Ex-Soviet intelligence officer attended meeting with Kushner and Trump Jr

The facts?
The entire premise of the meeting was to transfer information that came directly from the Russian govt in support of Trump.

The only defense against this is that junior was just far too dumb to understand what was happening.
That may be true but in no way absolves him or the Trump campaign.
It was to "TRANSFER" information? Why do you snowflakes take ordinary activities and make them sound like some kind of CIA jargon? Talking is "transferring" information. It's a perfectly normal and legal activity that occurs every day billions of times.

If someone had a copy of Hillary's emails where she lied about Benghazi and they told me about it, would I be guilty of participating in the "transferring" of information directly from the US government? Basically what you're saying is that telling people what you know is a crime. Of course, those are the logical contortions that snowflakes have to inflict on us to support their Russian hack idiocies.

No defense is required for the "crime" of listening to someone else talk. It's a perfectly normal activity protected by the First Amendment.

Bottom line: you're a fucking moron.
Look, moron. You cannot spin this. It is what it is. It is straight up collusion. It could not be any clearer. It's as if the Russians wanted these emails to spell it out clearly. The funny part is that junior released them himself.

View attachment 138747
Akhmetshin said Veselnitskaya presented the Trump associates with details of what she believed were illicit funds that had been funneled to the Democratic National Committee. And she suggested that making the information public could help the Trump campaign.

"This could be a good issue to expose how the DNC is accepting bad money," Akhmetshin recalled her saying.

Trump Jr. asked the attorney if she had all the evidence to back up her claims, but Veselnitskaya said the Trump campaign would need to research it more. After that Trump Jr. lost interest, according to Akhmetshin.

Akhmetshin said the attorney brought with her a plastic folder with printed-out documents. He said he was unaware of the content of the documents or whether they were provided by the Russian government, and it was unclear whether she left the materials with the Trump associates.

News from The Associated Press

The money line in bold
In other words, she had nothing.

How does that change the fact that the Trump campaign took the meeting and lied about it for months?
Donald Jr simply forgot about one of the many thousands of meetings he had during the campaign.

The FBI form says the following:

Complete the following if you answered 'Yes' to have, or have had, close and/or continuing contact with a foreign national.
A 2 hour meeting doesn't meet that description, So Trump didn't lie. Anyone who claims he did is simply a douche bag.

Form: SF86
The facts?
The entire premise of the meeting was to transfer information that came directly from the Russian govt in support of Trump.

The only defense against this is that junior was just far too dumb to understand what was happening.
That may be true but in no way absolves him or the Trump campaign.
It was to "TRANSFER" information? Why do you snowflakes take ordinary activities and make them sound like some kind of CIA jargon? Talking is "transferring" information. It's a perfectly normal and legal activity that occurs every day billions of times.

If someone had a copy of Hillary's emails where she lied about Benghazi and they told me about it, would I be guilty of participating in the "transferring" of information directly from the US government? Basically what you're saying is that telling people what you know is a crime. Of course, those are the logical contortions that snowflakes have to inflict on us to support their Russian hack idiocies.

No defense is required for the "crime" of listening to someone else talk. It's a perfectly normal activity protected by the First Amendment.

Bottom line: you're a fucking moron.
Look, moron. You cannot spin this. It is what it is. It is straight up collusion. It could not be any clearer. It's as if the Russians wanted these emails to spell it out clearly. The funny part is that junior released them himself.

View attachment 138747
Akhmetshin said Veselnitskaya presented the Trump associates with details of what she believed were illicit funds that had been funneled to the Democratic National Committee. And she suggested that making the information public could help the Trump campaign.

"This could be a good issue to expose how the DNC is accepting bad money," Akhmetshin recalled her saying.

Trump Jr. asked the attorney if she had all the evidence to back up her claims, but Veselnitskaya said the Trump campaign would need to research it more. After that Trump Jr. lost interest, according to Akhmetshin.

Akhmetshin said the attorney brought with her a plastic folder with printed-out documents. He said he was unaware of the content of the documents or whether they were provided by the Russian government, and it was unclear whether she left the materials with the Trump associates.

News from The Associated Press

The money line in bold
In other words, she had nothing.

