Evolving Citizen Eloquently Walks Away From Feminism and Democratic Party Ideology


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015

Greetings. Witness Former FEMINISM Embracing Christa Marie Winchester Eloquently Explain Why She Decided To #WalkAway from Feminism, As Well As Values and Ideology Espoused By America's Democratic Party.

"I have been holding off with my story because I wanted to keep free the stage for those who are newly transitioned from the Democrat Party in the days before the election. My story is quite relevant, but it has been some years now since I transitioned. I was raised in a home where politics were rarely discussed. Looking back, I now understand that we were of conservative values, but I had no awareness of this or, of anything political for that matter, while growing up.

After graduating high school, I drove myself to a new state and began putting myself through college. It did not take very long for me to notice that politics was not only "a thing" on campus, but it was a big enough deal that my college math professor found it an important regular topic in class. My peers all felt the same way about just about everything and so I fell hard and fast into group-think acceptance. This was particularly robust because America was seeing the very first African American President on the ballot and oh boy, did I latch onto the emotional arguments in his favor!

I voted for President Obama in my freshman year of college. I systematically cataloged every narrative that I heard my peers mimic from the mainstream media and I spat that montage of surface level understanding at anyone who expressed a different opinion. I noticed how frustrated I would become when opposite opinions would back me into a corner where I had no parroted response to pull from my proverbial file cabinet. It was in one of these moments where my competitive nature took over and I would start the transformation to become an intellectual.

I went out to find information to support my liberal views-- REAL information that the conservatives couldn't argue. I dug and searched and read article after article and then...four years after I voted for Obama, I found myself rooted in conservative values once again. There was no information to back up my view as a registered Democrat. There were gaping holes in arguments that I could not explain and I could not ignore and through seeing this, I gravitated quickly back down to reality. I am now 32 and I have become that calm, centered and grounded political mind that once enraged my liberal 19 year old self. There is great comfort and credibility that comes from truth and there is very little of that in today's Democrat party.

Looking back, I acknowledge only one regret from my liberal past and that is the embrace of a new culture in feminism pushed for political exploitation. I was never a "feminist" activist but I was a product of the mentality that women can carry a man's heavy load as well and as far as he can-- that women should be independent and need not seek a partner because she can handle her own life and all that it entails.

Now, I know and I understand that not all women seek men and I respect those people's humanity. I mean no disrespect when I say this:

If there is any wisdom that I may share that perhaps many of you beautiful ladies do not already know, it is this: your femininity is beautiful and these attributes are things that you have which men do not have. Just as we women do not have some attributes that men are given. We balance one another out and that is what is so fantastic. Treasure that unique beauty, grace, elegance and kindness that God has given to you and receive your partner for those qualities that God gave to him.

Due to this feminist movement, I pushed myself to meet and exceed a man's standard-- I became a Wildland Firefighter, learned construction and ran my own handyman business for which I shortened my first name to "Chris" in order to get more work. I broke horses (and myself), hauled truckloads of firewood split and stacked, worked on my own vehicles and all the while I let my natural talents fade to the background. I did not wear dresses, heels and I did not let anyone help me or see my vulnerability because weakness was not acceptable in the feminist culture.

Now, I am 32 with more land than I have time, more things in need of repair than my hands have hours to fix, more paranoid sleepless nights than restful ones, and all of those aspects of who I really am and what I really want, those aspects that I put to the background because that was for "weak women", are the very things that I wish for the most. I managed to become a model replacement for the other half of my life that should be filled appropriately to bring so much joy and relief-- that replacement that I have become is for a partner who is present physically, emotionally and intimately.

Feminism pushed by the Democrat agenda quite honestly ruined my life. I wanted to be married, but this union has been made to look like a regression of a woman's rights. I wanted to be the graceful and elegant wife to a good man who cares for me, but this has been made to demonstrate a woman as meek and subservient. I never wanted to break my back like I have for 18 years but this has been made into a glorifying picture of perfection for the feminist revolution once depicted by a pin up girl in the 1940's rolling up her sleeve and flexing her bicep.

I realize that my experience with the Democrat's feminist movement is not one size fits all but my point here is quite the reverse. Who you are at your core, not anywhere in between, is precisely who you need to be true to. Regardless of pressures that may be skipping along the surface, the gifts bestowed to you are beautiful and you must resist downplaying them because a "movement" discounts them. I pray each day that our youth will wake before they are swallowed like I was swallowed. Walk Away has provided a group where this is possible and I only wish I had been able to stumble upon something similar all those years ago.

I support our President Trump, our Veterans and this beautiful country-- America as founded. Here, everyone is indeed created equal and we use our gifts accordingly within the framework to keep the harmonious balance of Freedom and Liberty. To fight for this, do not be afraid to speak the truth. Remain respectful and kind, but do not let fear stop you from doing, or saying, what is right and true. Everything that you may encounter as you stand for your beliefs will be worth it in the end.

God Bless you all." ~Christa Marie Winchester


☮️♥️ EndHate
If there is any wisdom that I may share that perhaps many of you beautiful ladies do not already know, it is this: your femininity is beautiful and these attributes are things that you have which men do not have
Put sex and gender aside for a moment, take a deep breath, and think about what you're saying. You can't be happy without making someone else sad.

You can't enjoy yourself without making someone else miserable.

We did not wish to rush the young lady in her evolution. We were satisfied that she got this far. Freeing herself from theology, however, was in the wings.

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