Excellent Documentary Regarding Windmill Scam


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
Windfall Movie

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87TGW9eLAtU]??WINDFALL - theatrical trailer - YouTube[/ame]

I believe the entire premise of MMGW is complete and utter bullshit. It's a scam... a fraud... a ruse...

No question in my mind, and movies like this solidify my belief.

However since millions of people believe this MMGW bullshit, it's easy to sell them yet another bullshit scam that is supposed to "fix" the original bullshit "crisis". Especially in places like NY with a gross abundance of moonbats.
What do you make of all the thousands of scientists that would have to be actively participating in such a scam? Are they crooked or stupid or both? The ones with the PhDs.
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However since millions of people believe this MMGW bullshit, it's easy to sell them yet another bullshit scam that is supposed to "fix" the original bullshit "crisis". Especially in places like NY with a gross abundance of moonbats.

This "gross abundance of moonbats"; that'd be all the people who don't think like you? I can see why you'd find a lot of them there. Or, really, just about anywhere.
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What do you make of all the thousands of scientists that would have to be actively participating in such a scam? Are they crooked or stupid or both? The ones with the PhDs.

I suppose the scientists who reject MMGW are crooked and/or stupid in your "mind" as well.

Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis - Forbes

I tend to believe what I know to be true, before I believe anyone else. Regardless of the certificates, education, titles or ordained pedigree.

#1 Fact...

The earth has undergone incredible climate fluctuations since human beings came to exist, and that time is an infinitesimal fraction in the history of earth.

#2 Fact...

Humans have recorded temperature for a very brief period of their existence, and it has fluctuated incredibly in that even more infinitesimal amount of time.

#3 Fact...

The amount of time human beings have been consuming fossil fuels (the supposed cause of MMGW) on a significant level is yet shorter than that, yet recorded temperatures have not fluctuated with any real significance beyond any of the extremes modern man has recorded in the extremely brief amount of time we have recorded history at all.

#4 Fact...

The "Green House Effect" of atmospheric gases place CO2 at roughly %3 effectiveness. Human beings at even the most loopy estimates produce %3 of all atmospheric CO2 in the atmosphere.

The Bottom Line

Just for the sheer intergalactic humor of the endeavor, I would prefer a massive federal program that endeavored to cork the holes of every volcano in the country. That would at least put more people to work.

MMGW is bullshit, windmills are bullshit, and liberalism is all it's forms is once again exposed to be bullshit.

What delights me most about watching this movie though, is how many obviously mindless liberal twits opposed the windmills out of a concern for scenery, and then came to realize that windmills DO MORE DAMAGE to the environment according to their own misplaced concerns of MMGW.

Yet there are dipshit moonbats who will eat their own kind because their messiah promotes windmills. In their "minds" it has nothing to do with the massive amounts of money GE and Jeffery Imelt have invested in the democrook political machine.
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However since millions of people believe this MMGW bullshit, it's easy to sell them yet another bullshit scam that is supposed to "fix" the original bullshit "crisis". Especially in places like NY with a gross abundance of moonbats.

This "gross abundance of moonbats"; that'd be all the people who don't think like you? I can see why you'd find a lot of them there. Or, really, just about anywhere.

That would be the people who don't think...


They're devoid of a single independent thought.

They regurgitate insipid shit like you just did. "People who don't think like you" is just another prefix of a parroted liberal rebut.

People like me question authority. People like me demand answers. People like me do not accept as fact what we're told when it conflicts with common sense, let alone when we have to believe what we've seen with our own eyes isn't reality. People like me demand accountability from government, agents, bosses, teachers, leaders or anyone else with some sort of title we're supposed to have respect for.

That's why I can say with full confidence that bed wetters like you do not think at all, because you accept everything you're told by the people you're programmed to believe. Not only do you drown out all factual information that compromises your programming, you will attempt to defy they dissemination of such knowledge to others.

Like Nazis burning books.
What do you make of all the thousands of scientists that would have to be actively participating in such a scam? Are they crooked or stupid or both? The ones with the PhDs.

I suppose the scientists who reject MMGW are crooked and/or stupid in your "mind" as well.

Most that I'm aware of are either stupid (Pielke, Soon, Spencer, etc) or are willfully blinding themselves to maintain their political positions. You hate liberals. I suspect that is a large part of your opposition to AGW.

