ex governor mcdonnell indicted

hey Chris?.....would you have even paid attention to this story if the guy was a Democrat?....hey just askin....

And that answer would probably be ,,,,no!
But then on the other hand, how many threads were there regarding Anthony Weiner?
Here's the thing with boards like USMB, it's loaded with partisans, so when a high profile politician gets caught doing something bad, one side piles on and the other side (in most cases) avoids the thread(s) like the plague. It's so predictable.:eusa_whistle:

Further, when some of us step up, own it and address it, we're ignored because apparently we forgot our dance steps. :eusa_whistle:
Chris is a blind partisan sheep marching to the drums of his political slave masters.
I am home.

And I think you need a therapist.

The sooner you realize that our two party system shares the blame the better off you'll be.

Fuck Republicans & fuck Democrats.

The false equivalency....

It was Republicans that allowed a deregulated Wall Street to destroy the world economy in 2008.

It was Republicans on the Supreme Court that voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions. All the Democrats voted against it.

It was Republicans in Congress that voted against infrastructure spending that would have lowered unemployment.

It was Republicans in Congress that voted against raising the minimum wage.

It was Republicans in Congress who shut down the government and threatened the country with default.

Can you imagine a corporate opponent like Elizabeth Warren running as a Republican?

I'm sorry, but didn't Bill Clinton have something to do with kicking off the festivities? I apologize for having the attention span of a gerbil, but I'm virtually positive he did some damage by ... shit! I just read the book. /sob

Something to do with free trade? And Glass Steagall?
Republican politicians currently have a slightly better reputation than Satan, but I predict Satan will be pulling ahead by the 2014 election cycle

Republicans say the hate Satan. Which is so strange since they have the same policies.

Last time I checked, satan was the guy who first created the concept of forcing everyone to follow his governing.
And that answer would probably be ,,,,no!
But then on the other hand, how many threads were there regarding Anthony Weiner?
Here's the thing with boards like USMB, it's loaded with partisans, so when a high profile politician gets caught doing something bad, one side piles on and the other side (in most cases) avoids the thread(s) like the plague. It's so predictable.:eusa_whistle:

i know that Kiwi.....but heres the thing about Chris.....he is a dishonest Asshole who acts like his and his precious parties shit dont stink....and when pointed out that he and it does have an odor....he is and always has been....to chicken shit to come and defend the bullshit he throws up here.....

I got chunks of guys like you in my stool.

Then you seriously need a better diet.
Former Virginia governor Bob McDonnell and his wife, Maureen, were indicted Tuesday for illegally accepting gifts and loans from a political donor.

The charges against the couple were outlined in a document filed by the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia that details how the McDonnell and his wife accepted more than $135,000 in gifts and loans, trips and other items from Jonnie Williams Sr., former CEO of Star Scientific

The 14-count indictment, filed on Tuesday, charges McDonnell and his wife, Maureen, with a wide array of official corruption.

Ex-Va. governor McDonnell, wife charged in gift scandal

Looks like Blagojevich will be getting a new cellmate pretty soon.
This is simply the far left machine abusing the government to bully potential GOP presidential candidates out of the race.

If he is guilty I hope he goes to jail if not then this whole thing was all about politics.

Eric Holder is working overtime to ensure no one can run against Hilary.
This is simply the far left machine abusing the government to bully potential GOP presidential candidates out of the race.

If he is guilty I hope he goes to jail if not then this whole thing was all about politics.

Eric Holder is working overtime to ensure no one can run against Hilary.

Wait...the "left" made McDonnel take bribes or did they make ALL of Christie's inner circle close down the busiest bridge in the world?

I had no idea "the left" was so genius and coordinated.
I'll be watching this play out. Rachel Maddow covered this from the beginning.

Rachel was on the Christie story from the beginning as well.

Corrupt governors go to jail.

Rachel Maddow is the go-to girl for the inside story. Roger Ailes (Fox) would never hire her unless she could put lipstick on those pigs for him and his GOP buds.
It's a sad day when friends can't help friends anymore.

It's not like he helped them buy a million dollar house.
I read this earlier and it really gave me a chuckle:
I just skimmed through the indictment.

