Examining the Good of the Trump S--tholes Remark


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Liberals have already dismissed the Trump alleged S-Holes remark as an atrocious, racist thing, and nothing more. That's how they prefer it to be seen. Got that. Now let's look at it objectively.

1) Trump was talking about countries, primarily, not just people.

2) Isn't it true that since Haiti, El Salvador, and most of African countires are poor and unstable, that the immigrants from them are likewise, poor and unstable ?

3) Isn't it true that bringing poor and unstable people into America, makes America more poor and unstable, detracting from our well-being ?

4) Isn't it true that bringing rich and stable people from countries like Norway, would add to our well-being ?

5) Here's some words from Ann Coulter's book, In Trump We Trust >> "When you get the kids a dog, do you look for a dog with cancer and a heart ailment...? We can choose any dog we want. Why not get a dog who doesn't have these problems ?

Similarly, We can choose any immigrants we want. Why are we going out of our way to bring in people with endless problems ? America is under no obligation to solve the world's poverty problem, and the church ladies don't get to dictate what "we are" as Americans. If people want to run do-goody social service organizations, they should spend their own money.

Most people will say "God bless them, but we have to take care of our own." Americans are happy to do a few things, and we do a lot, but we don't need to keep taking in the terrorists, criminals, and welfare scammers from around the world.

Americans keep being hectored to take "refugees" from terrorist-producing countries, because to do otherwise, would be a betrayl of our values. Republicans, terrified of saying something that would get them in trouble wit the New York Times editorial board, enthusiastically agree.
Only Trump remembered another long-forgotten American value: Protecting Americans.

We needed a person of ordinary common sense to say Wait a minute, guys - why are we doing this ? The only one who would say it, was Donald Trump."
Democrats have done quite a job (with the help of their media cronies) to DODGE Trump's question. Nothing like a race card attack to deflect away an indictment of their guilt.

Instead of having to answer why we are taking in poverty people from 3rd world countries, Democrats conveniently shift the attention to a vulgarity of speech (relatively unimportant compared to the immigration question).

So Yeah! Why ARE we taking in millions of poor, unskilled people with nothing to offer us, but a drain on our welfare budgets ? Why not wealthy people from Europe, with lots of capital to open businesses here, and create jobs (for AMERICANS). Why not people with rare, specialized skills, like my Danish, carpenter grandfather, who came to America in 1929 ? (legally).

How about some top scientist researchers, highly skilled surgeons, engineers, computer experts, et al who would ADD to our well-being, rather than detract from it ? How about some great violinists, and other musicians, for our concert halls ?

Answer ? Because these people aren't poor, and in need of the welfare handouts that Democrats entice with, and thus are not of value to Democrats as VOTES for them.

So why are Democrats so up in arms about Trump's remark ? That's easy. It's not because of the word he used. That's just a red herring. What they're really disturbed about, is Trump suggesting an end to this 3rd world, immigration, Democrat VOTE-feeding machine.

And their solution to this horrifying potential loss of Democrat VOTES ? Shout "RACISM", loud and often. Never has the race card been used so much, by so many. (all while Trump never even mentioned race).
Can't wait till we Dems take control again. A wave of immigrants will flood in.

All the stupid, bigoted, ignorant Trump supporters are getting old and dying,

Demographics are destiny!!
The best part....dick durbin has now put himself on Trump's shithole list.......this moron has been a pain in the ass for decades here in Illinois, and he is going to deserve everything Trump does to him...
Can't wait till we Dems take control again. A wave of immigrants will flood in.

All the stupid, bigoted, ignorant Trump supporters are getting old and dying,

Demographics are destiny!!
At least you admit your conniving, low-life evil.
The best part....dick durbin has now put himself on Trump's shithole list.......this moron has been a pain in the ass for decades here in Illinois, and he is going to deserve everything Trump does to him...
Amen to that.
AND, the Left has been able to use a decidedly NON-racist question as a means of PROVING that Trump is a racist.

We all know what "shit-hole" countries are, and we all know where most of them are located...Africa, Central America, Carribbea, and the Middle East. The countries are defined by excessive poverty, endemic political corruption, ubiquitous ignorance (lack of formal education), widespread disease, and a lack of what Westerners would consider normal infrastructure (electricity, clean water, sanitation, and modern roads & bridges). None of this has anything to do with race. But to anyone looking for a racial component, essentially all of these countries are "non-White."

The Left's take on this is the equivalent of taking, "I don't like basketball," and concluding that the speaker is racist. In short, the "racist" take on The Question is pure nonsense, but since that "take" is shared by the entire political Left and the entire MSM, it is essentially unchallenged except for the Fox News Channel and the Right Blogoshere.

Yet again, a massive manifestation of TDS.
Democrats were lying about what Trump said. That's becoming even more clear. What they did not expect was the level of support this truthful remark enjoys.
Democrats were lying about what Trump said. That's becoming even more clear. What they did not expect was the level of support this truthful remark enjoys.
They have tipped their hand. Exposed themselves for the vote-scammers that they are.
Democrats were lying about what Trump said. That's becoming even more clear. What they did not expect was the level of support this truthful remark enjoys.
As always, their own logic defies them. If these aren't shithole countries, why are so many risking their very lives to cross the ocean in bamboo rafts to gtfo of there.
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