Forbes is just the high end of Fox News. James Taylor actually works for the Heartland Institute. Such results aren't worth the electrons it took to send them here.

I tend to believe what I know to be true, before I believe anyone else. Regardless of the certificates, education, titles or ordained pedigree.

I haven't read your list yet, but I'm willing to bet a dollar to a donut that we're going to find that you don't understand the proper use of the terms "know" or "true".

#1 Fact...

The earth has undergone incredible climate fluctuations since human beings came to exist, and that time is an infinitesimal fraction in the history of earth.

At least two peer reviewed studies have shown that the temperature trend of the last 150 years is unprecedented in the last 22,000 years (since the end of the last glaciation). That humans and hominids survived ice ages does not mean that modern man and his modern infrastructure will pass unscathed through another "incredible climate fluctuation", particularly when it comes on at ten times the pace of any prior change.

#2 Fact...
Humans have recorded temperature for a very brief period of their existence, and it has fluctuated incredibly in that even more infinitesimal amount of time.[/color]

Yes, from AGW.

#3 Fact...

The amount of time human beings have been consuming fossil fuels (the supposed cause of MMGW) on a significant level is yet shorter than that, yet recorded temperatures have not fluctuated with any real significance beyond any of the extremes modern man has recorded in the extremely brief amount of time we have recorded history at all.

That is incorrect on every aspect. The beginning of the instrumented temperature record is very close to coincident with the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. All temperature data from the MWP and most of the data for the LIA are from proxies. The greatest fluctuation in all that period has been over the last 150 years.

I have to go to the store. More later.

#4 Fact...

The "Green House Effect" of atmospheric gases place CO2 at roughly %3 effectiveness. Human beings at even the most loopy estimates produce %3 of all atmospheric CO2 in the atmosphere.

The Bottom Line

Just for the sheer intergalactic humor of the endeavor, I would prefer a massive federal program that endeavored to cork the holes of every volcano in the country. That would at least put more people to work.

MMGW is bullshit, windmills are bullshit, and liberalism is all it's forms is once again exposed to be bullshit.

What delights me most about watching this movie though, is how many obviously mindless liberal twits opposed the windmills out of a concern for scenery, and then came to realize that windmills DO MORE DAMAGE to the environment according to their own misplaced concerns of MMGW.

Yet there are dipshit moonbats who will eat their own kind because their messiah promotes windmills. In their "minds" it has nothing to do with the massive amounts of money GE and Jeffery Imelt have invested in the democrook political machine.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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However since millions of people believe this MMGW bullshit, it's easy to sell them yet another bullshit scam that is supposed to "fix" the original bullshit "crisis". Especially in places like NY with a gross abundance of moonbats.

This "gross abundance of moonbats"; that'd be all the people who don't think like you? I can see why you'd find a lot of them there. Or, really, just about anywhere.

That would be the people who don't think...


They're devoid of a single independent thought.

They regurgitate insipid shit like you just did. "People who don't think like you" is just another prefix of a parroted liberal rebut.

People like me question authority. People like me demand answers. People like me do not accept as fact what we're told when it conflicts with common sense, let alone when we have to believe what we've seen with our own eyes isn't reality. People like me demand accountability from government, agents, bosses, teachers, leaders or anyone else with some sort of title we're supposed to have respect for.

That's why I can say with full confidence that bed wetters like you do not think at all, because you accept everything you're told by the people you're programmed to believe. Not only do you drown out all factual information that compromises your programming, you will attempt to defy they dissemination of such knowledge to others.

Like Nazis burning books.

Well Pete, you are truly full of shit. The CO2 has risen from 280 ppm to over 400 ppm. CH4 from under 800 ppb to over 1800 ppb. And all of it is from anthropogenic sources.
Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | US EPA


Greenhouse gas growth rates
Windfall Movie

??WINDFALL - theatrical trailer - YouTube

I believe the entire premise of MMGW is complete and utter bullshit. It's a scam... a fraud... a ruse...

No question in my mind, and movies like this solidify my belief.

However since millions of people believe this MMGW bullshit, it's easy to sell them yet another bullshit scam that is supposed to "fix" the original bullshit "crisis". Especially in places like NY with a gross abundance of moonbats.