How does that change the fact that the Trump campaign took the meeting and lied about it for months?
Wrong, asshole. He did no such thing.
No one ever said the Russian government wanted him to have the information.
Fact 1: Junior is informed the Russian government has some dirt on Clinton and wants to meddle in our election to help his father:

On Jun 3, 2016, at 10:36 AM, Rob Goldstone wrote:

Good morning

Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.

The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.

This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump - helped along by Aras and Emin.

What do you think is the best way to handle this information and would you be able to speak to Emin about it directly?

I can also send this info to your father via Rhona, but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to send to you first.


Rob Goldstone

Fact 2: Junior gleefully accepts the Russian government's offer to meddle in our election:

On Jun 3, 2016, at 10:53, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:

Thanks Rob I appreciate that. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it's what you say I love it especially later in the summer. Could we do a call first thing next week when I am back?



Fact 3: A meeting is suggested at which Junior can discuss the Clinton dirt with the Russian government via a cutout:


Hope all is well

Emin asked that I schedule a meeting with you and The Russian government attorney who is flying over from Moscow for this Thursday.

I believe you are aware of the meeting - and so wondered if 3pm or later on Thursday works for you?

I assume it would be at your office.


Rob Goldstone

Fact 4: Junior agrees to the meeting with the Russian government cutout to discuss the Clinton dirt at Trump Tower, thereby colluding with Russia in their efforts to meddle in our election:

On Jun 7, 2016, at 5:16 PM, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:

How about 3 at our offices? Thanks rob appreciate you helping set it up.


Fact 5: Junior actually meets with the Russian government cutout.

You'll have to excuse me. I was wrong in saying no one said the Russian government wanted him to have the information. I mis-remembered the exact wording.

However, that doesn't alter the fact that Trump never claimed to have that understanding. What some publicist says in an email is one thing. What Trump believes is another, and you have no indication that he believed anything the publicist said.
Within a couple hours of Junior agreeing to meet with the Russian cutout, his father went on national TV to announce he was going to have some very important bad things to report about Clinton in a few days.

Of course Trump knew!
By "Trump" I meant Trump Jr.

Hmmmm, so? It didn't pan out. The woman lied. She had no information.

Now how do you know she had nothing? Because Jr says so or because you say so?
If Trump got something from her, then post it.
It was to "TRANSFER" information? Why do you snowflakes take ordinary activities and make them sound like some kind of CIA jargon? Talking is "transferring" information. It's a perfectly normal and legal activity that occurs every day billions of times.

If someone had a copy of Hillary's emails where she lied about Benghazi and they told me about it, would I be guilty of participating in the "transferring" of information directly from the US government? Basically what you're saying is that telling people what you know is a crime. Of course, those are the logical contortions that snowflakes have to inflict on us to support their Russian hack idiocies.

No defense is required for the "crime" of listening to someone else talk. It's a perfectly normal activity protected by the First Amendment.

Bottom line: you're a fucking moron.
Look, moron. You cannot spin this. It is what it is. It is straight up collusion. It could not be any clearer. It's as if the Russians wanted these emails to spell it out clearly. The funny part is that junior released them himself.

View attachment 138747
Akhmetshin said Veselnitskaya presented the Trump associates with details of what she believed were illicit funds that had been funneled to the Democratic National Committee. And she suggested that making the information public could help the Trump campaign.

"This could be a good issue to expose how the DNC is accepting bad money," Akhmetshin recalled her saying.

Trump Jr. asked the attorney if she had all the evidence to back up her claims, but Veselnitskaya said the Trump campaign would need to research it more. After that Trump Jr. lost interest, according to Akhmetshin.

Akhmetshin said the attorney brought with her a plastic folder with printed-out documents. He said he was unaware of the content of the documents or whether they were provided by the Russian government, and it was unclear whether she left the materials with the Trump associates.

News from The Associated Press

The money line in bold
In other words, she had nothing.

How does that change the fact that the Trump campaign took the meeting and lied about it for months?
Donald Jr simply forgot about one of the many thousands of meetings he had during the campaign.