Hints to future criminals:

1. When a campaign donor who's asking for your help in launching a new product gives you a check for a five-figure amount, DON'T DEPOSIT IT INTO YOUR PERSONAL ACCOUNT.

2. When a state anti-corruption law requires you to disclose your financial interests in the company of said campaign donor, DON'T SEND A SIGNED LETTER TO YOUR BROKER ASKING HIM TO HIDE THE STOCK FOR YOU.

3. When you apply for a six-figure loan from an FDIC insured bank, DON'T FORGET TO MENTION THE SIX-FIGURE LOAN YOU ALREADY TOOK FROM SAID CAMPAIGN DONOR.


Honestly, these people are now leading contenders for Dumbest Political Criminal of the Year Awards. -Craig
I haven't had time to read the full indictment, but whoa. For those in a hurry, that kinda gives you a brief synopsis there.

Man o man. These guys are in trouble.
It's a sad day when friends can't help friends anymore.

It's not like he helped them buy a million dollar house.
That's the quid.

This is (part) of the pro quo:

6. People Discussed Using Virginia Employees As Dietary Guinea Pigs

This is perhaps the craziest idea contained in the indictment. In August 2011, following an email from Bob McDonnell to Virginia's secretary of health, Maureen McDonnell met at the Executive Mansion with Williams and one of the secretary's senior policy advisors. At that meeting, according to the indictment, Williams discussed the idea of having Virginia government employees use Anatabloc, Star Scientific's anti-inflammatory dietary supplement, "as a control group for research studies."

This wasn't the only time this kind of idea came up. In October 2011, according to the indictment, Maureen McDonnell accompanied Williams and a research scientist who consulted for Star Scientific to a company event in Grand Blanc, Mich. They took Williams' private plane, and during the flights there and back, they discussed the potential health benefits of Anatabloc, the company's anti-inflammatory dietary supplement, and the need for clinical studies. The scientist later emailed Maureen McDonnell a summary of their discussions. In it, he suggested it might be useful "to perform a study of Virginia government employees… to determine the prevalences [sic] of autoimmune and inflammatory conditions."

7. Bob McDonnell Told Virginia Officials That He Took Anatabloc

On March 21, 2012, Bob McDonnell met with Virginia's secretary of administration and one of the secretary's aides, to talk about the state's employee health plan, and ways to reduce costs. At that meeting, McDonnell pulled some Anatabloc out of his pocket. He allegedly told the secretary that Anatabloc had beneficial health effects, and that he was taking it, and that it was working well for him.

McDonnell allegedly suggested that they reach out to the "Anatabloc people."
The Eight Juiciest Revelations From The Bob McDonnell Indictment
Meanwhile a faggot democrat runs a prostiution ring from his home and liberals celebrate the fucking pole smoker.
hey Chris?.....would you have even paid attention to this story if the guy was a Democrat?....hey just askin....

Lots of attention was attached to Governor Rod Blagojevich from both sides of the aisle. But Harry, why the non sequitur? Why point fingers at Democrats when the current person indicted and alleged to have been corrupt is a very conservative Republican.

What is it with these governors?

First Blago, then McDonnell, now Christie.

Power tends to corrupt, absolute power in the minds of some, corrupts absolutely.

Jesus was a socialist.

he was talking about Satan dipshit....

That's all you got.


No wonder you guys keep losing elections.

sorry i dont vote "party" like you do.....unlike you....i question and criticize both parties....when was the last time we seen you here asking a question about something your precious little party was doing?....i can tell you....never....
Jesus fucking Christ Chris. You make people like Rush Limbaugh and Pierce Morgan look non-partisan. It's dumb fucks like you (on both sides) that are the shit stain on this country's shorts.

Sorry bucko. I voted Republican a few times. Before they went all Tea Party on us.

First George W. Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a derivatives based Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in Congress voted against infrastructure spending that would have lowered unemployment.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government and threatened the country with default.

And now Republicans in Congress refuse to raise the minimum wage.

Why would anyone vote for a party that hates government and continually tries to damage our country?

Sorry bucko. I voted Republican a few times.

sure you have Chris.....i have been here just about as long as you and have never seen you say that until now.....but yet you have thousands of threads supporting the Democrats no matter what.....a person as far left as you has NEVER voted for a Righty.....

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