EXCELLENT! I'll buy a couple of those on DVD for presents..

'Bout time some of the VICTIMS of "Big Wind" got heard.. Betcha 99% of the wind fanatics have never heard the complaints. Or the scams. Or seen the moving shadows cast on the houses in the neighborhood.

Big Wind is gonna find out that they CANNOT plop these giant turbines just any ole place they please..

Notice how quickly the zealots want to steer clear of any of issues raised in that trailer. Documentaries like this one are Kryptonite to a Warmer...
This "gross abundance of moonbats"; that'd be all the people who don't think like you? I can see why you'd find a lot of them there. Or, really, just about anywhere.

That would be the people who don't think...


They're devoid of a single independent thought.

They regurgitate insipid shit like you just did. "People who don't think like you" is just another prefix of a parroted liberal rebut.

People like me question authority. People like me demand answers. People like me do not accept as fact what we're told when it conflicts with common sense, let alone when we have to believe what we've seen with our own eyes isn't reality. People like me demand accountability from government, agents, bosses, teachers, leaders or anyone else with some sort of title we're supposed to have respect for.

That's why I can say with full confidence that bed wetters like you do not think at all, because you accept everything you're told by the people you're programmed to believe. Not only do you drown out all factual information that compromises your programming, you will attempt to defy they dissemination of such knowledge to others.

Like Nazis burning books.

Well Pete, you are truly full of shit. The CO2 has risen from 280 ppm to over 400 ppm. CH4 from under 800 ppb to over 1800 ppb. And all of it is from anthropogenic sources.
Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | US EPA


Greenhouse gas growth rates

Physics says that 280ppm to 400ppm accounts for just 0.8degC warming. And that is without the modulating effects of water vapor and atmos densities. Which are some of the reasons we've barely seen that amount of warming realized.

Bigger f'ing deal is the Movie in the OP.. Looks like a serious backlash GoldiRocks.. What's your plan for generating propaganda to make these truths go away???

Maybe the jig is about up???
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And this is why major nations like China, Germany, Briton, India, Pakistan, Turkey, etc are running towards wind energy.

China has 74gw of it and plans to build a hell of a lot more. Has to as coal, hydro and other sources are becoming bad for their nation.
Germany wants to increase it.
Briton has the biggest offshore wind farms on earth. Wants to increase and in fact the latest news is they want to keep doing so.

They all understand that one day coal, natural gas and oil will be running low. Only a idiot wouldn't take advantage of their planets resources that are clean.
Yeah sure... 74GW of wind in China -- producing 25GW of power.. And this experiment aint' all roses and sunshine. Unless youre a Big Wind salesman...


China surpassed the United States to become the world's largest producer of wind power at the end of 2010. However, China's wind power industry has been troubled with growing pains.

The State Grid Corporation of China (State Grid) and the Inner Mongolia Grid, an independent provincial power grid, have ensured that all of the wind turbines connected to their power grids are government-approved. However, they cannot allow all of these turbines to operate simultaneously.

One reason for this is the fluctuating nature of wind power. Some industry officials believe that wind power may pose a serious threat to power grid stability, saying that wind power should account for less than 5 to 10 percent of any given power grid's total power. However, on April 8, 2010, wind power accounted for 18.7 percent of the Inner Mongolia Grid's total power without any negative repercussions.
A great deal of wind power is wasted during the winter season, when thermal power generators are used to supply heat for most of Inner Mongolia's residents. The Inner Mongolia Grid prefers to use thermal power generators because they can generate electric power while simultaneously creating steam, which can be used to heat homes and businesses in the region.

Tao Ming, director of the Siziwang Banner wind power office, says "during the winter, the grid gives priority to generating power with thermal power generators. Inner Mongolia has relatively low demands for electric power because of its underdeveloped industries. Thermal power plants can work at full steam, while wind turbines have to remain idle."

Northwest China's Gansu Province has not fared much better. Only 68 percent of the province's turbines, which are connected to a wind power base in the city of Jiuquan, are continuously generating power, according to the Jiuquan municipal energy bureau.

According to a February report by the China Electricity Council (CEC), about one-third of China's wind turbines are idle, a sign that China's wind power industry has some serious problems to solve.

