Ex-CIA chief David betrayus pitches plan to use al Qaeda in battle against ISIS


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
Yes betray us is a real nut he should have been kept in prison

America’s best weapon in the fight against ISIS may be its greatest foe — al Qaeda, according to ex-CIA head David Petraeus.

The retired Army general has quietly been talking to U.S. officials about using al Qaeda terrorists to take out Islamic State jihadists, the Daily Beast reported Monday.

The former commander of U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan thinks allegedly “moderate” members of al Qaeda’s Nusra Front could be relied upon to rid Syria of ISIS, the report said.

David Petraeus pitches plan to use al Qaeda in ISIS fight
Yes betray us is a real nut he should have been kept in prison

America’s best weapon in the fight against ISIS may be its greatest foe — al Qaeda, according to ex-CIA head David Petraeus.

The retired Army general has quietly been talking to U.S. officials about using al Qaeda terrorists to take out Islamic State jihadists, the Daily Beast reported Monday.

The former commander of U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan thinks allegedly “moderate” members of al Qaeda’s Nusra Front could be relied upon to rid Syria of ISIS, the report said.

David Petraeus pitches plan to use al Qaeda in ISIS fight
Let them fight it out?


What a dilemma for the Libs...

So, what does your Messiah say??? Do we do it or send troops in????

Check with Moron.org and get back to me....
There are no "moderate" members of al-queda just like there are no moderate democrooks.

Something tells me the story is:


Considering guano posted it, that seems likely.

you losers who is still defending Hillary Clinton have NO room to be speaking about anyone else and referring to them as Beytraus. . Especially this General who served his country honorable and was brought up on some phony charges so Obama can clear out all the military of those who Opposes him and his traitorous policies against us and our country. gawd you lefties are such sheep. and do any of you actually ever grow up or stay childish and call people every dumb name you can come up with?
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Petraeus should be in prison? Really? You stupid fucking asshole! He shared some relatively benign info for pussy. So the fuck what?!? It's not like he spearheaded a war against Libya and then allowed the travel itinerary of our Libyan ambassador to be disseminated because she chose to circulate it on her private and insecure server.

Sit and spin, you schmuck!!!!!!!

Yes betray us is a real nut he should have been kept in prison

America’s best weapon in the fight against ISIS may be its greatest foe — al Qaeda, according to ex-CIA head David Petraeus.

The retired Army general has quietly been talking to U.S. officials about using al Qaeda terrorists to take out Islamic State jihadists, the Daily Beast reported Monday.

The former commander of U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan thinks allegedly “moderate” members of al Qaeda’s Nusra Front could be relied upon to rid Syria of ISIS, the report said.

David Petraeus pitches plan to use al Qaeda in ISIS fight

Yo, sounds like he will get a good job in the Trump Administration! True American who served his Country, but he ended up working for a Socialist Administration!!! Who by the way, can`t stand for someone to talk back at them as Petraeus did, like a Great American!!! He must have done something right to become a "Four Star General" Big Bucks, around $180,000 a year!!!


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