Ex-Prosecutor Gowdy: Crooked Hillary laundered money through a law firm to avoid transparency laws

Gowdy: Hillary Clinton Potentially Laundered Money Through a Law Firm to Avoid Transparency Laws - Breitbart

For the first time I’m starting to think Crooked Hillary may finally get indicted for her crimes!

Worse. From what I am hearing and reading she used the Canadian company to launder through Canada since Canadian business rules do not require disclosure as they do in America and other more trustworthy systems. A standard trait of neo-communist systems is a lack of transparentcy and accountability.

Don't worry though, Canadian police are all over it...

No wonder our allies don't trust us.
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I heard she contacted space aliens!

It's fun watching you corrupt kooks flail around in such total panic.
Goudy is lucky he doesn't get indicted for his abuse of power in the benghazi investigation's, all twelve of them.
I love how the Trumpsters always put "ex-prosecutor" in front of Gowdy's name like that gives him some sort of clout. He is just another partisan hack that has long ago left behind any sort of objectivity.
I love how the Trumpsters always put "ex-prosecutor" in front of Gowdy's name like that gives him some sort of clout. He is just another partisan hack that has long ago left behind any sort of objectivity.

we call him an ex-prosecutor because he is one. Ex-Prosecutor Gowdy is fair & balanced. deal with it.
I love how the Trumpsters always put "ex-prosecutor" in front of Gowdy's name like that gives him some sort of clout. He is just another partisan hack that has long ago left behind any sort of objectivity.

I think it's fair to do so as he has a legal mind. As does Cruz, and even yes, Clinton. What is particularly important is not just ones legal background but a willingness to seek the truth and ask the tough questions.

I have always been impressed with Gowdy even though as you suggest, he is partisan. This is nothing new in politics of course, and considering the level of attacking the democrats and mainstream media have engaged in against the GOP, it's about time that some serious abuses are paid for.

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