Wang Bingjun, director of the Inner Mongolia Energy Bureau, says "the Inner Mongolia Grid has reached its upper limit in accepting wind power for local consumption. The only solution is to send out wind power over long distances and integrate it into the much larger State Grid."

This, however, is easier said than done.

Longyuan says the wind farm may run for nearly 2,000 hours a year, compared with 2,600-2,800 hours in the northern areas. But Lai'an sits near the terminal users of the East China Grid, which will ensure wind turbines run at full capacity.

Longyuan says it will construct more such low-speed wind farms in Anhui and neighboring Shandong province. In Chuzhou City alone, Longyuan will construct 1GW wind farms in three years.

Meanwhile, some industry officials propose a "time break" after years of doubling growth in the wind power industry.

Lu Jianjun says "China's wind farms were constructed a bit too fast. They have outpaced supporting grids, management and technologies. Proper reorganization is necessary."

Lu believes when wind power has developed to a certain extent, it is unrealistic to maintain the doubling-growth miracle. Therefore, in order to facilitate sustainable and healthy development of the industry, Lu thinks it's necessary to rein in its development for the time being.

Germany has cut wind subsidies thus causing many cancellations.. And it's getting harder to LOCATE these wind farms as folks are starting to realize how uncute and uncuddly these turbines are as neighbors...

Did you watch the trailer? Did you hear the folks that were lied to by Big Wind? How does that happen Matthew??
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What do you make of all the thousands of scientists that would have to be actively participating in such a scam? Are they crooked or stupid or both? The ones with the PhDs.

I suppose the scientists who reject MMGW are crooked and/or stupid in your "mind" as well.

Most that I'm aware of are either stupid (Pielke, Soon, Spencer, etc) or are willfully blinding themselves to maintain their political positions. You hate liberals. I suspect that is a large part of your opposition to AGW.

Forbes is just the high end of Fox News. James Taylor actually works for the Heartland Institute. Such results aren't worth the electrons it took to send them here.

I haven't read your list yet, but I'm willing to bet a dollar to a donut that we're going to find that you don't understand the proper use of the terms "know" or "true".

At least two peer reviewed studies have shown that the temperature trend of the last 150 years is unprecedented in the last 22,000 years (since the end of the last glaciation). That humans and hominids survived ice ages does not mean that modern man and his modern infrastructure will pass unscathed through another "incredible climate fluctuation", particularly when it comes on at ten times the pace of any prior change.

#2 Fact...
Humans have recorded temperature for a very brief period of their existence, and it has fluctuated incredibly in that even more infinitesimal amount of time.[/color]

Yes, from AGW.

#3 Fact...

The amount of time human beings have been consuming fossil fuels (the supposed cause of MMGW) on a significant level is yet shorter than that, yet recorded temperatures have not fluctuated with any real significance beyond any of the extremes modern man has recorded in the extremely brief amount of time we have recorded history at all.

That is incorrect on every aspect. The beginning of the instrumented temperature record is very close to coincident with the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. All temperature data from the MWP and most of the data for the LIA are from proxies. The greatest fluctuation in all that period has been over the last 150 years.

I have to go to the store. More later.

#4 Fact...

The "Green House Effect" of atmospheric gases place CO2 at roughly %3 effectiveness. Human beings at even the most loopy estimates produce %3 of all atmospheric CO2 in the atmosphere.
The Bottom Line

You're going to have to translate this into English before I can make much of a comment. However, without getting loopy, isotopic analysis shows that virtually every molecule of CO2 above 1850's 270 ppm comes from the combustion of fossil fuel. That would make us responsible for 130/400ths, or 32.5% of the atmosphere's current CO2. And the percent symbol usually follows the number. "3%" not "%3"

Just for the sheer intergalactic humor of the endeavor, I would prefer a massive federal program that endeavored to cork the holes of every volcano in the country. That would at least put more people to work.

Let me guess. You think volcanoes produce more GHGs than humans. Right? Wrong.

MMGW is bullshit, windmills are bullshit, and liberalism is all it's forms is once again exposed to be bullshit.

These would be unsupported assertions where they aren't factually incorrect. You've "exposed" absolutely nothing.

What delights me most about watching this movie though, is how many obviously mindless liberal twits opposed the windmills out of a concern for scenery, and then came to realize that windmills DO MORE DAMAGE to the environment according to their own misplaced concerns of MMGW.

