Ex-asst. FBI director high ranking Gov. officials plotted to protect Hillary Clinton from indicment


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Former assistant FBI director James Kallstrom suggested Sunday morning that the constant shifting of high-ranking government officials over the last year is related to an internal plot to help Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election.
Ex-Asst. FBI Director: High-Ranking Govt Officials Plotted To Protect Hillary Clinton From Indictment

The rest of the world know it, it is the Obama arse lickers you can't get to realize how they were and have been deceived by a crooked pos loser who leads them into her coral just laying their like a wolf in sheeps clothing. As she gathers up her sheep and wants to boom pounce them and eat them alive.
The FBI is being exposed 14 FBI agents have been fired or demoted over this including McCabe but Comey and Brennan are next....
Glad the FBI is catching up to something we already knew.

"we knew"??? The set that claims to be clairvoyant?

Americans can be placed in two separate and conflicting sets: Those who watch, listen and think, and those whose wishes replace interfere with thinking.

Those who watch, listen and read seeTrump's acts, tweets and words reflect those of a guilty person. If he is guilty, how much it would relate to his role as President, remains to be uncovered.
The FBI is being exposed 14 FBI agents have been fired or demoted over this including McCabe but Comey and Brennan are next....

HUH? Name the 14 FBI agents! If you don't know their names and dates of their firing, and by whom, you will appear to be another damn liar!

That aside ^^^, Comey was fired long ago, Brennan cannot be fired or demoted, as most informed people know he is retired.
The FBI is being exposed 14 FBI agents have been fired or demoted over this including McCabe but Comey and Brennan are next....

HUH? Name the 14 FBI agents! If you don't know their names and dates of their firing, and by whom, you will appear to be another damn liar!

That aside ^^^, Comey was fired long ago, Brennan cannot be fired or demoted, as most informed people know he is retired.

Bite me boy...I don't lie

puts up a hannitty clip as proof he's not a liar

you can't make this shit up
The FBI is being exposed 14 FBI agents have been fired or demoted over this including McCabe but Comey and Brennan are next....

That is if they don't pull that big false flag coming in order to distract. The only idiots to be distracted are those who are of the " obeying sheep" who can't see chit right in front of them.
i'm always up for a laugh at a dancing monkey, bobo

can you gavotte?
Never before has a member of this board posted more posts and said less than you have...if anyone is dancing it's you...that's all you have...a last dance...
The FBI is being exposed 14 FBI agents have been fired or demoted over this including McCabe but Comey and Brennan are next....

HUH? Name the 14 FBI agents! If you don't know their names and dates of their firing, and by whom, you will appear to be another damn liar!

That aside ^^^, Comey was fired long ago, Brennan cannot be fired or demoted, as most informed people know he is retired.

Bite me boy...I don't lie

EVER notice the same idiots who claims all is fake accept their cnn, rachel maddow are the dumbest idiots on the lowest point of the IQ charts.......

They will not believe that these news sources dictate and control what they think in order to keep them dumbed down. The higher echelons know if to many people pick up on this action and actually wake up their globalism loses.......

Hmmmm the war on information goes right the fk over their heads.
i'm always up for a laugh at a dancing monkey, bobo

can you gavotte?
Never before has a member of this board posted more posts and said less than you have...if anyone is dancing it's you...that's all you have...a last dance...

Your use of "deep state" as a thing confuses me, How can something so secret be so well known by the few. Unless you've worked undercover, and were accepted in this cabal, I must conclude you are simply echoing a conspiracy theory made up by right wing propagandists.

Assuming you are a brave person who spied on this cabal, why not give us more, including the names, careers and place of secret meetings. In short expose them by going on Fox, or MSNBC, or CNN and be paid well for exposing the members of the Deep State.

Otherwise you will remain to be nothing more than a member of the echo chamber of fools.
i'm always up for a laugh at a dancing monkey, bobo

can you gavotte?
Never before has a member of this board posted more posts and said less than you have...if anyone is dancing it's you...that's all you have...a last dance...

Your use of "deep state" as a thing confuses me, How can something so secret be so well known by the few. Unless you've worked undercover, and were accepted in this cabal, I must conclude you are simply echoing a conspiracy theory made up by right wing propagandists.

Assuming you are a brave person who spied on this cabal, why not give us more, including the names, careers and place of secret meetings. In short expose them by going on Fox, or MSNBC, or CNN and be paid well for exposing the members of the Deep State.

Otherwise you will remain to be nothing more than a member of the echo chamber of fools.

Democracy is often subverted by special interests operating behind the scenes.

America’s deep state is completely corrupt: it exists to sell out the public interest, and includes both major political parties as well as government officials. Politicians like the Clintons who leave the White House “broke” and accumulate $100 million in a few years exemplify how it rewards. A bloated Pentagon churns out hundreds of unneeded flag officers who receive munificent pensions and benefits for the rest of their lives. And no one is punished, ever. Disgraced former general and CIA Director David Petraeus is now a partner at the KKR private equity firm, even though he knows nothing about financial services. More recently, former Acting CIA Director Michael Morell has become a Senior Counselor at Beacon Global Strategies. Both are being rewarded for their loyalty to the system and for providing current access to their replacements in government.

Deep State America


The Deep State does not consist of the entire government. It is a hybrid of national security and law enforcement agencies: the Department of Defense, the Department of State, the Department of Homeland Security, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Justice Department. I also include the Department of the Treasury because of its jurisdiction over financial flows, its enforcement of international sanctions and its organic symbiosis with Wall Street. All these agencies are coordinated by the Executive Office of the President via the National Security Council. Certain key areas of the judiciary belong to the Deep State, such as the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, whose actions are mysterious even to most members of Congress. Also included are a handful of vital federal trial courts, such as the Eastern District of Virginia and the Southern District of Manhattan, where sensitive proceedings in national security cases are conducted. The final government component (and possibly last in precedence among the formal branches of government established by the Constitution) is a kind of rump Congress consisting of the congressional leadership and some (but not all) of the members of the defense and intelligence committees. The rest of Congress, normally so fractious and partisan, is mostly only intermittently aware of the Deep State and when required usually submits to a few well-chosen words from the State’s emissaries.

The ''Deep State'' - How Much Does It Explain?

The FBI is being exposed 14 FBI agents have been fired or demoted over this including McCabe but Comey and Brennan are next....
Who are the 14 FBI agents that were fired and what did each one of them do, to be fired?
James Kallstrom retired from the FBI 20 years ago.

I wonder why Alex Jones left that part out...
The FBI is being exposed 14 FBI agents have been fired or demoted over this including McCabe but Comey and Brennan are next....

HUH? Name the 14 FBI agents! If you don't know their names and dates of their firing, and by whom, you will appear to be another damn liar!

That aside ^^^, Comey was fired long ago, Brennan cannot be fired or demoted, as most informed people know he is retired.

Bite me boy...I don't lie

EVER notice the same idiots who claims all is fake accept their cnn, rachel maddow are the dumbest idiots on the lowest point of the IQ charts.......

They will not believe that these news sources dictate and control what they think in order to keep them dumbed down. The higher echelons know if to many people pick up on this action and actually wake up their globalism loses.......

Hmmmm the war on information goes right the fk over their heads.

except, not accept, dumbass
@15 is stupid and timid to have a though of their own, but will swiftly project fascism in its head onto a scapegoat that may have gotten the esoterica correctly perceived, which is always possible.

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