The FBI form says the following:

Complete the following if you answered 'Yes' to have, or have had, close and/or continuing contact with a foreign national.
A 2 hour meeting doesn't meet that description, So Trump didn't lie. Anyone who claims he did is simply a douche bag.

Form: SF86

Yep they simply forgot. Kremlin offering up dirt on Hillary is soooo very forgettable and sooo tough to remember when all everyone seems to talk about for half a year now is Russia Russia Russia.

Does it not phase you that you sound like a total idiot?
The facts?
The entire premise of the meeting was to transfer information that came directly from the Russian govt in support of Trump.

The only defense against this is that junior was just far too dumb to understand what was happening.
That may be true but in no way absolves him or the Trump campaign.
It was to "TRANSFER" information? Why do you snowflakes take ordinary activities and make them sound like some kind of CIA jargon? Talking is "transferring" information. It's a perfectly normal and legal activity that occurs every day billions of times.

If someone had a copy of Hillary's emails where she lied about Benghazi and they told me about it, would I be guilty of participating in the "transferring" of information directly from the US government? Basically what you're saying is that telling people what you know is a crime. Of course, those are the logical contortions that snowflakes have to inflict on us to support their Russian hack idiocies.

No defense is required for the "crime" of listening to someone else talk. It's a perfectly normal activity protected by the First Amendment.

Bottom line: you're a fucking moron.
Look, moron. You cannot spin this. It is what it is. It is straight up collusion. It could not be any clearer. It's as if the Russians wanted these emails to spell it out clearly. The funny part is that junior released them himself.

View attachment 138747
Akhmetshin said Veselnitskaya presented the Trump associates with details of what she believed were illicit funds that had been funneled to the Democratic National Committee. And she suggested that making the information public could help the Trump campaign.

"This could be a good issue to expose how the DNC is accepting bad money," Akhmetshin recalled her saying.

Trump Jr. asked the attorney if she had all the evidence to back up her claims, but Veselnitskaya said the Trump campaign would need to research it more. After that Trump Jr. lost interest, according to Akhmetshin.

Akhmetshin said the attorney brought with her a plastic folder with printed-out documents. He said he was unaware of the content of the documents or whether they were provided by the Russian government, and it was unclear whether she left the materials with the Trump associates.

News from The Associated Press

The money line in bold
In other words, she had nothing.

How does that change the fact that the Trump campaign took the meeting and lied about it for months?
When did they lie?
How does that change the fact that the Trump campaign took the meeting and lied about it for months?
No information was passed.
No crime committed.
And she still would have been banned from the US if Barry had not done Vlad a solid and got her Visa Denial reversed.

You hold tight to that. You'll need it.
No problem...since the Lawyer has stated no information was passed or used, Trump Jr said so, EVERYONE IN ATTENDANCE HAS SAID THIS....

That true, it's not like anyone in that room has any interest to conceal what was really discussed. lol
But somehow you know what was discussed?

Your serious?
Well, regardless of whether Putin "gave" Trump intelligence to help him against Clinton, why do we need a law imposing sanctions against Puttin for murdering his political oppenents and torturing them in the Lubyanka. Russia's been doing that like forever. We have common interests with Russia, and we waterborad people, and no one really like a press that can be negative to President Tummp. this is all Liberal pfft. Nerve gas barrel bombs pulling out fingernails dioxin in food ..... why should that be concern (-:
It was to "TRANSFER" information? Why do you snowflakes take ordinary activities and make them sound like some kind of CIA jargon? Talking is "transferring" information. It's a perfectly normal and legal activity that occurs every day billions of times.

If someone had a copy of Hillary's emails where she lied about Benghazi and they told me about it, would I be guilty of participating in the "transferring" of information directly from the US government? Basically what you're saying is that telling people what you know is a crime. Of course, those are the logical contortions that snowflakes have to inflict on us to support their Russian hack idiocies.

No defense is required for the "crime" of listening to someone else talk. It's a perfectly normal activity protected by the First Amendment.

Bottom line: you're a fucking moron.
Look, moron. You cannot spin this. It is what it is. It is straight up collusion. It could not be any clearer. It's as if the Russians wanted these emails to spell it out clearly. The funny part is that junior released them himself.