Yet there are dipshit moonbats who will eat their own kind because their messiah promotes windmills. In their "minds" it has nothing to do with the massive amounts of money GE and Jeffery Imelt have invested in the democrook political machine.

I'll take that donut now.
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"Germany WANTS to increase it.. "

No --- Angela Merkel -- the socialist leftover from the commie half --- wants to increase it.. The Germans are tiring of seeing their bills go up and new coal plants getting built because of the failure of Merkel's "green leap forward"..

Germany's Green Energy Disaster: A Cautionary Tale For World Leaders - Forbes

Merkel’s energy plan called for the addition of 25,000 megawatts of sea-based wind turbine power by 2030. However through the first six months of 2012 only 45 megawatts had been added to Germany’s existing 200-megawatt supply, according to an industry analyst quoted by Reuters. And despite massive subsidies funded by a household energy surcharge (which currently comprises 14 percent of German power bills), major wind projects in the North Sea are being delayed or canceled due to skittish investors.

The basic problem? Wind farms are notoriously unreliable as a power source. Not only that, they take up vast amounts of space and kill tens of thousands of birds annually.

“Generating energy with wind involves extreme fluctuations because it depends on the weather and includes periods without any recognizable capacity for days, or suddenly occurring supply peaks that push the grid to its limits,” a 2012 report from Germany energy expert Dr. Guenter Keil notes. “There is a threat of power outages over large areas, mainly in wintertime when the demand is high and less (power) gets delivered from abroad.”

Because renewable power sources have been so unreliable, Germany has been forced to construct numerous new coal plants in an effort to replace the nuclear energy it has taken offline. In fact the country will build more coal-fired facilities this year than at any time in the past two decades – bringing an estimated 5,300 megawatts of new capacity online. Most of these facilities will burn lignite, too, which is strip-mined and emits nearly 30 percent more carbon dioxide than hard coal.

In other words Germany is dirtying the planet in the name of clean energy – and sticking its citizens with an ever-escalating tab so it can subsidize an energy source which will never generate sufficient power.

The inevitable end result of misrepresenting wind power as an alternative and ignoring it's weaknesses.. No choice but to INCREASE the fossil fuel load --- EVEN BURN DIRTIER FUEL...

Rather than to bring the SAFE and RELIABLE nuclear plants back on line.. Merkels LEFTIST PRIDE would never allow that --- even IF the bitch dirties up her country and KILLS people with pollution..

THAT'S the movement leadership that YOU are fond of ......
And that is why Germany is building more of them. LOL

Germany To Consider ‘Virtual Baseload’ In Expanding Renewable Targets
Germany is expanding its renewable energy targets under a grand coalition agreement by the country’s two major political parties, but is also toying with the idea of introducing the concept of “virtual base-load”.

In a 168-document released by Chancellor Angela Merkel’s centre right CPD party and the smaller centre left SPD, it is clear that the two parties remain committed to the “Energiewende”, the transition away from nuclear and into an electricity grid dominated by renewables.

The document confirms that nuclear will be phased out by 2022 at the latest, and introduces new “renewable energy corridors” that call for renewable penetration to be lifted to 40-45 per cent by 2025, and to 55-60 per cent in 2035.

This expands and upgrades the current targets, which are for 35 per cent by 2020, and 50 per cent by 2030. The long-term target remains 80 per cent by 2050.

One of the key issues is the cost of the Energiewende, and the structure of the energy market, which analysts say has been broken by the impact of renewables, because their short-term marginal cost is pulling down the wholesale price of electricity. They two parties have agreed that there will be no retrospective changes to the feed-in tariff payments.

The new government is looking at introducing a capacity mechanism, but not before 2018, but one interesting new aspect is the idea of creating “virtual base-load capacity”.

Read more at Germany To Consider 'Virtual Baseload' In Expanding Renewable Targets | CleanTechnica

I think ending nuclear is really dumb but Germany finds wind economical.
SO you hate wind for the reason the left hates nuclear?

Both are stupid idiotic attacks... Both are good energy sources for our nations.

Nuclear is a RELIABLE 24/7/365 source.. Wind is an expensive gimmick that can't be scheduled, contracted for, or relied on..

There is no comparison..

If the "left" is that stupid. It's not my fault...

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