Examples of things where we disagree with Trump


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.
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I don’t agree that Swift is all that beautiful.
Kind of a pinched look to her face. She’s certainly not ugly or unattractive. But beautiful? Nah.

This we see yet again that it’s ok to disagree with the man even as one supports his candidacy.

Not a fan of the whole "tax free gratuity" thing, seems like a reach.
  • Eminent domain
  • Take the guns first and we'll sort it out later
  • Promoting the frankenshot
  • Not terminating "Doctor" Fauci.

I don’t agree that Swift is all that beautiful.
Kind of a pinched look to her face. She’s certainly not ugly or unattractive. But beautiful? Nah.

Thus, we see yet again that it’s ok to disagree with the man even as one supports his candidacy.
trump's victims are all beautiful until he is done with them.

that is when they become "horseface" and "not my type."

"His answers on how he handled COVID were unacceptable. I wanted him to be shown that RFKjr video, the interview with Theo Von, and this information. . . and. . .


(posted previously)

That interview that Theo Von did with RFKjr., which either exposes Trump's "corruption," or his complicity with the Deep State for favors from BIG Pharma. . that has necessarily put us all at risk, and taken economic advantage of the nation. For some of us, that disqualifies him for another term. A lot of people don't like to read that. It also, necessarily makes me wonder, why the left doesn't use that information against him. . .

No one wants to know about the corruption of our establishment, it is too uncomfortable. If you are actually IN the media establishment, it takes a lot of bravery to report on this, especially if it is on institutions, political parties, people, etc. and things you admire. I have often been confronted with this conundrum myself. If I find something out about someone or something I don't like or don't want to be true? But if the information comes from a reasonably reliable source? Is it not contingent upon my integrity and critical the the health of our republic, to share it far and wide, regardless of my political agenda?

(Posted previously. . .)

The short of it, Trump took a million dollars from Pfizer for his inauguration, and hired BIG PHARMA industry insiders, "the SWAMP," for his administration, after running on the promise to drain it. . .

He hired Azar, president of president of Eli Lilly and Company to become the 24th United States Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Trump hired Johnson & Johnson paid lecturer, and Pfizer lobbyist, Scott Gottlieb to be the 23rd Commissioner of Food and Drugs.

Covid dystopia: RFK Jr tells about his 2016 interview with President-elect Donald Trump​

deeper dive at the link.

# Trump # Technocracy


I don’t agree that Swift is all that beautiful.
Kind of a pinched look to her face. She’s certainly not ugly or unattractive. But beautiful? Nah.

Thus, we see yet again that it’s ok to disagree with the man even as one supports his candidacy.
He should change this tariffs on China to read that China pays for the tariff, not the American consumer.
Not firing Fauci and bought off Doctors my biggest problem. Not firing some FBI guys also a problem.

I don’t agree that Swift is all that beautiful.
Kind of a pinched look to her face. She’s certainly not ugly or unattractive. But beautiful? Nah.

Thus, we see yet again that it’s ok to disagree with the man even as one supports his candidacy.
I agree with your assessment of Taylor's looks.
Gonna be a very short thread.

Do you guys still believe that exporters pay tariffs or that national forest wilderness areas get raked? Or that the blob can self-pardon?
  • It is uncertain that a President can self pardon. But that doesn’t mean he can’t. It’s just up in the air.

  • I disagree with the spelling of covefe.

  • Except on a national enemy, I disagree with tariffs.

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