View attachment 138747
Akhmetshin said Veselnitskaya presented the Trump associates with details of what she believed were illicit funds that had been funneled to the Democratic National Committee. And she suggested that making the information public could help the Trump campaign.

"This could be a good issue to expose how the DNC is accepting bad money," Akhmetshin recalled her saying.

Trump Jr. asked the attorney if she had all the evidence to back up her claims, but Veselnitskaya said the Trump campaign would need to research it more. After that Trump Jr. lost interest, according to Akhmetshin.

Akhmetshin said the attorney brought with her a plastic folder with printed-out documents. He said he was unaware of the content of the documents or whether they were provided by the Russian government, and it was unclear whether she left the materials with the Trump associates.

News from The Associated Press

The money line in bold
In other words, she had nothing.

How does that change the fact that the Trump campaign took the meeting and lied about it for months?
When did they lie?
When have they not?
Look, moron. You cannot spin this. It is what it is. It is straight up collusion. It could not be any clearer. It's as if the Russians wanted these emails to spell it out clearly. The funny part is that junior released them himself.

View attachment 138747
Akhmetshin said Veselnitskaya presented the Trump associates with details of what she believed were illicit funds that had been funneled to the Democratic National Committee. And she suggested that making the information public could help the Trump campaign.

"This could be a good issue to expose how the DNC is accepting bad money," Akhmetshin recalled her saying.

Trump Jr. asked the attorney if she had all the evidence to back up her claims, but Veselnitskaya said the Trump campaign would need to research it more. After that Trump Jr. lost interest, according to Akhmetshin.

Akhmetshin said the attorney brought with her a plastic folder with printed-out documents. He said he was unaware of the content of the documents or whether they were provided by the Russian government, and it was unclear whether she left the materials with the Trump associates.

News from The Associated Press

The money line in bold
In other words, she had nothing.

How does that change the fact that the Trump campaign took the meeting and lied about it for months?
Donald Jr simply forgot about one of the many thousands of meetings he had during the campaign.

The FBI form says the following:

Complete the following if you answered 'Yes' to have, or have had, close and/or continuing contact with a foreign national.
A 2 hour meeting doesn't meet that description, So Trump didn't lie. Anyone who claims he did is simply a douche bag.

Form: SF86

Yep they simply forgot. Kremlin offering up dirt on Hillary is soooo very forgettable and sooo tough to remember when all everyone seems to talk about for half a year now is Russia Russia Russia.

Does it not phase you that you sound like a total idiot?
They didn't "forget," douche bag. The form doesn't ask if they had a two hour meeting with a foreign national. It asks if the applicant has/had a close relationship with a foreign national.

This meeting doesn't fit the criteria. Of course, I knew you would simply ignore the point of my post. That's because you're a shameless lying douche bag.
Look, moron. You cannot spin this. It is what it is. It is straight up collusion. It could not be any clearer. It's as if the Russians wanted these emails to spell it out clearly. The funny part is that junior released them himself.

View attachment 138747
Akhmetshin said Veselnitskaya presented the Trump associates with details of what she believed were illicit funds that had been funneled to the Democratic National Committee. And she suggested that making the information public could help the Trump campaign.

"This could be a good issue to expose how the DNC is accepting bad money," Akhmetshin recalled her saying.

Trump Jr. asked the attorney if she had all the evidence to back up her claims, but Veselnitskaya said the Trump campaign would need to research it more. After that Trump Jr. lost interest, according to Akhmetshin.

Akhmetshin said the attorney brought with her a plastic folder with printed-out documents. He said he was unaware of the content of the documents or whether they were provided by the Russian government, and it was unclear whether she left the materials with the Trump associates.

News from The Associated Press

The money line in bold
In other words, she had nothing.

How does that change the fact that the Trump campaign took the meeting and lied about it for months?
When did they lie?
When have they not?
When did they lie about the meeting, douche bag?
Last edited:
Akhmetshin said Veselnitskaya presented the Trump associates with details of what she believed were illicit funds that had been funneled to the Democratic National Committee. And she suggested that making the information public could help the Trump campaign.

