Excellent News: Trump Appointed Judge Rejects Biden Administration's LGBT Health Protections

I do not like it when our courts are used to enshrine hatred and bigotry, no one should. And to use a faulty Supreme Court decision to do so is especially egregious.
Will you say exactly the same thing when, and I do mean WHEN kiddie diddlers and the NAMBLA crowd get their "sexual orientation" normalized by law just as the homos and shemales did?
The service is free and I don't want anything else on my phone. It serves me well enough. I try to keep things simple and clean. I am not really into this technology, are better things to do with my time.

Yet here you are for hours at a time. LMAO

Will you say exactly the same thing when, and I do mean WHEN kiddie diddlers and the NAMBLA crowd get their "sexual orientation" normalized by law just as the homos and shemales did?
I have heard of them, they are group of pedophiles. Pedophilia is a crime and that's not going to change. So I'd be concerned about something else that's much more likely to happen. Don't take your hatred and anger out on gay people just because of some weirdos.
I have heard of them, they are group of pedophiles. Pedophilia is a crime and that's not going to change. So I'd be concerned about something else that's much more likely to happen. Don't take your hatred and anger out on gay people just because of some weirdos.
I looked it up there are only 1,100 members in the United States. I'm sure the authorities are monitoring them.
You keep talking about yourself. I don't accept your information to begin with. It's slightly prejudiced and untruthful.
Willing idiots reject information provided them on the basis of their own bias, prejudice, and partisanship.Thank you for self-identifying.
When a judge goes out of his way to stop a lawful order that helps minorities I don't know how you could spend that into anything other than discrimination.
When that so called lawful order grants undue and disproportionate privilege based solely on identity It is his job to stand in the way not just his preference.
Willing idiots reject information provided them on the basis of their own bias, prejudice, and partisanship.Thank you for self-identifying.
Probably not that political not much interested in this line anymore it's the same old s*** from people like you. Mostly it bores me. Goodbye and good riddance.
Probably not that political not much interested in this line anymore it's the same old s*** from people like you. Mostly it bores me. Goodbye and good riddance.
Good morning, sunshine. Have a restful sleep?

Yes, after humiliating yourself last night it is understandable why you want so badly to 'move on'.

In all honesty it's you who should be ashamed of yourself I've been honest. You've been anything but.
You admitted you rejected facts presented to you based on your own personal Trump-obsesdive partisanship, demonstrated you did not know 75% IS a majority, and beclowned yourself over and over....

...and after declaring you were 'moving on', here you are back again.

Don't go away mad, puddin' - just go away. Keep that one promise.

You admitted you rejected facts presented to you based on your own personal Trump-obsesdive partisanship, demonstrated you did not know 75% IS a majority, and beclowned yourself over and over....

...and after declaring you were 'moving on', here you are back again.

Don't go away mad, puddin' - just go away. Keep that one promise.

You consider an opinion poll as facts, that proves how sorry you are. Good night.
You consider an opinion poll as facts, that proves how sorry you are. Good night.
Was that a 'Fetterman' 'good night' or another one of your 'I'm gone....but am really coming back' 'good night's?

Can't tell if you are coming or going ... again.


Actually I'm done talking to you, you're quite obstinate. If you can't figure out what they went with in the first place, you obviously cannot comprehend how this path fit in with their agenda so they went with it. Desperate people do desperate things. This was like there last and best hope. It will be overturned soon enough.

In other words, the courts should stay out of the abortion issue, unless they are in favor?!?

Nice logic....................Not. :rolleyes:
It's not actually discrimination it's only being mislabeled as discrimination.
You have to remember the headlines sculpt everything according to a select agenda. What the judge is stopping is favoritism not discrimination.
Others are making same point. I could be responding to linked article more than Judge's actual ruling, but not a all sure, that I am, especially considering the Judge, who appointed and where he ruled from. If you guy are right, so be it. If wrong, a pox on the judge and everybody involved in getting him there.
Will you say exactly the same thing when, and I do mean WHEN kiddie diddlers and the NAMBLA crowd get their "sexual orientation" normalized by law just as the homos and shemales did?

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