.
I actually saw a video on how little his importance was. Not that it makes his life worth taking but .....
Yes you are....most definitely are.

You have VERY specific topics you discuss. You only discuss those ones and in very specific time frames.

What? You think someone couldn't notice?

Come back again as a different named troll. We might believe you then.
Don't call me a liar you arsehole, see my Avatar that is the British memorial at Ver-Sur-Mer to 22 thousand British soldiers who fell fighting Nazis in Normandy my Uncle was one of them, so screw you.
Don't call me a liar you arsehole, see my Avatar that is the British memorial at Ver-Sur-Mer to 22 thousand British soldiers who fell fighting Nazis in Normandy my Uncle was one of them, so screw you.
Words versus actions.
I don't believe your words when your actions tell a different story.
...... You think someone couldn't notice? Come back again as a different named troll. We might believe you then.
You idiot.
Don't call me a liar you arsehole ...
Spot on!

see my Avatar that is the British memorial at Ver-Sur-Mer to 22 thousand British soldiers who fell fighting Nazis in Normandy my Uncle was one of them,
You can tell him but he's not listening.
so screw you.
Now, you got him!
Go sit on your ears.
If it quacks like a duck
Walks like a duck
Swims like a duck
It's not a horse.

There never was supposed to be a tank and infantry battle head to head with Russian forces. Never was the plan. And the few times NATO talked them into it was a disaster.

The hundreds of drones causing Moscow today ARE the tactic they needed. St. Petersburg is next. That's asymmetrical warfare. Troops to keep the Russian horde slow and pay heavily for every inch of ground is the plan. Meanwhile they whittle at the target rich environment of the Russian backfield.

Wars do NOT end because of a lack of manpower, supplies, or soldiers or even equipment. They end because the politics make it untenable to continue.
People will use slings and rocks if there are no bullets or guns. The whole shovel parody is part of that.

Ukraine is NEVER ever going to stop fighting until Russia leaves....and even then only maybe.
Russia needs to put up a wall to keep the Ukranians out after they eventually come to their senses and pull out....but I'm not sure it will help.

We are talking about a generational war that is never going to stop. Ukraine will ALWAYS be at war with Russia after this....ALWAYS fighting a guerrilla war against them. It was one thing to do this in Afghanistan....but now it's a neighbor. This will always stain Russia.
...... Wars do NOT end because of a lack of manpower, supplies, or soldiers or even equipment. They end because the politics make it untenable to continue.
I am a Vietnam Veteran, Central Highlands 1966 - 67. The propaganda about politics was what we were told to repeat over and over again. It is utter bovine excrement and if he were still alive I would kick General Westmoreland in the teeth for making us believe we were "the good guys".
Ukraine is NEVER ever going to stop fighting until Russia leaves....and even then only maybe.
Russia needs to put up a wall to keep the Ukranians out after they eventually come to their senses and pull out....but I'm not sure it will help.

We are talking about a generational war that is never going to stop. Ukraine will ALWAYS be at war with Russia after this....ALWAYS fighting a guerrilla war against them. It was one thing to do this in Afghanistan....but now it's a neighbor. This will always stain Russia
You should stop using such words as never and always, especially in capitals. This looks quite silly. You have nothing but emotions here.
I am a Vietnam Veteran, Central Highlands 1966 - 67. The propaganda about politics was what we were told to repeat over and over again. It is utter bovine excrement and if he were still alive I would kick General Westmoreland in the teeth for making us believe we were "the good guys".
Not to name names of dumbest presidents....
McArthur was smarter and more intelligent about the situation than others. But SOMEONE got their feelings hurt and he got fired. And the entire situation descended into chaos just like the Waco Texas thing. (Similar actors doing incompetent performances)

There were ways of diffusing the situation there. Nobody listened. Nobody took the time to understand the complexity of the situation.

Just like Ukraine and Russia. Obama, Trump, and Biden all three have been imbeciles in this situation.
Will Trump improve with a second crack at it?
I really don't know. But I do know that the situation needs to be removed from the cabal of M.I.C. running rampant as if they were in charge because of a spineless President too old or too drunk to have an intelligent independent solution to the situation.
There were ways of diffusing the situation there.
In Vietnam? The Military-Industrial Complex started that war and wanted it ended as much as they want the war in Ukaine to end ....... NEVER.
Just like Ukraine and Russia. Obama, Trump, and Biden all three have been imbeciles in this situation.
I think so.
Will Trump improve with a second crack at it?
Let's hope.
I really don't know.
Nor do I.
In Vietnam? The Military-Industrial Complex started that war and wanted it ended as much as they want the war in Ukaine to end ....... NEVER.
To a hammer, everything looks like a nail. The hammers only have one solution to problems.
Hammers are also opportunists in trying to make everything look like a nail they need to pound.

Such was Vietnam and Korea and Waco and Ukraine. The M.I.C. took advantage of the situation and made it worse. Demand resistance is a real thing even among world leaders. Bombs and soldiers do not change minds. They never have or ever will.

Just like Russia spent more in Afghanistan than they ever got out of it...this is a similar situation. They are stubborn and stupid about it too....meaning it's wrapped up in pride as well as politics. And similar pressures need to be applied to resolve this. (Which is entirely possible and doable)

And nobody in positions of power really cares at the moment. Lives lost or forever changed for response.

The people pay the prices of poor leadership which is unconcerned about the suffering or struggles of the people they govern.
So...the oligarchs are the ones who will change Putin's mind. They can and should be dealt with.
I think it was this one: Specifically from 13:35

It's the same M O as the Skripal case false flag, first the Russians send Navalny to hospital where the Doctors found nothing, then for some reason they sent him to a NATO Country for medical treatment and all of a sudden they find traces of Novichok, the most deadly military grade nerve agent known to man, but no one has actually died from it, why would Russia send that arsehole to Germany if they tried to kill him? it's total nonsense.

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