"This could be a good issue to expose how the DNC is accepting bad money," Akhmetshin recalled her saying.

Trump Jr. asked the attorney if she had all the evidence to back up her claims, but Veselnitskaya said the Trump campaign would need to research it more. After that Trump Jr. lost interest, according to Akhmetshin.

Akhmetshin said the attorney brought with her a plastic folder with printed-out documents. He said he was unaware of the content of the documents or whether they were provided by the Russian government, and it was unclear whether she left the materials with the Trump associates.

News from The Associated Press

The money line in bold
In other words, she had nothing.

How does that change the fact that the Trump campaign took the meeting and lied about it for months?
When did they lie?
When have they not?
When did they lie about the meeting, douche bag.
See my previous post.

And Kushner lied on his security clearance form. That is not just a lie, it is a crime.
In other words, she had nothing.

How does that change the fact that the Trump campaign took the meeting and lied about it for months?
When did they lie?
When have they not?
When did they lie about the meeting, douche bag.
See my previous post.

And Kushner lied on his security clearance form. That is not just a lie, it is a crime.

Your previous post didn't answer the question.

You don't know what Kushner put on his security form, so how can you say he lied?

You know you're a dishonest piece of shit. You're behavior in this thread proves it. So who do you think you're fooling?
How does that change the fact that the Trump campaign took the meeting and lied about it for months?
When did they lie?
When have they not?
When did they lie about the meeting, douche bag.
See my previous post.

And Kushner lied on his security clearance form. That is not just a lie, it is a crime.

Your previous post didn't answer the question.

You know your a dishonest piece of shit. You're behavior in this thread proves it. So who do you think you're fooling?
My previous post did answer the question. After believing Trump's non stop wall of lies for so long, you just can't handle the truth.

Kushner will be lucky if he does not go to jail for lying on his security clearance paperwork.
In other words, she had nothing.

How does that change the fact that the Trump campaign took the meeting and lied about it for months?
When did they lie?
When have they not?
When did they lie about the meeting, douche bag.
See my previous post.

And Kushner lied on his security clearance form. That is not just a lie, it is a crime.
You don't even know what he put on his security form, so how can you say it's a lie?

Now answer the question: when did Trump Jr lie about the meeting?
Last edited:
When did they lie?
When have they not?
When did they lie about the meeting, douche bag.
See my previous post.

And Kushner lied on his security clearance form. That is not just a lie, it is a crime.

Your previous post didn't answer the question.

You know your a dishonest piece of shit. You're behavior in this thread proves it. So who do you think you're fooling?
My previous post did answer the question. After believing Trump's non stop wall of lies for so long, you just can't handle the truth.

Kushner will be lucky if he does not go to jail for lying on his security clearance paperwork.
There is zero chance that Kushner is going to jail. I just love the way the scumbags who defended Hillary to the last man are so hot to put Kushner in prison.

You people are all scum.
So much for "we only talked about adoptions". :lol:

Just how stupid do you have to be to have believed that in the first place? Why would the top Trump campaign people have attended a meeting about Russian adoptions? Come on people. THINK! The Russians were clearly offering a quid pro quo to get a repeal of the Magnitsky Act.

When oh when will the Trumps stop lying?
The Russian government offered nothing because it had nothing to do with the meeting.
You don't know that, sis. Don't act like you know something when you don't
So much for "we only talked about adoptions". :lol:

Just how stupid do you have to be to have believed that in the first place? Why would the top Trump campaign people have attended a meeting about Russian adoptions? Come on people. THINK! The Russians were clearly offering a quid pro quo to get a repeal of the Magnitsky Act.

When oh when will the Trumps stop lying?
The Russian government offered nothing because it had nothing to do with the meeting.

That's ironic coming from someone who just got done assuming the Russian government offered the Trump campaign something.

You don't know that, sis. Don't act like you know something when you don't
What I know is that there is no evidence whatsoever that the Russian government offered Trump anything. If you have some evidence, then post it. Otherwise just admit you're a clueless dumbfuck snowflake who doesn't give a rat's ass about the known facts. You just make things up.

Why do you retards think you can just assume stuff that's not in evidence and that everyone is just supposed to accept it?

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